GeekLand  Geek stuff to know and tell....
GeekLand  Geek stuff to know and tell....
geekland introduction
flint, 9 March 2024 (created 15 April 2009)
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welcome to GeekLand place to drop notes and other random tidbits of knowledge

If you dare here is the Dreaded Project List or might be a nice addition. If we had these, and then a tiddler for each meeting then we could post comments for each other (or use a Google Hangout or something) But as of now it's kinda retarded that we don't have any web-based tool to facilitate collaboration...

Words to live by:

1. Never eat at a diner called "Mom's"
2. Never play cards with a man named "Doc".
3. Never sleep with anyone crazier than you are.
4. Never do business with friends.

Benjamin Franklin's 13 Virtues
|!Punctuation|!Location|!Function|\n|{{{@@...@@}}}|surrounding text|@@highlighted text@@|\n|{{{//...//}}}|surrounding text|//italicized text//|\n|{{{==...==}}}|surrounding text|==strikethrough text==|\n|{{{''...''}}}|surrounding text|''boldfaced text''|\n|{{{__...__}}}|surrounding text|__underlined text__|\n|{{{[[text|url]]}}}|around text/url pair|[[text|]] link to url|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding text|{{{in-line literal text}}}|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding ''__lines__''|literal block|\n|{{{<<<}}}|surrounding ''__lines__''|blockquotes|\n|{{{!}}}|at start of line|subheading|\n|{{{|...|...|}}}|line sectioned by vertical bars|table row|\n|{{{!}}}|in a table|!table heading|\n|{{{----}}}|alone on line|horizontal rule|\n|{{{*}}}|at start of line|bulleted list item|\n|{{{#}}}|at start of line|numbered list item|\nsource: Kevin Cole, January 2007; [[kjcole's blog |]]
Geek stuff to know and tell....
\n[[geekland introduction]]\n\n
Dual core boot time speed up\nEdit /etc/init.d/rc and change the line concurrency from none to shell\ninstall an application called prefetch which preloads commonly used files\n{{{\nsudo apt-get install prefetch\n}}}\nIf you have a lot of ram, add this to your /etc/fstab\n{{{none /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0}}}\nit stores /tmp in ram WARNING THIS WILL BREAK SUSPEND\nmore to come soon....\n
ati's fglrx drivers have an incomplete implementation of dri.\nsdl apps under fullscreen will lag\nplace this in xorg.conf\n{{{\nSection "Module"\n Load "glx"\n SubSection "dga"\n Option "omit xfree86-dga"\n EndSubSection\nEndSection\n}}}
after installing ubuntu restricted extras:\nin totem go to edit=>plugins and turn on the youtube plugin\nthen on the right pane select totem-youtube and type your search\ndouble click and enjoy :)
ok, today marks the day that i have made the leap into betaland. 8.10 for me has a few new features and one regression that i have found. when you first login you will notice the new theme, it is a lot darker with lots of black and dark orange. another new feature is dkms (dynamic kernel module service) which instead of downloading modules pre-compiled for your current kernel it will download the modules as source and recompile whenever required (this is my favourite new feature as i don't have to wait for virtualbox to have it's module compiled to enjoy the benefits of the new kernel.) in ubuntu 8.04 the volume control on my hp/compaq 6715b did not work at all, that is fixed in the beta. the broadcom 4311 also did not work correctly but now it seems to work perfectly and i don't have to use the ugly hack i wrote about earlier.the only regression i have run into is that they appeared to have broken pulseaudio again so just use "killall pulseaudio" until they find a more permanent fix. as with all beta versions of ubuntu the propriatery drivers haven't been rewritten to take advantage of xorg 7.4 and as such they don't work yet. but that is the price you pay when you rely on non free packages. luckily for me the r500 open source driver has been included in this release for basic 3d functions. so in conclusion i am really excited to see this hit final release.\n\n{{
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
! Internet Explorer On Linux\n\nSometimes, you want to test how something works (or does not) in Microsoft Internet Explorer, while I am not certian of the legality of this approach, the script to do this is available [[here |]]
! Ubuntu on eeepro\n\nWe want to get Ubuntu on an ASUS EEE PC 1000.\n\nThis unit contains a 30 Gigabyte Hard Drive.\n\nthe eeepro is located at
The site for usb conversion software is here:\n\n* ISO for image [[download |]]\n* USB setup [[utility |]]
! Software fun on EEE PC Candyland \n\nThe Asus eeePC uses the Xandros distribution according to this [[article |]] \n\nTo install openssh we need to add a line to /etc/apt/sources.list according to this [[article |]]\n\nTo fix the desktop use desktop switcher applet\nTo fix ubiquity starting every freaking time use session manager to turn it off..
!To install a new zope instance use dzhandle\n\nExample code\n{{{\nroot@docbox:/etc/init.d# dzhandle list-instances\nflint 2.8 addon-mode=manual addon-technique=manually installed userfile=inituser\nroot@docbox:/etc/init.d# \n}}}\n\nTADA!!!\n{{{\ndzhandle -z2.8 make-instance hill -m all\n\n}}}\n\nPort number is defined in the .../etc/zope.conf in the %define section...\n\nBTW \nPut instances where you want just link them to this directory and they will autostart...\n\nsay instance /var/lib/zope2.9/instance\n\n{{{\nroot@ubuntu:/var/lib/zope2.9/instance# ln -s /opt/\n}}}
[[1|]] Portal\n[[2||]] Woodchuck Web Designs\n[[3|]] Alec Tiddlewiki\n[[4||]]front page\n[[5|]]Ok no idea...
!!!!!DTG expertly suggests that the xorg file, horribly outofdate, may be the problem...\n\nWacom Intuos 3 graphics tablet\n\n[[for getting wacom drivers to work in Linux|]]\n\nThe program we want to try is [[xsetwacom |]]. For this there is a [[download page |]]\n\nAlec's kernel is as follows:\n{{{\nasus-1352438731:/etc/apt> uname -a\nLinux asus-1352438731 #6 Mon May 5 11:38:34 EDT 2008 i686 GNU/Linux\n}}}\n\nWe are gonna try linuxwacom-0.8.0-3.tar.bz2 looks like this will require a complier...\n\nThis [[Waom Support page | ]] says you just change the xorg.conf...\n\nFrom this [[Test Procedure |]] \n{{{\nTo see which driver is driving the tablet, issuing more /proc/bus/usb/devices should list something similar to the following:\n\n [jej@ayukawa wacom]$more /proc/bus/usb/devices\n T: Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=01 Cnt=02 Dev#= 3 Spd=12 MxCh= 0\n D: Ver= 1.10 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs= 1\n P: Vendor=056a ProdID=0042 Rev= 1.15\n S: Manufacturer=Tablet\n S: Product=XD-0608-U\n C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr=140mA\n I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID ) Sub=01 Prot=02 Driver=wacom\n E: Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS= 10 Ivl=5ms\n\n}}}\n\n\nIt appears that the wacom tablet is not being seen correctly in the kernel...\n{{{\n/home/flint> more /proc/bus/usb/devices\n\nT: Bus=02 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#= 3 Spd=12 MxCh= 0\nD: Ver= 1.10 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs= 1\nP: Vendor=056a ProdID=00b7 Rev= 1.16\nS: Manufacturer=Tablet\nS: Product=PTZ-431W\nC:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr=300mA\nI:* If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID ) Sub=01 Prot=02 Driver=wacom\nE: Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS= 10 Ivl=4ms\n\n}}}\n\nSo, this appears to be passing the test.\n\nTry the install procedure listed in:\n\n\nResult:\n{{{\nInstalling Wacom man page......\nInstalled under /usr/share/man/man4\n\nInstalling wacom_drv....\nWARNING: Can not install Wacom X driver (wacom_drv)\nsince the proper directory has not been found\n\nYou need to compile and install wacom.(k)o manually if your kernel is out of date.\n}}}\n\nWhen I do these tests:\nasus-1352438731:/etc/X11/obe> cd /dev/input\nasus-1352438731:/dev/input> xxd event0\n\nI get no output.\n
We can dance if we want to\nWe can leave your friends behind\n'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance\nWell they're no friends of mine\nI say, we can go where we want to\nA place where they will never find\nAnd we can act like we come from out of this world\nLeave the real one far behind\nAnd we can dance\n\nWe can dance if we want to\nWe can leave your friends behind\n'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance\nWell they're no friends of mine\nI say, we can go where we want to\nA place where they will never find\nAnd we can act like we come from out of this world\nLeave the real one far behind\nAnd we can dance\nDancšŠe!\n\nWe can go when we want to\nThe night is young and so am I\nAnd we can dress real neat from our hats to our feet\nAnd surprise 'em with the victory cry\nSay, we can act if want to\nIf we don't nobody will\nAnd you can act real rude and totally removed\nAnd I can act like an imbecile\n\nI say, we can dance, we can dance\nEverything out of control\nWe can dance, we can dance\nWe're doing it from wall to wall\nWe can dance, we can dance\nEverybody look at your hands\nWe can dance, we can dance\nEverybody takin' the cha-a-a-ance\n\nSafety dance\nIs it safe to dance\nIs it safe to dance\n\nS-s-s-s A-a-a-a F-f-f-f E-e-e-e T-t-t-t Y-y-y-y\nSafe, dance!\n\nWe can dance if we want to\nWe've got all your life and mine\nAs long as we abuse it, never gonna lose it\nEverything'll work out right\nI say, we can dance if we want to\nWe can leave your friends behind\n'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance\nWell they're no friends of mine\n\nIs it safe to dance, oh is it safe to dance [6x]\nIs it safe to dance
*get his TiddlyWiki version up to date!!!\n*learn about MakingMacros - [[at|]]\n*learn about modifying TW core code - [[also at|]]\n*join the TW google group. it's super active and has everything known in the tiddlymunity\n\n\n!!!!!or else he's a just a renegade bum from DC\n!!!!!either way Flint is //so 90's// ... get with the program!\n\nAh yes,,, but there is still hope for the [[ziddlywiki |]]\n
/***\nPlace your custom CSS here\n***/\n/*{{{*/\nbody { background-color: darkgrey; }\n#contentWrapper {\nbackground-color:#CCCCCC;\n}\n#sidebarOptions {\nbackground-color:#EEEEEE;\nmargin-bottom: 5px;\n}\n.tabset {\nbackground-color:#EEEEEE;\n}\n.tiddler {\nbackground-color:#EEEEEE;\npadding-bottom: 5px;\nmargin-bottom: 10px;\n}\n\n/*}}}*/\n
[[making macros info @|]]
! Ziddlywiki may not be in development\n\n* That said [[Mcelrath |]] seems to have at least a fork...\n* Alec has a PHP based [[CcTiddlywiki |]] running in version 2.1. This has new features but does not appear to support local saves. ... it does, called: "CTRL+S"\n* TiddlySnip is cool ... Alec made progress here ...\n* [[Tiddlythemes |]] allows for theme selection \n* Cool [[plugins |]] are available
! Palm Pilots use a file format called pdb\n\nTo convert these you need a program called [[pdb2txt | ]] it repos at Google Code...\n\nPalm Pilots also have a "dat" format use this [[lookup program |]]\nand see if it works...\n\nThe real structure of the palm pilot stuff is [[here |]]\n\n\n\n
Theoretically, TiddlySnip is the perfect tool for Geekland. And I've made progress...\n*go to [[TW google group . . . |]] and click "download"\n*go into firefox, "file" menu, "open file", and choose the .xpi file you just downloaded\n*when you choose to open that file it should automatically give you an option to install the addon/extension.\n*voila\n*however...\nto work on a TW stored on the web somewhere, i think UploadPlugin from BidiX is needed. this plugin uses a store.php file. \n\nonwards i explore\n\nwhen you get the thing installed check out the [[configuration guide|]]
[[|]]\nis the only thing i've found on it, but it appears to be a resource for developers of mobile linux\n\n[[pdb2txt]] mentions palm pilot... could mobile linux work on palm pilot?\n\ni'm interested because I need a new phone device that does emailing, webbrowsing, and file storing. and, obviously, i would like it to run linux if possible
''Tab Scope'' is the coolest little thing. go get it.\njump started is the one Dave was running...
[[info for installing, programming, developing and such|]]
! Macintosh Quicktime on Ubuntu is not natural.\n\nThis [[Ubuntu Article |]] may be a good place to start.\n\nThey say to do this for 8.10 (note change for version):\n{{{\nsudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list\n\nwget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update\n\n}}} \n\nThey say to do this for 8.04 (note change for version) I do this:\n{{{\nsudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list\n\nwget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update\n\n}}}
! eeepc ssh on startup\n\nfrom [[here |]]\n\nStart ssh server in EeePC\nAfter installing ssh server, I create a file /etc/opt/xandros/xandrosncs/hooks/post-up.d/99ssh,\nbelow is the content:\n\n #!/bin/sh\n /etc/init.d/ssh restart\n\n\nSo it will start the ssh server after booting up.\nDotn't forget sudo chmod +x /etc/opt/xandros/xandrosncs/hooks/post-up.d/99ssh. \n
Open office has a database connector called evolutionlocal which contains all your address data. I cannot get this data to appear as usable. I can see the data from oocalc and oobase, but I cannot copy, export, or manipulate the data in any way.\n\nLuc has the same problem and [[details it |]]\n\nThese fellows had the same problem [[a year ago |]]\n\nOne approach is below:\n\n<<<\nRe: Evolution AddressBook in Openoffice limited\nI got interested in this some years ago. It has something to do with "no key field" in the original Evo file. This is why the sort, etc. buttons are grayed out. Lost interest and never solved it.\n<<<\nSo it goes...
[[ACL info @|]]\n[[tiddly google group|]] is another place to look, but I haven't found anything that seems to solve the acl issue\n\nACL Users folder can be copied and pasted into a ZW folder.\nNew user can be added in the ZW folders' ACL and other users deleted without affecting the root ACL that was copied.\nHowever, the new user can't log into the ZW.\nNothing breaks, but it doesn't work.\nI wouldn't know where to begin as far as researching it beyond that...
Chris Yarger discovered this command line utility ''motion''\n\nHere are his notes:\n\nWEBCAM IN Browser\nsudo bash\n#enter password\napt-get install motion\ngedit /etc/motion/motion.conf\n\nreplace file with\n\n\n# config file for motion very inamilist\ndaemon off\nquiet on\n# You may very well need to change this (check with 'dmesg'\n# after plugging in your webcam).\nvideodevice /dev/video0\n# Image size in pixels (valid range is camera dependent).\nwidth 640\nheight 480\nframerate 100\nquality 100\n#auto_brightness off\n# General threshold level and noise threshold\n# level (for distinguishing between noise and motion).\n#threshold 30000\n#noise_level 64\n# Initial brightness, contrast, hue (NTSC), and saturation.\n# 0 = disabled (valid range 0-255).\nbrightness 180\ncontrast 150\nsaturation 100\nhue 0\n# Encode movies in real-time (install ffmpeg before enabling).\n#ffmpeg_cap_new off\n# Codec to be used by ffmpeg for the video compression.\n# Supported formats: mpeg4, msmpeg4.\n#ffmpeg_video_codec msmpeg4\n# Target base directory for pictures and films (you may need\n# to change this (or change its permissions) depending on\n# which system user runs motion).\n#target_dir /home/steve/webcamTest\n# Define a port number (e.g. 8000) to enable the mini-http server.\n# 0 = disabled.\nwebcam_port 6668\n# Set to 'off' to allow anybody (not just localhost) to view the\n# webcam via the mini-http server (http://hostname:port).\nwebcam_localhost off\nwebcam_quality 100\nwebcam_maxrate 500\n#Steves Options\ntext_double off\nminimum_gap 100\ncontrol_port 8082\nsnapshot_interval 20000\nsnapshot_filename snap\noutput_normal off\n#jpeg_filename motionjpg\nText_left "ME WEBCAM"\nText_center "loves to yous"\n\nThe program places a jpg image that constatly updates onto your chosen port on the routable ip address\nthe image may be placed into a website with the following syntax\n<img src="http://ipaddress:port/">\nthe size and quality of the image as well as brightness and refresh rate can be modified with the above configuration file\nthe Text_left option allows you to place a subtitle at the bottom of the image\nit does not seem to work with the Text_center that i attempted\ngranted this program has alot more potential than what i am showing it to be able to do\nbut it works for a start\npotential applications incluse security cameras the program and its dependacies are rather minimalistic therefore an older computer should have no problem running this program\ni believe multiple cams may be streamed to the same site\nif so it opens many new possiabilities\nto be looked into at a later date
! The GNU C Compiler is a pretty basic thing...\n\napt-get install gcc\napt-get install build-essentials\n\n\nForum\n* Now talking on #ubuntu-programming\n* Topic for #ubuntu-programming is: General programming FAQ: | Programming challenges: | SymbolicwWeb: (07.27.2008: version 0.3 is out) | We Support Unicode! | <your-message-here>..?\n* Topic for #ubuntu-programming set by lnostdal at Sun Jul 27 08:02:19 2008\n\nTADA\n\nfile must end in .c\n\nnow for the apue.h include issue...\n
Ubuntu tutorial [[here |]]\n\ncreate .bazaar directory\n\nbazaar.conf\n\n{{{\n# bzr configuration file\n# Last modified by Flint <> 10/01/09 19:58:20 \n#\n# Built following the directions found in the bzr tutorial\n# at\n#\n\n[DEFAULT]\nemail=Flint <>\n}}}
There are two reference to First Edition [[here |]] and Second Edition [[here |]]\n\nAli recommends the following includes:\n\n{{{\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n#include <dirent.h>\n\n}}}\n\nThis is the [[TADA |]]\n\n* Way 1\n{{{\ncp lib/error.c .\ncc ls1.c error.c\n}}}\n\n* Way 2\n{{{\nI would replace err_quit(stuff) with errx(1, stuff)\n err_sys(stuff) with warn(stuff)\n}}} \nor\n{{{\nsed s/err_quit/errx/g\nsed s/err_sys/warn/g\n}}}\n\n{{{\nsed s/err_quit/errx/g ls1.c | sed s/err_sys/warn/g > ls2.\n}}}\n\nAt the end of the day, Way 1 works best, but [[here is truth |]]
! Getting apue.2e to run:\n\n1. create a "sar" account and gzip there.\n2. do the stuff about error.c listed in [[Getting apue to run]]\n3. rename his link and compile from it:\n{{{\ncp fig1.3 fig1.3.c\ncc fi1.3.c error.c \n}}}
eyeOS is an open source Webtop application allowing a familiar desktop to work from from anywhere there is Internet. EyeOS is a Cloud computing Operating system\n\nsee here\n\n\nthis is how they describe the system on there site\n\nAbout eyeOS\n\neyeOS is a Free Software project that develops the Cloud Computing's Operating System. eyeOS was thought as a new definition of Operating System, where everything (desktop and applications) can be used from everywhere through a web browser.\n\nMaybe the most important key point of eyeOS against its main competitors is that eyeOS is Free, Open Source Software, released under the AGPL3 license. This means that anyone can install an eyeOS server easily (just as easy as Wordpress, Drupal or any other PHP based script, or even easier, since eyeOS does not require a database).\n\nFor those who just want to use eyeOS there is a free public server where anyone can create an account and start using eyeOS in a few seconds. The public server has more than 400.000 registered users and an average of 700 new users per day.\n\npresentation here --->\n\n\nHistory\n\neyeOS was initially created by a small group of people around Barcelona (Spain) and its first public available version was 0.6.0, published in August 1st, 2005. From eyeOS 0.9 there have been different codenames. eyeOS Iris (0.9), Dahlia (1.0 to 1.2), Gala (1.5 to 1.6) and Lars (1.7 and 1.8) have been the different names of eyeOS.\n\nThere has never been a 1.3 and 1.4 versions of eyeOS. The version number jumped from 1.2 to 1.5 because of the significantly big changes that appeared in eyeOS 1.5 (specially, the support for Office documents).\n\nThe project has today an active community in more than 9 countries and is available in more than 30 different languages. Anyone can collaborate with eyeOS and get introduced into its community to help or ask for help.\n\neyeOS has been awarded in different moments of its life. If you are interested in this, you can visit the Awards page in the eyeOS Wiki.\n\n\nWithin the OS you can Install packages with the builtin package manager\n\nInstall \n\ndownload eyeos from ---->\n\nextract to /var/www/eyeOS\n\npoint web browser to\n\nEnter new Admin username and password\n \nAutomatic install of the OS completed with no problem\n\n\nFeel Free to Create a new user and try out the system\n\nvisit it here ---->\n\neyeOS also has support for office documents\n\nEnable support for Microsoft office apps\n\n You must have OpenOffice installed\n\nsudo bash\n\napt-get install xvfb\n\n\ncd /var/www/eyeOS/eyeOS7a7480f30b/extras/OpenOffice/\ncp ./eyeOS.xba /usr/lib/openoffice/share/basic/Tools/\n\n<library:element library:name="eyeOS"/> \ngoes under \n<library:element library:name="debug"/> \n\nrun\nXvfb :1 -ac -screen 0 800x600x16 -fbdir /tmp &\n\nautorun at startup\n\ngedit /etc/init.d/xvfb\nadd line\nXvfb :1 -ac -screen 0 800x600x16 -fbdir /tmp &\nsave and close\nchmod +x /etc/init.d/xvfb\n\n\nexit\n\ndone!!!\n\neyeOS also has a program called eyesync\nthis program allows the easier sychronization between a client computer and the eyeos server \nhere is the eyesync description from the site\n\nWith eyeSync you can automatically and transparently synchronize your local folders with your eyeOS server. It is currently available for Microsoft Windows (Vista, XP, 2000, ME, 98), Linux (in .deb format) and for Mac OS X Leopard (Intel).\nNote that eyeSync is still in Alpha stage. Please read carefully these notes when using it. \n\nHope this helps any who were wondering about this from pauls presentation\n\n
Christopher P. Yarger\nCell phone (802) 477 3709\nHome phone (802) 479 9709\nskype cpyarger\nAIM patyarg\nMSN\nYahoo christoyarg\n\n7 C st. Barre VT, 05641
ctl alt printscreen all at once\ntype r e i s u b\n\n\n>\n>\n> If it [your screen] locks up completely, you can REISUB it, which is a\n> safer alternative to just cold rebooting the computer.\n>\n> REISUB by:\n>\n> While holding Alt and the SysReq (Print Screen) keys, type REISUB.\n>\n> R: Switch to XLATE mode\n> E: Send Terminate signal to all processes except for init\n> I: Send Kill signal to all processes except for init\n> S: Sync all mounted file-systems\n> U: Remount file-systems as read-only\n> B: Reboot\n
[[A fork bomb | ]]\n\n:(){ :|:& };:\n\nsource\n\n
# Hard reboot from power off\n# Hit escape\n# select usb device\n# [[10.10 USB Boot Bug |]]\n\nJosh recommends this [[site |]]
! Use and activation of services with ipcop\n\nWhat is DNS\nDomain Name Service converts web site names to ip address numbers. The gimmick here is that we regulate what web sites will resolve and keep "bad" sites from resolving here at Hedding United Methodist. Here is how we set this up:\n\nFirst goto [[ |]] Hedding UMC has an account for this service, this account name is, and the password is known by Ralph Howe.\n\nIf you are starting from zero you must and register for an account and add a network 'warning' if you are not at the ip-address of the network at setup of said network you will receive an email verification that is required to be opened from that network to verify ownership of that ip address also an ip address may only be used for one network.\n\n! IP Cop configuration\n\nOpen DNS this allows updating of the dynamic ip address on the [[ |]] servers in the event of a change.\n* Go into your IPCop settings in Service Pulldown -- Services >> Dynamic DNS and under >> Add a host. Pick one of these supported DYNDNS providers.\n* Open up your favorite browser and go to the DYNDNS provider you have chosen from the list above and register with them.\n* Return to your IPCop web administration GUI and add the information in to your IPCop settings in Service Pulldown -- Services >> Dynamic DNS.\n* Now return to your IPCop web administration GUI and fill in the information as listed below and then click Add. It will then display under "current hosts".\n\n! To enable the opendns to act as the dns server at Hedding do the following:\n* Go into the dhcp settings and under the primary DNS change the primairy dns from to This changes primary dns server to opendns from IP Cop. \n* Got to the secondary DNS and change insert This moves the DNS from IP Cop opendns secondary dns server.\n* hit the save button and reboot the machine to insure all settings took fully.\n* on any wondows computers on the network\n* hit ctrl+r and type\n\n{{{ \nipconfig /flushdns\n}}}\n\nand reboot the computer\n\n\n! Configuring the Content Filtering in OpenDNS\nGo to the [[dashboard | ]]\nlogin and choose the network that you wish to modify under content filtering level you have these options:*****h\n\n!!High -- \n* Protects against all adult-related sites, illegal activity, social networking sites, video sharing sites, and general time-wasters. -- 27 categories in this group\n!!Moderate --\n* Protects against all adult-related sites and illegal activity. --14 categories in this group \n!!Low -- \n* Protects against pornography and phishing. --5 categories in this group\n!!Minimal -- \n* Protects against phishing attacks. --1 category in this group\n!!None --\n* Nothing blocked.\n!! Custom\n* Make your own choices and maintain them, not recommended.\n\n!Adding websites to the black/whitelist\nIf there are domains you want to make sure are always blocked (or always allowed) regardless of the categories blocked above, you can add them right below the content filtering options there is a dropdown menu that allows the options of always block or always allow. chose the *****hdesired option and input the domain that you wish to use into the available inputbox.\nhit add domain\n\n! Testing Effective Blocking and Allowance\nTo test this system, there is a tool on the flint account of This tool is in the folder /home/flint/Desktop/dnsresolver. The tool is called ''. To run the tool put your selection of web sites in the file /home/flint/Desktop/dnsresolver/sites.txt, and run the tool. This tool is in a 1.0 stage expect new updates as they come out.\n\n
[[Formatting Reference]]\n[[Formatting Cheatsheet]]\n
Facebook Chat\nShare\nby Eugene Letuchy (notes) Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 1:56am\nOne of the things I like most about working at Facebook is the ability to launch products that are (almost) immediately used by millions of people. Unlike a three-guys-in-a-garage startup, we don't have the luxury of scaling out infrastructure to keep pace with user growth; when your feature's userbase will go from 0 to 70 million practically overnight, scalability has to be baked in from the start. The project I'm currently working on, Facebook Chat, offered a nice set of software engineering challenges:\n\nReal-time presence notification:\n\nThe most resource-intensive operation performed in a chat system is not sending messages. It is rather keeping each online user aware of the online-idle-offline states of their friends, so that conversations can begin.\n\nThe naive implementation of sending a notification to all friends whenever a user comes online or goes offline has a worst case cost of O(average friendlist size * peak users * churn rate) messages/second, where churn rate is the frequency with which users come online and go offline, in events/second. This is wildly inefficient to the point of being untenable, given that the average number of friends per user is measured in the hundreds, and the number of concurrent users during peak site usage is on the order of several millions.\n\nSurfacing connected users' idleness greatly enhances the chat user experience but further compounds the problem of keeping presence information up-to-date. Each Facebook Chat user now needs to be notified whenever one of his/her friends\n(a) takes an action such as sending a chat message or loads a Facebook page (if tracking idleness via a last-active timestamp) or\n(b) transitions between idleness states (if representing idleness as a state machine with states like "idle-for-1-minute", "idle-for-2-minutes", "idle-for-5-minutes", "idle-for-10-minutes", etc.).\nNote that approach (a) changes the sending a chat message / loading a Facebook page from a one-to-one communication into a multicast to all online friends, while approach (b) ensures that users who are neither chatting nor browsing Facebook are nonetheless generating server load.\n\nReal-time messaging:\n\nAnother challenge is ensuring the timely delivery of the messages themselves. The method we chose to get text from one user to another involves loading an iframe on each Facebook page, and having that iframe's Javascript make an HTTP GET request over a persistent connection that doesn't return until the server has data for the client. The request gets reestablished if it's interrupted or times out. This isn't by any means a new technique: it's a variation of Comet, specifically XHR long polling, and/or BOSH.\n\nHaving a large-number of long-running concurrent requests makes the Apache part of the standard LAMP stack a dubious implementation choice. Even without accounting for the sizeable overhead of spawning an OS process that, on average, twiddles its thumbs for a minute before reporting that no one has sent the user a message, the waiting time could be spent servicing 60-some requests for regular Facebook pages. The result of running out of Apache processes over the entire Facebook web tier is not pretty, nor is the dynamic configuration of the Apache process limits enjoyable.\n\nDistribution, Isolation, and Failover:\n\nFault tolerance is a desirable characteristic of any big system: if an error happens, the system should try its best to recover without human intervention before giving up and informing the user. The results of inevitable programming bugs, hardware failures, et al., should be hidden from the user as much as possible and isolated from the rest of the system.\n\nThe way this is typically accomplished in a web application is by separating the model and the view: data is persisted in a database (perhaps with a separate in-memory cache), with each short-lived request retrieving only the parts relevant to that request. Because the data is persisted, a failed read request can be re-attempted. Cache misses and database failure can be detected by the non-database layers and either reported to the user or worked around using replication.\n\nWhile this architecture works pretty well in general, it isn't as successful in a chat application due to the high volume of long-lived requests, the non-relational nature of the data involved, and the statefulness of each request.\n\nFor Facebook Chat, we rolled our own subsystem for logging chat messages (in C++) as well as an epoll-driven web server (in Erlang) that holds online users' conversations in-memory and serves the long-polled HTTP requests. Both subsystems are clustered and partitioned for reliability and efficient failover. Why Erlang? In short, because the problem domain fits Erlang like a glove. Erlang is a functional concurrency-oriented language with extremely low-weight user-space "processes", share-nothing message-passing semantics, built-in distribution, and a "crash and recover" philosophy proven by two decades of deployment on large soft-realtime production systems.\n\nGlueing with Thrift:\n\nDespite those advantages, using Erlang for a component of Facebook Chat had a downside: that component needed to communicate with the other parts of the system. Glueing together PHP, Javascript, Erlang, and C++ is not a trivial matter. Fortunately, we have Thrift. Thrift translates a service description into the RPC glue code necessary for making cross-language calls (marshalling arguments and responses over the wire) and has templates for servers and clients. Since going open source a year ago (we had the gall to release it on April Fool's Day, 2007), the Thrift project has steadily grown and improved (with multiple iterations on the Erlang binding). Having Thrift available freed us to split up the problem of building a chat system and use the best available tool to approach each sub-problem.\n\nRamping up:\n\nThe secret for going from zero to seventy million users overnight is to avoid doing it all in one fell swoop. We chose to simulate the impact of many real users hitting many machines by means of a "dark launch" period in which Facebook pages would make connections to the chat servers, query for presence information and simulate message sends without a single UI element drawn on the page. With the "dark launch" bugs fixed, we hope that you enjoy Facebook Chat now that the UI lights have been turned on.\n\nEugene is a Facebook Engineer\nWritten about 9 months ago - Comment - LikeUnlike - Report Note\nYou and Shanmuganandh Gopalakrishnan like this.\nShanmuganandh Gopalakrishnan likes this.\nReport\nTodd Lipcon at 9:47pm May 14\nCool post, Eugene. And great idea for this blog.\n\nAny more details coming about the C++ side of things? I'm curious how that part is made fault tolerant, and what the level of guarantees are -- is it "no message lost"?\n\n-Todd\nReport\nDaniel Seidner at 11:44pm May 14\nExcellent note, I'm so glad you're allowing us to glimpse the amazingly complicated world of a Facebook Engineer.\n\nI never realized, when I had been excitedly anticipating chat, that the network-wide roll out would include Real-time Presence notification... it has by far been the best update to Facebook this year.\n\nMy question is: When you released Facebook Chat, did you also include Real-Time inbox number updates?\n\nI've realized recently that I can leave my window open for an extended amount of time and come back to a full inbox without refreshing.\nReport\nJoel Parish at 11:50pm May 14\nI do believe this makes FB the largest non-telco deployment (in terms of users) of Erlang!\nReport\nTom Robinson at 11:57pm May 14\nFascinating! I wish more companies would post details like this.\nReport\nKevin Wang at 11:59pm May 14\nAgree w/Tom, this is extremely interesting!\nReport\nAkshay Dodeja at 12:24am May 15\nAmazing piece of innovation. Keep up the good work facebook.\nReport\nJohn Alexander Zabroski at 12:45am May 15\nYour story telling uses good pacing. However, was it really as simple as Apache vs. an Erlang web server? Did you look at other web servers, etc?\nReport\nStephen Conn at 2:25am May 15\nfucking sweet made the front page of reddit.\nReport\nDustin Eichler at 2:40am May 15\nwe "rolled our own subsystem for logging chat messages (in C++) as well as an epoll-driven web server (in Erlang) that holds online users' conversations in-memory and serves the long-polled HTTP requests. Both subsystems are clustered and partitioned for reliability and efficient failover."\n\ni want to hear more technical details about this. sounds awesome. fascinating read.\nReport\nPaul Osborne at 3:45am May 15\nAwesome to hear that you guys are using Erlang where it shines. Chat has been great, and it is extremely interesting to hear some of the things you guys are doing to handle massive load.\n\nI've been learning Erlang as of late, and stories like these keep me motivated to learn/apply my newfound message-passing love.\nReport\nIan Miell at 3:50am May 15\nGlad you're using erlang and spreading the word - we've been trying to persuade our people to use erlang for a while - this validation will help us enormously!\nReport\nKulveer Taggar at 5:03am May 15\ncool post dude\nReport\nJohn David Eriksen at 9:31am May 15\nIt's nice to see Erlang in such a high visibility application (Facebook). Perhaps one day I will have the opportunity to deploy Erlang on a project.\nReport\nGuillaume Theoret at 10:17am May 15\nThanks so much for this post. I was really wondering how you guys implemented the chat feature.\n\nI've been playing around with comet recently and I've been telling pretty much everyone I know that the new facebook chat feature HAD to have been a massive amount of work. After reading that you wrote your own web server in erlang and chat logging in c++ I'm somewhat happy to be vindicated. (Only somewhat because since it's not open source tools weren't used it means there's still lots more work to be done to catch up to you guys!)\n\nVery well done.\nReport\nBhasker V Kode at 10:17am May 15\nalso interesting how you 're going to handle unicode chat. starling? message pass unicode via a port? but hey, with 50,000+ potential nodes added every quarter(or whatever 'i saw on the itnernet') ,guess you shouldnt take too long to figure out.\n\nWill have a look at thrift as well. Congrats to thedev team.\n\nKeep Clicking,\n~B\nReport\nBrett Estrade at 12:17pm May 15\n++erlang\nReport\nMichael Dougherty at 1:27pm May 15\n@Bhasker\n\nUnicode is already handled in FBChat quite well. Text is encoded as UTF-8 for transmission.\nReport\nDavid Marks at 2:46pm May 15\nVery smart solution guys -- this is a great example of how language choice is a critical part of building a scalable arch. Other real time messaging systems out there could benefit from this example ;)\nReport\nPatrick Teng at 3:19pm May 15\nCongrats on over coming such a hugh scaleability problem. How were you guys able to handle the load on the database side? Does the C++ logging directly connect to a database for the writes? Or does the logging write to file, then writes to the database for in batches? You mentioned that you deployed a partition strategy to spread the load across servers.\n\nBut how did you over come the server-to-server communications for 2 people chatting but have connections to 2 different servers. Sometimes even over vast geographic distances? Or do you guys have a mechanism that some how consolidates the 2 people into one server?\nReport\nMitch Matuson at 3:55pm May 15\nEugene,\n\nI'm surprised you guys decided to go with a polling method for chat instead of a purely event based one. A faster, cheaper and easily scalable method would be to write the core XMPP lib in AS3 and "compiled" as an SWF. You would be able to create a cross platform/browser interface to the flash lib (a very small SWF embedded in the page) through JavaScript. This way you would be able to make use of ActionScript 3's socket support and have the client do all the processing. All you would need to scale is the Jabber/XMPP servers. There is some customization you need to do to the XMPP server you are using but the solution works great.\n\n-Mitch\nReport\nParham Michael Ossareh at 4:01pm May 15\nWe're using erlang a lot in house. We've just moved to ejabberd and we've written transports for our connections to the legacy IM networks in erlang (talking jabber component protocol to ejabberd).\n\nOur stack prior to the erlang integration was all java. We've seen a dramatic decrease in the amount of memory usage required to run our stack. Though we are finding parts of erlang and its libs that are a bit sucky (mainly xml parsing, but also issues with the 64bit VM). Will (or erlang dude) has been doing a sterling job of improving this stuff.\n\nGood to know small companies think like big companies :)\nReport\nHarish Mallipeddi at 10:51pm May 15\nWhen you said the Erlang server holds conversations in-memory, did you mean you're using mnesia in-memory tables? Or did you build your own? I'm guessing 1 Erlang process handles 1 long-polled HTTP connection but you still need 1 big hashtable to figure which Erlang process is responsible for which user connection in order to send/receive messages? And it is amazing that 1 Erlang server is enough to handle all your traffic.\n\nCongrats on the launch and thanks for taking the time to write this. Btw great to see you guys eat your own dog food when it comes to the Erlang Thrift bindings. I guess it's ready for production use then!\nReport\nAlexis Richardson at 4:23am May 16\nEugene, extremely cool post.\n\nWe've also had similar success using Erlang, and for many of the reasons that you (and some commenters) mention - scale, and stability. We use it for RabbitMQ which is a message broker and event management system. It's language neutral, so no need for IDL tools; instead it speaks protocols - in our case AMQP or HTTP for Comet style clients.\n\n@Mitch I sort of agree with you - why don't they use sampling and then push events in bulk? Presumably it is because they are notifying browser based clients using HTTP through port 80, so a 'Comet' approach suits.\nReport\nGeoffrey Lee at 7:47am May 16\nGreat post, Eugene. I highly respect Facebook for giving so much experience back to the community. So when can we expect to see Thrift bindings for Erlang?\nReport\nTodd Lipcon at 12:40pm May 16\n@Geoffrey Lee: the Erlang thrift bindings have been out for quite some time. Don't use the version in SVN, though - the most current version (in production use for fb chat as well as a highly critical service on Amie Street) is a total rewrite and only exists in git. Best bet:\n\n;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/pri/eletuchy/new_erl\n\nor come talk to us on freenode #thrift\n\n-Todd\nReport\nAlessio Pace at 1:52pm May 17\nVery interesting high level overview read!\n\nWould love to see more technical details though :-)\nReport\nDale Harvey at 8:36pm May 22\n++erlang\n\nironic since you cant do that in erlang (immutable state and all)\n\nErlang+1\nReport\nChris Czub at 11:46pm June 3\n"The naive implementation of sending a notification to all friends whenever a user comes online or goes offline has a worst case cost of O(average friendlist size * peak users * churn rate) messages/second, where churn rate is the frequency with which users come online and go offline, in events/second. This is wildly inefficient to the point of being untenable, given that the average number of friends per user is measured in the hundreds, and the number of concurrent users during peak site usage is on the order of several millions."\n\nI'm curious about the solution you found for that. Is it simply only sending a status update to their friends that are also online? That's still a massive, massive amount of work to do. If an average user has 25 friends online at any given time, yeow. I assume that's where you use the concurrent processing features of Erlang to split all those alerts up and dispatch them.\n\nInteresting post. Keep it up, it's fun to learn what the geniuses are doing.\nReport\nPhil Calvin at 12:03am June 20\nServer: MochiWeb/1.0 (I'm not even supposed to be here today.)\n\nSo, I see you folks like Clerks. =)\nReport\nChristopher Tai at 10:46am July 8\nVery very nice posting. I think the Facebook subsystem is a great case study of what applications will come to be in the future. The future of systems and applications depend on this sort of solution. Machines will have more powerful processors, and with this, developers and architects will face challenges in terms of threading and concurrency. Erlang flexes its muscles over Java and C++ with its concurrency model and lightweight threading approach.\nReport\nChris Dickinson at 1:04pm August 16\nI'm so glad I found this!\n\nI have been wondering how to make a Facebook application with the same kind of user-interactivity that Facebook chat offers. This page has given me two possible paths to look into. The Facebook chat version with persistent requests, and another one from Mitch Matuson who recommends SWF sockets and XMPP.\n\nIf any one out there ready this post and has any other ideas that would help me with this - please contact me!\n\nThanks Eugene and all you posters,\nChris\nReport\nEmre Ak at 9:26am October 26\ns.a\nReport\nEmre Ak at 9:26am October 26\\nReport\nEmre Ak at 3:25am November 4\nhello friends...\nmachine engineer I AM WAITING FOR YOUR NEWS\nReport\nMeenakshiSundaram AS at 2:03am December 7\nNice one\nReport\nChen Maosheng at 8:55pm December 8\nthrift, um, seems like protobuf with RPC function.\nI have to search for more about it.\nReport\nMitchel Constantin at 3:53am December 12\nHats off guys, this was a job really well done.\nReport\nStephen Flynn at 7:12am January 13\nvery good\nReport\nPrashant Khanal at 11:16am January 29\ngreat!! .... very inspiring...\nReport\nYolayny Marie C at 8:58pm February 15\nvery nice
BitchX News\n\nBitchX2 is the current project. While there is no current release to the public\non the new code base, the project is leaning towards merging back\nto the current base version of Epic.\n\n\nHistory\n\nWritten by "Trench" and "HappyCrappy", was a script for the IrcII client. It was converted to a program on its own right by panasync in 1996.\n\nA debt of gratitude is owed to panasync for his many hours of messing with code to make BitchX the great client that it is. Thanks man, and keep up the good work...\n\nIt is written in C and is a console application.\n\nEven if Xchat or others have a friendly GUI, BitchX inludes features which make it an eggdrop, a bouncer and a friendly IRC client in the same time.\n\nBitchX is the most popular IRC client among Unix systems. You can also use it on Windows, but if you had a Picasso painting, would you put it in the bathroom?\n\nIt is highly customizable and capable of running scripts, so it can be used as an irc bot too.\n\n\nPoll\n\nBitchX is dominating the IRC market of today, below is a poll of peoples favorite clients:\n\nFavorite IRC Client\nDisplaying results of the poll.\n\nBitchX - 1386 / 36%\nKirc - 148 / 3%\nircII - 713 / 18%\nMirc - 419 / 10%\nVirc - 180 / 4%\nEpic - 235 / 6%\nOther - 507 / 13%\n\n3818 total votes.\n\nQuite clearly you can see that BitchX is by far the head of the poll =]\n\nFeatures\n\n * Built-in ANSI color.\n * Ease of use. BitchX adds dozens of useful command aliases to reduce typing.\n * Built-in notify, protection, bot, and shit lists.\n * Built-in mass commands and tools.\n * Extended set of DCC commands and built-in CDCC offering.\n * Built-in link looker.\n * Extended scripting functionality, including functions found nowhere else.\n * Huge installed user base, an abundance of scripts, and a dedicated help channel (#BitchX on EFNET).\n * Built-in screen client, allowing you to detach and re-attach to an irc session. \n\n\n\nLinks\n\n * - Another place where you can get BitchX\n * EFnet - EFNet IRC Network's Homepage\n * Debian Linux - One of the most popular Linux distribution, specially on Europe.\n * Cool Nick Name - Vote your favorite nickname\n * Simosnap IRC Network - IRC Network\n * Web Directory - Submit your sites\n * Chat Logs - Some of the logs are helpful, specially those from *nix channels\n\nsource\n
In the distro:\nsql-ledger - A web based double-entry accounting program\neqonomize - personal accounting software for the small household economy\nKmymoney.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n 1. QuickBooks doesn't integrate easily with any of our other back-office applications\n 2. QuickBooks isn't available when we're not in the office\n 3. QuickBooks is no longer supported (the version we have anyway)\n 4. WorldPay presents a diabolical interface to our clients\n 5. WorldPay hold onto our cleared funds for 6 weeks (#1 cause of small business failure - cash-flow problems)\n 6. WorldPay charge terrible commission rates - currently 3.75%, almost double the industry average\n\nIn all honesty, it was just points 1 & 2 that caused me to go looking for alternatives to managing invoices, expenses and credit card processing. So much time had passed since implementing WorldPay and QuickBooks that I needed to remind myself of how the pieces of our puzzle fit together.\n\n\n 1. Lack of support\n 2. No management of client information\n 3. No API\n 4. Tied to Windows operating system\n 5. Not ideal for multiple users\n 6. Not easy to update/upgrade\n 7. Limited import/export\n\n\n\n\ncommercial clone called MyBooks
!!!Installing .ttf fonts is easy\n*create .fonts folder in home directory\n*move .ttf files into this folder\n*//voila!//\n\n!!! but what about latex fonts???\n----\nFont on Linux are not as much fun as you would think.\n\nThe font file is located at:\n\n{{{\n/usr/share/fonts\n}}}\n\nThe types of /usr/share/fontsfiles in this area include the following extension table:\n\n|!Extension |!Area |\n|.ttf |True Type Fonts |\n|.pcf |X11 |\n|.pfb |X11 |\n|.afm |X11 |\n|.enc |X11 |\n
[[ desktop-switcher | ]]\n\nPut this in /etc/apt/sources.list\n{{{\ndeb intrepid main\ndeb-src intrepid main\n}}}\n\nKey switching examples:\n{{{\n\n6bf2a7d4005a9ef3eba126443f2a5ee4b796b6fe\nB0BE17C2A0C914F086B7B8327D2C7A23BF810CD5\n\n6BF2A7D4005A9EF3EBA126443F2A5EE4B796B6FE\n\nsudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver B0BE17C2A0C914F086B7B8327D2C7A23BF810CD5\n\nsudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 6BF2A7D4005A9EF3EBA126443F2A5EE4B796B6FE\n\n\n}}}\n\n! Fun Fact\nSamson Hu, is chief of Asus' Eee PC business, \nsaid Asus has assigned engineers to develop an Android-based netbook by the end of the year -- though he said it hasn't decided whether to ship such a product.\n
[[Linux Command Cheatsheet |]]\n[[Make ISO Images | ttp://]]\n\nBasically do this:\n{{{\nsudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd.iso\n}}}\n\nSMB mounts are a snap with this syntax:\n{{{\nsmbmount //winpc/shared /mnt/share -o username=user,password=pass,rw\n}}}\n\nThis is a [[good site for SMB|]]\n\nTADA\nAt goddard note the use of the "sec=ntlm"\n{{{\nsudo mount.cifs // /mnt/ -o user=<user>,password=<pass>,sec=ntlm\n}}}
!! Ubuntu Server Side...\n\nnet use x: \s\syourserver\syourshare thepassword /USER:yourusername\n\ntestparm is usefull...\n\nThis problem was studies by cebesius and he found that the samba server version in dns-323 does not support the new authentication protocol used by ubuntu 8.10 but expects the weaker lanman. (see\n\nThe fix is to add this line to /etc/samba/smb.conf below the [global] section:\n\nclient lanman auth = yes\n\nThis worked for my ch3snas as well which is very similar to the dns-323.\n\n\nnah...\n\n\nTADA open on routable side....\n\nRemember that VirtualBox smb shares are bound to and work on the outside interfaces, not the virtuals. \n\n!! Windows XP client side\n\n3:32 PM 3/13/2009\n\nnet use e: \s\s10.0.2.2\sralph\n\nSystem error 1219 has occurred.\n\nnet use e: \s\sIPADDRESS\suser pass /USER:user\n\n\n
! netstat uses:\n\n{{{\nnetstat -tuap\n\nnetstat -tuanp\n}}}
[[good site |]]
! Partimage network essentials\n\n[[good information here |]]\n\nOn server:\n#. Get partimage-server\n#. edit /etc/partimage/partimage-users\n#. Run partimatge-passwords\n\nOn Client\n\n# use this script with mods:\n{{{\npartimage -b -z1 save -s192.168.0.190 -Uuname -Ppasswd /dev/sda2 image_sda2\n}}}
To move the mouse beyond the screen, hold the <alt> key down...\n
! How To Repair Grub\n\nNOTE:\n\nGetting Grub to run from a [[CD |]]\n\nCheck out this [[grub guide |]]\n\nA new version of [[gparted here|]]\n\n\nSOURCE:\n\nGRUB is the bootloader of choice for Ubuntu, it is flexible and can be edited to load windows partitions if needed. Every once in a while windows may have the inclination to overwrite your bootloader with its own. This will make accessing your Ubuntu box a mission - fear not, I have a quick solution ;) Follow these steps to repair your GRUB loader:\n\nBoot your PC with an Ubuntu Live CD in the drive\n\nOpen a shell (Terminal)\n\nType the following to re-configure GRUB\n\nsudo grub\n\nType the following followed by the TAB key\n\nroot (hd\n\nThis will provide you with a list of possible physical drives eg:\n\nhd0 or hd1\n\nType the number of the drive you installed ubuntu on, not to worry if you unsure, the next step with tell you if you on the right path. Add a ',' after the number and press the TAB key again:\n\nroot (hd0,\n\nYou will see something similar to the following:\n\ngrub> root (hd0,\nPossible partitions are:\nPartition num: 0, Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0×7\nPartition num: 2, Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0×83\nPartition num: 4, Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0×7\nPartition num: 5, Filesystem type is fat, partition type 0xb\nPartition num: 6, Filesystem type is fat, partition type 0xb\nPartition num: 7, Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0×82\n\nNotice the ext2fs partition, this is the one Ubuntu is installed for the above example. I would therefore type:\n\nroot (hd0,2)\n\nNow type the following, replacing hd0 with the physical drive Ubuntu is installed\n\nsetup (hd0)\n\nClose the terminal, reboot and enjoy your restored GRUB loader. Let me know how it goes for ya ;)
you can make a dump of all installed packages:\n{{{\ndpkg --get-selections > packages\n}}}\nCopy this file to usbstick or somewhere else. After basic installation\ncopy the file to your home dir and issue the following commands:\n{{{\ndpkg --set-selections < packages\napt-get dselect-upgrade\n}}}\n\n[[''cinagrade,sh'' an automation Attempt|]] \n\nNote [[issue|]]\n[[Bug report|]]\n\nNote: remount the new drive as /home. [[Follow these instructions somewhat|]]
! Flash player for Ubuntu\n\nHere are the steps:\n\n# apt-get install ubuntu restricted extras\n# [[Install Flash |]]\n# apt-get install adobe-flashplugin
! Virtual Box and Mounting VDIfs\n\nSOURCE: [[Przemoc's wiki |]]\nSOURCE: [[Ubuntu |]]\n\n\nMounting partition from VDI fixed-size image\n\nWARNING: You must have little-endian machine and this how-to works only with primary partitions.\n\nUPDATE: fdisk was permanently replaced with more reliable sfdisk.\n\nUPDATE2: I divided this how-to into sections and wrote about usage of my new vdiwrap shared library.\nLocate partition - manual way\n\nFirst test if your VDI image is fixed-size.\n{{{\n$ od -j76 -N4 -td4 image.vdi | awk 'NR==1{print $2;}' # read 4-byte unsigned int from offset 76\n2 # "2" means that this is a fixed-size image\n}}}\nYou must find out where virtual disk exactly starts.\n{{{\n$ od -j344 -N4 -td4 image.vdi | awk 'NR==1{print $2;}' # read 4-byte unsigned int from offset 344\n33280 # your data offset\n}}}\nNext step is copying beginning of the virtual disk to some file. I named it vdstart\n{{{\n$ dd if=image.vdi of=vdstart bs=1 skip=<data offset> count=1b\n}}}\nNow look at partition table.\n{{{\n$ /sbin/sfdisk -luS vdstart # list partition table (units = sectors)\nDisk vdstart: cannot get geometry\n\nDisk vdstart: 0 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors/track\nUnits = sectors of 512 bytes, counting from 0\n\n Device Boot Start End #sectors Id System\n vdstart1 * 63 16771859 16771797 83 Linux\n vdstart2 0 - 0 0 Empty\n vdstart3 0 - 0 0 Empty\n vdstart4 0 - 0 0 Empty\n}}}\nLocate partition - half-automatic way\n\nIf you want to mount logical partition you have to use this method. Create new file vdiwrap.c with code available at C snippets page. Compile it accordingly to instructions, i.e.\n\n$ gcc -fPIC -c -o vdiwrap.o vdiwrap.c &&\n gcc -nostdlib -shared -ldl -o vdiwrap.o\n\nRun sfdisk directly on VDI fixed-size image with LD_PRELOAD equal to ./\n\n$ LD_PRELOAD="./" /sbin/sfdisk -qluS image.vdi\n\nLook at the printed partition table. In output you will find VDI data offset needed in the next step.\nMath\n\nTime for some math. Calculate offset (and length if you plan to mount encrypted partition) of chosen partition:\n\noffset = <data offset> + <start sector> * 512\nlength = <number of sectors> * 512\n\nIn my image there is only one partition, so I have no choice: offset = 65536, length = 8587160064.\nMounting\n\nLast part is mounting (turn off VM which uses your VDI image) and you must be superuser to do this (I'm using sudo, but if you haven't configured it, try su -c):\n\n$ sudo mount image.vdi <mount point> -t <filesystem> -o loop,offset=<offset> # add sizelimit=<length>\n # if partition is encrypted; your losetup must support this option\n\nIn my case I ended with:\n\n$ sudo mount image.vdi /mnt/vd -t ext3 -o loop,offset=65536,ro\n\nMaybe I should write some script for automating this? 8-)\n
! How to Autostart Vboxes\n\nSOURCE:\n\n\nVBoxManage startvm winxp1\n\n{{{\nhome/flint/.VirtualBox/VDI/winxp1.vdi \n}}}\n\n{{{\n 1 ./.local/share/applications/libvirtd-virt-manager.desktop\n 2 ./.local/share/applications/obe/libvirtd-virt-manager.desktop_2024-11-05\n}}}\n\n\n{{{\nSUDO_ASKPASS="/home/flint/.local/bin/distrobox_sudo_askpass" DBX_SUDO_PROGRAM="sudo --askpass" /usr/bin/distrobox-enter --root -n libvirtd -- /usr/bin/virt-manager \n}}}
welcome to GeekLand place to drop notes and other random tidbits of knowledge\n\nIf you dare here is the [[Dreaded Project List|ProjectList]]\n\n\n or might be a nice addition. If we had these, and then a tiddler for each meeting then we could post comments for each other (or use a Google Hangout or something) But as of now it's kinda retarded that we don't have any web-based tool to facilitate collaboration...\n\n\n! Words to live by:\n> 1. Never eat at a diner called "Mom's"\n> 2. Never play cards with a man named "Doc".\n> 3. Never sleep with anyone crazier than you are.\n> 4. Never do business with friends.\n\n[[Benjamin Franklin's 13 Virtues|]]
!!What is GeekLand?\n\nan internet based social collabrative similar in concept to myspace and facebook\n!!Raw Idea\n* additional features include a pidgen/ kopete style messenger and importing of all amail address including hotmail and yahoo (poss. through a freepops style script\n** audio / visual and project posting (showing editing and running code in a virtual environment \n**virtuual root accessiable systems\n**web teleconfrncing \n**interactive messaging syspetm allowing the view/edit/run of code on a public whiteboard and at the toop or sides of that board the video feeds of other members watching\n**database of geek sites and a client to enter the chat rooms\n**docx style document exchange both users must first add the other to there docx account and approve the file transfer before it transfers\n**publication and editing of new and old documentation\n**the facebook wall concept \n**gmail/ FacebookChat \n***i believe xmpp is used\n**irssi/ xchat/ BitchX style irc client\n\n!!Research into \n* xmpp\n* ajax\n* php \n*ruby on rails \n*aptana studio, cloud\n*lib purple \n*freepops\n*[[skype]]\n*virtualization\n*minimalist linux installs\n* how to make a web app that interfaces with various programs\n\n*will it be all server based or will advanced features be usable via downloadable app?\n**what are the benifits and downsides to each\n\n*video streaming and compression\n**can we intigrate motion , do we want to?\n\n\n!!marketing\n*advertisment based,\n* 10 - 15 dollar membership fee with a 30 day trial?\n\n!!sites that may help:\n[]
! Internet Explorer 7 .mht file format\n\n[[solution |]]
! Out of the FOG\n\n[[FOG |]] install is failing at:\n\nBased upon this script configuration:\n{{{\n Here are the settings FOG will use:For the server, I installed the debian package udpcast\n# apt-get install udpcast\n Distro: Ubuntu\n Installation Type: Normal Server\n Server IP Address:\n DHCP router Address:\n DHCP DNS Address:\n Interface: eth0\n Using FOG DHCP: 0\n}}}\n\nFOG fails here:\n\n{{{\n * Setting up and building UDPCast...Failed!\n\nmake failed!\n\n}}}\n\nTry manual install of UDPcast. Still failed.\nFor the server, I installed the debian package udpcast\n\n{{{\n# apt-get install udpcast\n}}}
! clonezilla & fog\n\n\n\n\n
unetbootin as a linux and windows application to create a bootable usb live disk.\nwhen you first run it, it will likely have a few popups for it's dependencies, after that it will be ready to create a live usb.\nyou either select download or an iso image, after that it will automatically create a working (hopefully) live disk that you can use for whatever people use live disks for.
run dontzap --disable after installing dontzap\nthis change was made so new users don't accidentally reset x
\n* [[cadaver - A command-line {{{WebDAV}}} client for Unix.|]]\n
if you use virtualbox and install cairo-dock on the host machine, your virtual machines will be at 50% transparency, it is a known issue and ill update this if and when it gets fixed.
virtualbox as of 2.1 has opengl support in windows guests and 2.2 has 3d support in all guests that normally support hardware acceleration\nyes, this means you can have compiz in a virtual machine. to enable it you have to turn it on in the virtual machine settings and then install the newest version of guest addons
! Prism is a new type of browser\n\n[[Prism | ]] is neet...\n\n\nPrism is a simple XULRunner based browser that hosts web applications without the normal web browser user interface. Prism is based on a concept called Site Specific Browsers (SSB). An SSB is an application with an embedded browser designed to work exclusively with a single web application. It doesn't have the menus, toolbars and accoutrements of a normal web browser. Some people have called it a "distraction free browser" because none of the typical browser chrome is used. An SSB also has a tighter integration with the OS and desktop than a typical web application running through a web browser. \n\n!!!as pulled from the Mozilla site\n\n!!!!!Paul why not put more info thaan that it is just a web browser?
!CoolIris \n\n[[CoolIris | ]] needs full graphics support... mesa in software mode will not do...
printer is stuck in "processing" mode....\n
Note the issue here may be configuration of the [[printer under Ubuntu]]\n\n[[SOURCE: | ]]\n\nThu 21 May 2009 04:41:51 PM EDT \n\n\n\nHP LaserJet 4000 series printer\n1. Press the printer's MENU button until INFORMATION MENU appears.\n2. Press ITEM until PRINT CONFIGURATION appears.\n3. Press SELECT to print the Configuration page.\nThe display will read PRINTING CONFIGURATION and the Configuration page will print.\n\n{{{\nUse the HP LaserJet 4000 Foomatic/lj5gray... Driver\n}}}
[[GPG for evolution |]]
Chris has recommended [[avast |]] as a good security tool. Apparently what he does is run this on a Linux machine, pop windows hard drives in and clean viruses off of them.\n\nChris says to remember to to install ntfs support. \nTo install ntfs support use the following command:\n{{{\nsudo apt-get install ntfs-3g\n}}}\n\nAdditionally scanning can also be done this over a network through a virtual with a computer in safe mode and a shared C:\s folder with all permissions given to anyone.\n\nAdditionally a tool needs to be built with tracks the checksums of vital windows files. This would operate in a similar way to [[tripwire |]]... lets call it [[winwire]]\n\n
!!!syncs thunderbird and extensions with mobile phone\n[[article at downloadsquad|]]\n[[finchsync website|]]
\nWinwire is a tool needs to be built with tracks the checksums of vital windows files. \n\nWinwire would operate in a similar way to [[tripwire |]]\n\nThe code would originate on an encrypted Linux partition and perform checksums on vital windows components. \n\n
Sound System\n\nHead\n[[Mackie 408M |]] FR Fast Recovery Series aka PPM Series...\n[[Owners Manual |]]\n[[Hookup Manual |]]\n\nSymptom\n\nChannels 1&2 Weak/gone\n\nMix buss gone...\n\nFrom front panel...\nPower amp 1 works - both ports\nPower amp 2 works -both ports \n\nin direct mode, routing button does not work.\n\n\nmomitor line out > power anp 1 in out from pa2 \n\n6 screws brings system to a single circuit board, and a \n\n100 mil center sip 12 pin connector\n\n\ncircuit board 450-205-00 rev 8\n|Pin|Desc|\n|1|cl|\n|2|cr|\n|3||\n|4|L+|\n|5|L-|\n|6|R+|\n|7|R-|\n|8|Gnd|\n|9|+5|\n|10|+16V|\n|11|gnd|\n|12|-16V|\n\n\nThe "Input Level Set" light on channel 1 is on constantly. \nIt is possible to get a distorted signal out of the monitor channel. Turn up "Input Level Set" to max.\n
The way to do this is [[UNetbootin | ]]. This needs to be expanded here, but here you go...\n\n\nflint look here our freindly neighborhood DTG already posted this\n\n[[unetbootin]]\n\nElkner adds the wrinkle of building the iso using [[ remastersys | ]] he goes on and on about it in his [[blog |]]\n
"slmgr, -rearm"
banshee doesn't by default sync your collection to a mass storage device. you have to create a file called .is_audio_player. instructions are [[here |]]
type in\ngst-launch v4l2src ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink\nand you will have a window that contains the output from your webcam
NetworkManager\n\nwhat a problem...\n\nThis stops the /etc/network/interfaces from being the determining file.\n\nnm-applet is the thing in the corner. It can be turned on and off using the following\n\n{{{\n/etc/init.d/network-manager [stop, start, restartr]\n}}}\nor to completely stop but not eliminate it:\n\n{{{\nsudo update-rc.d NetworkManager remove\n}}}\n\n\n
instrall xen-linux-image under debian...\n\naware\n\nxen-linux-system-blah....\n\ndbootstrap works!\n\ndebootstrap lenny ./mnt\n\nxen "Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Could not find bridge device xenbr0"\n\n/etc/xen/scripts/network-bridge start # seems to fix things..\n\nStarting periodic command scheduler: crond.\n\n\n\nxen-create-image --ip= --dir=/home/xen --dist=sarge \s\nxen-create-image \s\n --ip= \s\n --dir=/home/xen \s\n --dist=sarge \s\n\nTo start a xen system user\n\nxm create banana.cfg -c\n\n\nBUG FIX\nsed -i -e 's#\s./MAKEDEV#MAKEDEV#' /usr/lib/xen-tools/debian.d/55-create-dev\nSOURCE\n\n\nNot good.\n\nTry \nBUG FIX\nadd to configuration...\nextra='console=hvc'\n\nSOURCE\n\nBUG FIX1\nextra = 'console=hvc0 xencons=tty'\nextra = 'console=hvc0 xencons=tty'\n\nworks with correct delimiter\n\n\n\n
first download xwii from their website\n\nthen install the build dependencies\nsudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev libxtst-dev libsdl1.2-dev libgl1-mesa-dev build-essential libsdl1.2-dev glutg3-dev\nthen just run make and run the file and enjoy your wiimote!
! BUG\n\n{{{\nflint@vbase:~$ ssh flint@\nThe authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.\nRSA key fingerprint is 53:d7:6d:a9:85:df:17:87:91:e6:80:a6:65:22:ad:b4.\nAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes\nWarning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.\nflint@'s password: \nPTY allocation request failed on channel 0\n}}}\n\nSOURCE\n\nFIX\napt-get isntall udev\nJOY\nmust reboot...\n
! docbox upgrade process\n# Get xen debian image running [[xen_secret]]\n# Get ssh working [[xen logon blues]]\n# Dup docbox software from ubuntu to debian [[dupingubuntu]]\n# Move data - restoring from [[backup |[[Backup%20Scripts]] \n# Test
2021-01-30\n! aliases\nOur favorite aliases are shown below...\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\nbefore=$(alias | wc -l)\necho "You got $before nmber of aliases"\n# lt list files used today\nalias lt='ls -alt --full-time --time-style=long-iso | grep $(date +%F)'\n# ly list files used yesterday\nalias ly='ls -alt --full-time --time-style=long-iso | grep $(date -d yesterday +%F)'\n# sc go through a file without comment lines\nalias sc='egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*(#.*)?$"'\n# dq check directory usage at this level\nalias dq='du -h --max-depth=1'\n# date backup binding...\nbind '"\sed":"obe/$(date +%F)_"'\n# standard error binding...\nbind '"\see":" 2>/dev/null "'\nafter=$(alias | wc -l)\necho "Now, you got $after nmber of aliases"\n# Note: ya gotta run this with the following syntaxx:\n# $ . ./\n# Here's why:\n}}}\n\nNew alias checks USB\n{{{\nalias uc='first=$(lsusb | wc -l; lsusb);echo "change usb, hit <ENTER>";read;second=$(lsusb | wc -l; lsusb);diff -y <(echo "$first") <(echo "$second")'\n}}}\n\nNew alias for Immutable Systems\n{{{\nalias lo='cat /etc/os-release'\n}}}\n\n{{{\nalias dq='du -x -h --max-depth=1'\nalias ls='ls --color=auto'\n# alias sc='egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*(#.*)?$"'\nalias sc='egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*((#|;|//).*)?$" '\nalias ldir='ls -d */'\nalias ssh='ssh -X '\n}}}\n\n''quickly move aliases to current platform''\n{{{\nscp .\n}}}\n\n{{{\nwget\n}}}\n\nOr \n\n{{{\nwget\n}}}\n\n{{{\nwget\n}}}
Getting the treo handspring working \n\n
! 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Firearms/upgrade\nbb/actions/scripts/get_modified\nbb/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nbb/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nbb/actions/scripts/to_date\nbb/actions/delete\nbb/actions/export\nbb/actions/get\nbb/actions/get_all\nbb/actions/get_all_as_divs\nbb/actions/get_revisions\nbb/actions/import\nbb/actions/login\nbb/actions/logout\nbb/actions/save\nbb/actions/lock\nbb/actions/unlock\nbb/actions/cleanup\nbb/actions/backup\nbb/actions/get_locks\nbb/actions/refresh\nbb/actions/get_timestamp\nbb/ziddly\nbb/index_html\nbb/upgrade\nward2/actions/scripts/get_modified\nward2/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nward2/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nward2/actions/scripts/to_date\nward2/actions/delete\nward2/actions/export\nward2/actions/get\nward2/actions/get_all\nward2/actions/get_all_as_divs\nward2/actions/get_revisions\nward2/actions/import\nward2/actions/login\nward2/actions/logout\nward2/actions/save\nward2/actions/lock\nward2/actions/unlock\nward2/actions/cleanup\nward2/actions/backup\nward2/actions/get_locks\nward2/actions/refresh\nward2/actions/get_timestamp\nward2/ziddly\nward2/index_html\nward2/upgrade\nvetsplace/actions/scripts/get_modified\nvetsplace/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nvetsplace/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nvetsplace/actions/scripts/to_date\nvetsplace/actions/delete\nvetsplace/actions/export\nvetsplace/actions/get\nvetsplace/actions/get_all\nvetsplace/actions/get_all_as_divs\nvetsplace/actions/get_revisions\nvetsplace/actions/import\nvetsplace/actions/login\nvetsplace/actions/logout\nvetsplace/actions/save\nvetsplace/actions/lock\nvetsplace/actions/unlock\nvetsplace/actions/cleanup\nvetsplace/actions/backup\nvetsplace/actions/get_locks\nvetsplace/actions/refresh\nvetsplace/actions/get_timestamp\nvetsplace/ziddly\nvetsplace/index_html\nvetsplace/upgrade\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nschool_tool/actions/scripts/get_modified\nschool_tool/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nschool_tool/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nschool_tool/actions/scripts/to_date\nschool_tool/actions/delete\nschool_tool/actions/export\nschool_tool/actions/get\nschool_tool/actions/get_all\nschool_tool/actions/get_all_as_divs\nschool_tool/actions/get_revisions\nschool_tool/actions/import\nschool_tool/actions/login\nschool_tool/actions/logout\nschool_tool/actions/save\nschool_tool/actions/lock\nschool_tool/actions/unlock\nschool_tool/actions/cleanup\nschool_tool/actions/backup\nschool_tool/actions/get_locks\nschool_tool/actions/refresh\nschool_tool/actions/get_timestamp\nschool_tool/ziddly\nschool_tool/index_html\nschool_tool/upgrade\nfreeduino/actions/scripts/get_modified\nfreeduino/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nfreeduino/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nfreeduino/actions/scripts/to_date\nfreeduino/actions/delete\nfreeduino/actions/export\nfreeduino/actions/get\nfreeduino/actions/get_all\nfreeduino/actions/get_all_as_divs\nfreeduino/actions/get_revisions\nfreeduino/actions/import\nfreeduino/actions/login\nfreeduino/actions/logout\nfreeduino/actions/save\nfreeduino/actions/lock\nfreeduino/actions/unlock\nfreeduino/actions/cleanup\nfreeduino/actions/backup\nfreeduino/actions/get_locks\nfreeduino/actions/refresh\nfreeduino/actions/get_timestamp\nfreeduino/ziddly\nfreeduino/index_html\nfreeduino/upgrade\nmaple/actions/scripts/get_modified\nmaple/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nmaple/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nmaple/actions/scripts/to_date\nmaple/actions/delete\nmaple/actions/export\nmaple/actions/get\nmaple/actions/get_all\nmaple/actions/get_all_as_divs\nmaple/actions/get_revisions\nmaple/actions/import\nmaple/actions/login\nmaple/actions/logout\nmaple/actions/save\nmaple/actions/lock\nmaple/actions/unlock\nmaple/actions/cleanup\nmaple/actions/backup\nmaple/actions/get_locks\nmaple/actions/refresh\nmaple/actions/get_timestamp\nmaple/ziddly\nmaple/index_html\nmaple/upgrade\nflint2do/actions/scripts/get_modified\nflint2do/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nflint2do/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nflint2do/actions/scripts/to_date\nflint2do/actions/delete\nflint2do/actions/export\nflint2do/actions/get\nflint2do/actions/get_all\nflint2do/actions/get_all_as_divs\nflint2do/actions/get_revisions\nflint2do/actions/import\nflint2do/actions/login\nflint2do/actions/logout\nflint2do/actions/save\nflint2do/actions/lock\nflint2do/actions/unlock\nflint2do/actions/cleanup\nflint2do/actions/backup\nflint2do/actions/get_locks\nflint2do/actions/refresh\nflint2do/actions/get_timestamp\nflint2do/ziddly\nflint2do/index_html\nflint2do/upgrade\nsolar_hot_water/actions/scripts/get_modified\nsolar_hot_water/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nsolar_hot_water/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nsolar_hot_water/actions/scripts/to_date\nsolar_hot_water/actions/delete\nsolar_hot_water/actions/export\nsolar_hot_water/actions/get\nsolar_hot_water/actions/get_all\nsolar_hot_water/actions/get_all_as_divs\nsolar_hot_water/actions/get_revisions\nsolar_hot_water/actions/import\nsolar_hot_water/actions/login\nsolar_hot_water/actions/logout\nsolar_hot_water/actions/save\nsolar_hot_water/actions/lock\nsolar_hot_water/actions/unlock\nsolar_hot_water/actions/cleanup\nsolar_hot_water/actions/backup\nsolar_hot_water/actions/get_locks\nsolar_hot_water/actions/refresh\nsolar_hot_water/actions/get_timestamp\nsolar_hot_water/ziddly\nsolar_hot_water/index_html\nsolar_hot_water/upgrade\nstick/actions/scripts/get_modified\nstick/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nstick/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nstick/actions/scripts/to_date\nstick/actions/delete\nstick/actions/export\nstick/actions/get\nstick/actions/get_all\nstick/actions/get_all_as_divs\nstick/actions/get_revisions\nstick/actions/import\nstick/actions/login\nstick/actions/logout\nstick/actions/save\nstick/actions/lock\nstick/actions/unlock\nstick/actions/cleanup\nstick/actions/backup\nstick/actions/get_locks\nstick/actions/refresh\nstick/actions/get_timestamp\nstick/index_html\nstick/upgrade\nstick/ziddly\ncl/actions/scripts/get_modified\ncl/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\ncl/actions/scripts/tagged_with\ncl/actions/scripts/to_date\ncl/actions/delete\ncl/actions/export\ncl/actions/get\ncl/actions/get_all\ncl/actions/get_all_as_divs\ncl/actions/get_revisions\ncl/actions/import\ncl/actions/login\ncl/actions/logout\ncl/actions/save\ncl/actions/lock\ncl/actions/unlock\ncl/actions/cleanup\ncl/actions/backup\ncl/actions/get_locks\ncl/actions/refresh\ncl/actions/get_timestamp\ncl/ziddly\ncl/index_html\ncl/upgrade\nmisste/actions/scripts/get_modified\nmisste/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nmisste/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nmisste/actions/scripts/to_date\nmisste/actions/delete\nmisste/actions/export\nmisste/actions/get\nmisste/actions/get_all\nmisste/actions/get_all_as_divs\nmisste/actions/get_revisions\nmisste/actions/import\nmisste/actions/login\nmisste/actions/logout\nmisste/actions/save\nmisste/actions/lock\nmisste/actions/unlock\nmisste/actions/cleanup\nmisste/actions/backup\nmisste/actions/get_locks\nmisste/actions/refresh\nmisste/actions/get_timestamp\nmisste/ziddly\nmisste/index_html\nmisste/upgrade\nblackberry.jam/actions/scripts/get_modified\nblackberry.jam/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nblackberry.jam/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nblackberry.jam/actions/scripts/to_date\nblackberry.jam/actions/delete\nblackberry.jam/actions/export\nblackberry.jam/actions/get\nblackberry.jam/actions/get_all\nblackberry.jam/actions/get_all_as_divs\nblackberry.jam/actions/get_revisions\nblackberry.jam/actions/import\nblackberry.jam/actions/login\nblackberry.jam/actions/logout\nblackberry.jam/actions/save\nblackberry.jam/actions/lock\nblackberry.jam/actions/unlock\nblackberry.jam/actions/cleanup\nblackberry.jam/actions/backup\nblackberry.jam/actions/get_locks\nblackberry.jam/actions/refresh\nblackberry.jam/actions/get_timestamp\nblackberry.jam/ziddly\nblackberry.jam/index_html\nblackberry.jam/upgrade\nkk/actions/scripts/get_modified\nkk/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nkk/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nkk/actions/scripts/to_date\nkk/actions/delete\nkk/actions/export\nkk/actions/get\nkk/actions/get_all\nkk/actions/get_all_as_divs\nkk/actions/get_revisions\nkk/actions/import\nkk/actions/login\nkk/actions/logout\nkk/actions/save\nkk/actions/lock\nkk/actions/unlock\nkk/actions/cleanup\nkk/actions/backup\nkk/actions/get_locks\nkk/actions/refresh\nkk/actions/get_timestamp\nkk/ziddly\nkk/index_html\nkk/upgrade\nkiosk/actions/scripts/get_modified\nkiosk/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\nkiosk/actions/scripts/tagged_with\nkiosk/actions/scripts/to_date\nkiosk/actions/delete\nkiosk/actions/export\nkiosk/actions/get\nkiosk/actions/get_all\nkiosk/actions/get_all_as_divs\nkiosk/actions/get_revisions\nkiosk/actions/import\nkiosk/actions/login\nkiosk/actions/logout\nkiosk/actions/save\nkiosk/actions/lock\nkiosk/actions/unlock\nkiosk/actions/cleanup\nkiosk/actions/backup\nkiosk/actions/get_locks\nkiosk/actions/refresh\nkiosk/actions/get_timestamp\nkiosk/index_html\nkiosk/upgrade\nkiosk/ziddly\njuly26/actions/scripts/get_modified\njuly26/actions/scripts/sanitize_id\njuly26/actions/scripts/tagged_with\njuly26/actions/scripts/to_date\njuly26/actions/delete\njuly26/actions/export\njuly26/actions/get\njuly26/actions/get_all\njuly26/actions/get_all_as_divs\njuly26/actions/get_revisions\njuly26/actions/import\njuly26/actions/login\njuly26/actions/logout\njuly26/actions/save\njuly26/actions/lock\njuly26/actions/unlock\njuly26/actions/cleanup\njuly26/actions/backup\njuly26/actions/get_locks\njuly26/actions/refresh\njuly26/actions/get_timestamp\njuly26/ziddly\njuly26/index_html\njuly26/upgrade\n}}}\n
! Elkner's pages on REStructuredText (REST)\n\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|
Skype is becoming evil...\n\n[[Skype Forensics|]]\n[[Skype dbb format|]]
sudo mount -o remount -rw /media/usbdisk-1
# put urls, one per line in file test\n# run this at command line\n{{{\ncat test | xargs firefox\n}}}
Hard Drives Go Bad:\n\n\n[[smartmontools |]] seems like a good idea....\n\n[[here someone implements |]] it:\n\n{{{\nroot@pentagon smartmon]# smartctl -d ata -H /dev/hdb\nsmartctl version 5.33 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-4 Bruce Allen\nHome page is\n\n=== START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION ===\nSMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED\n}}}\n\nThe [[real story |]] appears to be that this hard drive is having seek issues. There are [[proactive solutions | ]] but these are hindsight.\n\nThese tools are available and need to be tried:\n\n{{{\nflint@zeta:~$ apt-cache search smartmontools\nsmart-notifier - graphical hard disk health status notifier\nsmartmontools - control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.\n}}}\n
Java is a free download that is required to play [[RuneScape | ]]\n\n{{{\nsudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin\n}}}\n\n{{{\nflint@zeta:~$ java -version\njava version "1.6.0_10"\nJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)\nJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode, sharing)\nflint@zeta:~$ \n}}}
This seems to work:\n\n{{{\nflint@af1fvzf:~$ pilot-xfer -p /dev/ttyS0 --backup /home/pilot/Backup\n\n Listening for incoming connection on /dev/ttyS0... connected!\n\n Creating directory '/home/pilot/Backup'...\n 0000 be ef ed 03 03 02 00 44 01 eb .......D..\n\n RAM backup complete. 0 files backed up, 0 skipped, 0 files failed.\n\n Thank you for using pilot-link.\n}}}\n\n{{{\nflint@af1fvzf:~/pilot$ chmod a+wr /dev/ttyS0\nchmod: changing permissions of `/dev/ttyS0': Operation not permitted\nflint@af1fvzf:~/pilot$ sudo !!\nsudo chmod a+wr /dev/ttyS0\n[sudo] password for flint: \nflint@af1fvzf:~/pilot$ pilot-xfer -p /dev/ttyS0 -b /home/flint/pilot\n\n Listening for incoming connection on /dev/ttyS0... connected!\n\n [+][1 ][addr] Backing up 'AddressDB'\n [-][fail][addr] Failed, unable to retrieve 'AddressDB' from the Palm.\n\nflint@af1fvzf:~/pilot$ sudo !!\nsudo pilot-xfer -p /dev/ttyS0 -b /home/flint/pilot\n\n Listening for incoming connection on /dev/ttyS0... connected!\n\n}}}
! place to fix startup\n\nGo to System > Preferences > Sessions (or Startup Applications) ... Moving applications to a workspace on startup and other advanced option\n \n[[source | ]]\n
[[mouse click change | ]]
! Two Things\n# Port\n# Rate\n\nFor port try /dev/ttyS0 I am gonna build a tester...\nFor Rate try setting $PILOTRATE based upon this [[info | \n\n\n[[SOURCE: |]]\n$ PILOTRATE=115200 pilot-xfer -p /dev/ttyS0 -i uClinuxPalm.prc\n\n[[Palm Pilot Test Gizmo SOURCE |]]\n[[More Pinouts |]]\n[[Even More Pinouts |]]\n\nThe test point short seems to be between pins 6 & 8 will need to confirm this.\n
! Current Pilot Resources:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGnome-pilot keeps its data in...\n.evolution/addressbook/local/system in berkley db form...\n\nexample of filespecification\n\n/home/flint/.evolution/addressbook/local/system/addressbook.db\n\nuse evolution, select all and export as vcards\n\nuse [[converter site |]] to change to csv.\n\nimport into spreadsheet...\n\n\nor get the berkley database utilities...\nsudo apt-get install db4.6-util\n\ndb4.6_dump -p /home/flint/.evolution/addressbook/local/system/addressbook.db\n\nDumps the database to vcards...\n\nor \n\nevolution-addressbook-export \n\n
recordmydesktop\n\ntrancoding to ogg\n\n\nstarting django\n\nruby on rails\n\nconvention ovr configuration\n\nJosh Sled \n\nrestructured code\n\nmodel view controller\n\nurl handler\n\n"front controller"\n\nfeed data to template\n\\n\ \n\nauth.models.User\ndjango.contribute.auth\n\ngeo django\n\nobject\nrelationship\nlayer\n\norm\n\nmodel form\n\nuser.is_authenticated\n\norg mode\n\ngemchi, mako\n\ntemplate attribute language\n
First you will need the greasemonkey extension,\nthen just install the script,\n\nEdit: fixed the link, wrong script.
Fri 23 Oct 2009 02:00:25 PM EDT \n\n\n\nNot from gedi or firefox can we print...\n\n\nantoniocortes wrote on 2009-01-18: #5\n\nI tried printing also from "Opera" (Ok) and from "Eclipse" (FAILS).\nI hope this info helps to find out the failing component.\nI just noticed that there is something missing in my previous comment, so in summary here are the list of applications that print Ok and the ones that FAIl:\n\nPrinting OK:\nOpen Office, Thunderbird, Opera.\n\nFailing to even queue the job:\ngedit, Firefox, Eclipse.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
cat << EOF |xargs firefox\n> put urls here and end with <ctl> D
! great things to put in bash\n\n[[Global Variables in Bash Shells?|]]\n\n[[Mystery variables in bash|]]\n\n# First things First:\n{{{\nwget\nsudo apt-get update && apt-get install openssh-server\n\n}}}\n\n[[Best Bash Reference|]]\n\n[[replace spaces in filenames with underscores|]] \n\n{{{\nrename 'y/ /_/' *\n}}}\n\n[[Find this or that|]]\n{{{\nls | grep 'this\s|that'\n# or\nfind . | grep -v -e banana -e orange -e pico \n}}}\n\n\n''List files used today''\n{{{\nalias lt='ls -alt --full-time --time-style=long-iso | grep $(date +%F)'\n}}}\ndepreciated\n{{{\nalias lt='ls -alt --full-time --time-style=long-iso | grep $(date +%F)'\n}}}\n\n''List files used yesterday''\n{{{\nalias ly='ls -alt --full-time --time-style=long-iso | grep $(date -d yesterday +%F)\n}}}\ndepreciated\n{{{\nalias ly='ls -alt | grep $(date -d yesterday +%F)'\n}}}\n\n\nSans Comments\n{{{\nalias sc='egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*(#.*)?$"'\n}}}\n\nDairy Queen what is in a directory\n{{{\nalias dq='du -h --max-depth=1'\n}}}\n\nCalve Very small memory alternate\n{{{\nalias dq='ls -1 |xargs du -h -s'\n}}}\n\n[[Bash Power Shell|]]
after installing it from the repository, just run:\nretty (pid of the program)\nand it will now be as if you ran it from the terminal.
[[Good Guidance here |]]\n\n[[Thinkpad Hardware Maintenance Manual | ]]
[[Ida general |]]\n[[Ida info |]]\n[[Ida info |]]\n
! Stream Ripping...\n\nThis [[ article | ]]\ntells a way to do this...\n\nThe basic idea appear to be here:\n\n# apt-get install streamripper\n# streamripper -d /home/ericcflem/Desktop
the guide is here.....:\n\n[[New information | ]] Thanks to Nicco!
Is quickly interesting?\n\n\n\n\n\nThis does the job for packaging.\n\nquickly create\nquickly glade\nquickly edit\nquickly run\nquickly package\n\noutput is a deb file...\n\nVery cool...
! Mac OX X Tiger\n\nTod duplicate the disk try [[this instruction |]]
! Due to the large number of machines at [[hedding |]] we need a mirror site.\n\nThe "server du jour" has an additional 40 gigabyte hard drive. but we never got apt-mirror configured properly.\n\ninstalled apache 2... and that [[It Works! | ]] \n\n\nThis is the foolishness we went through afterwords...\n\n{{{\n 451 dpkg -l | grep apache\n 452 apt-get install apache2\n 453 apt-mirror\n 454 file /usr/bin/apt-mirror \n 455 gedit /usr/bin/apt-mirror\n 456 apt-mirror\n 457 gedit /usr/bin/apt-mirror &\n 458 pwd\n 459 df -h\n 460 echo test > /var/spool/apt-mirror/test\n 461 cat /var/spool/apt-mirror/test\n 462 exit\n 463 apt-mirror\n 464 echo test > /var/spool/apt-mirror/test\n 465 cd /var/spool/\n 466 ls -alt apt-mirror\n 467 ls -alt | grep apt-mirror\n 468 sudo chmod -R 777 /var/spool/apt-mirror/\n 469 ls -alt | grep apt-mirror\n 470 apt-mirror\n 471 echo test > /var/spool/apt-mirror/test\n 472 umount /var/spool/apt-mirror/\n 473 sudo umount /var/spool/apt-mirror\n 474 df -h\n 475 apt-mirror\n 476 cd apt-mirror/\n 477 ls\n 478 ls -alt\n 479 cd var/\n 480 cd ..\n 481 cd mirror/\n 482 ls\n 483 sudo bash\n 484 cd /etc\n 485 cd apt\n 486 ls\n 487 vi mirror.list \n 488 sudo bash\n 474 df -h\n 475 apt-mirror\n 476 cd apt-mirror/\n 477 ls\n 478 ls -alt\n 479 cd var/\n 480 cd ..\n 481 cd mirror/\n 482 ls\n 483 sudo bash\n 484 cd /etc\n 485 cd apt\n 486 ls\n 487 vi mirror.list \n 488 sudo bash\n\n\n}}}\n\n\nNeed to figure out how to get this working...\n
by Tom Isabelle (\n\nThese instructions are for setting up media such as CD drives and USB drives to be used in VirtualBox OSE.\n\nPrerequisites: Install and setup Ubuntu v 9.04 or v 9.10, install and setup VirtualBox OSE from the Ubuntu repository, install and setup Windows XP as your virtual machine, install Guest Additions.\n\n1. Run VirtualBox OSE.javascript:;\n\n2. Start the selected virtual machine. A new window will display your virtual machine.\n\n3. At the footer of the virtual machine's window right-click on the blue shared folder icon. A new window will display your shared folders.\n\n4. Create a new shared folder by clicking on the blue folder icon with the green plus or by pressing the <Ins> button.\n\n5. Navigate to the Ubuntu media folder by clicking the down arrow to the far right of the <Folder Path> form. Click the <Other...> folder, click the <File System> folder, click the <media> folder, click the <Open> button. The <Folder Path> form will display "/media" and the <Folder Name> will display "media".\n\n6. Click <Make Permanent> to make a check appear in the box to the left of the text. Click the <OK> button.\n\n7. Click the <OK> button to save your changes and close the <Shared Folders> window.\n\n8. Go to your virtual machine. Once logged into Windows XP, go to My Computers.\n\n9. Click <Tools>, <Map Network Drive...>, <Browse...> button. Wait for Windows XP to locate and display the network folders.\n\n10. Click the plus sign next to <VirtualBox Shared Folders> to expand the list of shared folders.\n\n11. Click on the <\s\sVBOXSVR\smedia> folder. This will select this folder and open the connected folders underneath it. This may take some time, so allow the time for the sub-folders to be displayed. Once displayed, click anywhere in the white area within the <Browse For Folder> window and the <OK> button will change from grey text (in-executable) to black text (executable). Press the <OK> button to save your settings and close this window. This may take some time, so allow the time. When done the <Map Network Drive> window will show with a visible <Finish> button. Click <Finish>, wait for the changes to be applied. A new share folder will appear in the <My Computer> window called <media on 'Vboxsvr' (Z:)> (Note: "Z" may be another letter based on what other drives you have active.)\n\n12. Double-click on the new folder to access your media (CD or USB drive).\n\n13. If your device does not appear, unplug it and re-plug it in, making sure it is securely connected.\n\n14. Press the <F5> button and the media folder will appear.
!dcfldd\nby Kevin Cole\n\nHistory: Mike Lee got a copy of some theoretically open source software that is also, theoretically free of cost, though he paid for it, wishing to support the company. However, when he wanted to make a few copies of this beastie (distributed on SD cards), he ran into trouble and asked for help.\n\nMy first "dd" attempt failed because I made a typo: Instead of copying 4GB SD card to 4GB SD card, bit for bit, I copied Partition 1 of a 4GB SD card to entire 4GB SD card. The second attempt worked, but took a ridiculous amount of time -- close to four hours! I have no idea why.\n\nAttempting to repeat the process, it worked much faster, but gave me pause, because I believe I did the same thing as with the 4-hour copy. That lead me to look for a better dd. Lo and behold, the Ubuntu universe had it: ''@@dcfldd@@''. According to the home page at\n<<<\n//dcfldd was written by Nicholas Harbour, who at the time was working for the Department of Defense Computer Forensics Lab (DCFL). Although he is no longer affiliated with the DCFL, Nick still maintains the package. The DCFL does not maintain, support, or have any other affiliation with dcfldd.//\n<<<\nIt links to the non-existent (or covert) As you probably already know, they appear to have morphed / been consumed by the ~DoD Cyber Crime Center --\n\nAnyway, a useful log of my latest attempt:\n\n$ ''date''\nThu Dec 31 11:07:23 EST 2009\n{{{\n$ # Copy original SD to new SD & compute a checksum\n$ dcfldd conv=notrunc,noerror \s\n hash=md5 \s\n hashconv=after \s\n hashwindow=8192 \s\n hashlog=hash.log \s\n errlog=error.log \s\n if=/dev/mmcblk0 \s\n of=/dev/sdb \s\n sizeprobe=if\n[99% of 3830Mb] 122368 blocks (3824Mb) written. 00:00:02 remaining.\n122560+0 records in\n122560+0 records out\n}}}\n$ ''date''\nThu Dec 31 11:31:16 EST 2009\n{{{\n$ # Compute the checksum of the new SD and append\n$ # to checksum (hash) file above\n$ dcfldd if=/dev/sdb sizeprobe=if | md5sum >> hash.log\n[99% of 3830Mb] 122368 blocks (3824Mb) written. 00:00:00 remaining.\n122560+0 records in\n122560+0 records out\n}}}\n$ ''date''\nThu Dec 31 11:35:32 EST 2009\n{{{\n$ # Compare checksums\n$ tail -n 2 hash.log\nTotal (md5): 3fb848974e5dfa09c186a4d8bddb5b0e\n3fb848974e5dfa09c186a4d8bddb5b0e -\n}}}\n$ ''date''\nThu Dec 31 11:35:32 EST 2009\n
by Tom Isabelle (\n\nThe following illustrates a set-by-step process that I took for my Drupal installation and set-up. As your needs may differ than mine, the particular "themes" and "modules" I am using may differ from what would work best for you. I hope that through these general instructions, you will be able to walk through a successful Drupal installation and set-up for your own web site.\n\nPrerequisites:\n\n1. Registered URL (Uniform Resource Locator) name.\n\n2. Web server for your web site set-up with the proper requirements (see\n\n3. A computer with access the Internet.\n\nDRUPAL INSTALLATION:\n\n1. Create a new database for Drupal.\n\n2. Go to your web server's public folder.\n\n3. If you have anything else in your public folder, you may choose to create an alternative folder and move anything into this folder so the rest of the Drupal installation will not over-write any files or folders you may have with the same name. I chose to name this folder "OLD".\n\n4. Disable the register_globals PHP for your public folder (see:\n\n5. Download the most current release of Drupal ( to you local computer. This will be a *.tar.gz file.\n\n6. Upload the file to your public folder.\n\n7. Unpack all the contents of the drupal-* (* = the version number) to the public folder.\n\n8. Delete the *.tar.gz file.\n\n9. From a web browser, go to ( = your URL).\n\n10. Start and follow the on-screen instructions to set-up Drupal. You will need to know your database name and password (from step 1 above).\n\n11. At the Configure site step, you will create an Administrator user name and password. I suggest to use the name "admin" and a password different than you will use for any user logins later on. When done, click the Save and Continue button at the bottom of the page. The page should refresh showing all green check marks.\n\n12. Click on the message link "You may now visit your new site." where you will be logged in to your site as the Administrator.
Re: Karmic XNest problem\nedit /etc/gdm/custom.conf\n\nin the [xdmcp] section ...\n\n{{{\n[xdmcp]\nEnable=True\nDisplaysPerHost=2\n}}}\n\n\nThen reboot the server.\n\nkarmic xnest NewinputdeviceRequest failed\n\nThis is the error and the test\n\nTest:\nXnest :2 -query\n\nResult:\n\n\n{{{\n\nroot@stephen-remote:~# Xnest :2 -query\n[dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic, removing from list!\n[config/dbus] couldn't take over org.x.config: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied (Connection ":1.84" is not allowed to own the service "org.x.config.display2" due to security policies in the configuration file)\n(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)\n(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)\n(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)\n(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)\n(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)\n\n}}}\n
Try the find command instead of ls. The following will list only subdirectories of the PWD:\n\n{{{\nfind ./ -type d\n}}}\n\nSOURCE\n\n\nThis worked...\n{{{\nls -1 | grep ^\s.\n}}}
! Shell Sources\n\nInfo about shell...\n[[Jaidu |]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
! MountManager\n\nInteresting [[program MountManager |]]
! want eth1 to be eth0?\n\nDevice mapping on some of our Linux machines are controlled by the file /etc/iftab.\n\nOn our Ubuntu test machine this file, /etc/iftab, is not present and the network devices assignment is controlled by files located in the /etc/udev/rules.d directory.\n\n[[Source |]]\n
! Printing man pages\n\nThe -t makes the man page come out in postscript!\n\nExample \n{{{\n$ man -t ls | lpr -P hp_laserjet\n}}}\n\n{{{\n\nfunction man2pdf(){ man -t ${1:?Specify man as arg} | ps2pdf -dCompatibility=1.3 - - > ${1}.pdf; }\n}}}\n\n[[Source |]]
! Sound Troubleshooting\n\nA good site for this type of thing is:\n\n\n\nThis script gets your information to the alsa project for diagnosis\n{{{\nwget -O && bash ./\n}}}\n\nAdditional sound info is [[here|]]
[[Cross link to project wiki|]]\n\n! Temprature Sensor\n\n[[SOURCE |$30-Historical-Temperature-Sensor-System-using-PC,/]]\n\nintro $30 Historical Temperature Sensor System using PC,1-wire, Perl, MRTG\nI wanted a cost effective way to record temperatures in different areas (computer rooms specifically) and present the data using graphs. Currently the temperatures are updated every 5 minutes, and can be accessed via a web page, but this could easily be modified to perform alerts based on thresholds.\n\nFor the initial system, I decided to monitor temperatures throughout my home (basement, 1st floor, Attic, and outside) I chose to use windows, as most of my clients have a windows system readily available.\n\nThe system is based on 1-wire devices, these things are amazing, and small. Basically using 2 wires, from the serial port adaptor (USB also avail) they receive power, and will acknowledge temperature requests based on their unique serial number being sent down the 1-wire bus.{{{\n'''''''\n}}}\n\nWhat you will need\nHardware:\n\n{{{DS9097# IBACC}}} Commercial (0 deg C to +70 deg C) Qty 1 Price $ 21.59\n[[DS18S20 TO92|DS18S20tempSensor]] Military (-55 deg C to +125 deg C) Qty 2+ Price $ 2.57\nCAT 5 cabling, crimpers, and RJ45 ends, RJ45 Coupler(preferred but not required)
our friend tr\n\neric's hack...\n\necho "/etc/bin" | tr '\s/' '\s\s'\n\nflip\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# Thu May 13 10:13:02 2010 pflint\n# flips slashes to whacks\n#\necho $1 | tr '\s/' '\s\s'\n}}}\n\n\n\n\n
Dave The Geek TV\n\nThe following uses gstreamer to launch a webcam viewer whose window can be resized. This can then be included in a screencast. ''gst-launch'' uses the bang ''!'' to construct its own "pipeline". See the examples in @@{{{man gst-launch}}}@@. (On <<slider slipperiness [[kjcole]] "my" "(Kevin Cole's)">> system, there did not appear to be a noticeable difference when @@{{{ffmpegcolorspace}}}@@ was removed from the pipeline.... YMMV.\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\ngst-launch-0.10 v4l2src ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink\n}}}
|@@Kevin Cole is a programmer and open source evangelist in ~Brain-Washington, DC.@@|\n\n\n[[kevin's wiki at Nova Web|]]\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Search for Tox |]]||\n|[[Tox Protocol |]]||\n|[[Download Tox |]]||\n|[[Tox Chat|]]||
remove the end of the line...\n\nNote: do not forget the dot. K&R p109\n{{{\ncat | sed 's/eol.*//p'\n}}}\n\n[[good sed stuff|]]\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Tested White Space removal|]]||\n|[[replace white space|]]||\n|[[tr tips|]]||\n|[[That Devil Tr|]]||\n\n[[Orelly Book|]]
!Spreading Tables Of Content Through a filesystem\n\nThis works to spread the file to many directories:\n{{{\nfind ./ -type d |xargs -I xxx cp /home/flint/Desktop/smb_Groups/ADP/dtoc.html xxx/.\n\n}}}\n\n\nThe command to list directories is:\n\n{{{\nfind ./ -type d\n}}}\n\nThis code reveals the filesystem:\n{{{\nls -alt | grep '\s.\s.$\n}}}\n\n{{{\nls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^\s/]*\s//--/g' -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/-/|/' \n}}}\nSOURCE:\n\n\nHack this with this:\n{{{\n\nls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^\s/]*\s//--/g' -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/-/|/'\n}}}\n\n{{{\ngrep -v '\s-\s-\s-' ~flint/ADP_structure | cut -c 6- |xargs cp dtoc.html\n}}}\n\n[[Xargs | ]]\n\n{{{\n grep -v '\s-\s-\s-' ~flint/ADP_structure | cut -c 6- |xargs -d \sn cp dtoc.html\n\n}}}
Nicco Eneidi asked, and answered his own question:\n<<<\nWe are imaging a bunch of machines here in the lab and I was wondering if we might be able to remove the Clonezilla Live CD after it has fully booted and use the disc to boot another machines that is waiting. Yes, it works! It's under one of the alternative boot options where it'll load completely to memory and you can remove the boot media.\n<<<
|!Punctuation|!Location|!Function|\n|{{{@@...@@}}}|surrounding text|@@highlighted text@@|\n|{{{//...//}}}|surrounding text|//italicized text//|\n|{{{--...--}}}|surrounding text|--strikethrough text--|\n|{{{''...''}}}|surrounding text|''boldfaced text''|\n|{{{__...__}}}|surrounding text|__underlined text__|\n|{{{[[...]]}}}|surrounding text|wiki-ize [[space separated]] text|\n|{{{[[text|url]]}}}|around text/url pair|[[text|]] link to url|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding text|{{{in-line literal text}}}|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding ''__lines__''|literal block|\n|{{{<<<}}}|surrounding ''__lines__''|blockquotes|\n|{{{!}}}|at start of line|subheading|\n|{{{|...|...|}}}|line sectioned by vertical bars|table row|\n|{{{!}}}|in a table|!table heading|\n|{{{----}}}|alone on line|horizontal rule|\n|{{{*}}}|at start of line|bulleted list item|\n|{{{#}}}|at start of line|numbered list item|\n|{{{~}}}|at start of word|unwiki-ize ~CamelCased word|\n
TTiddlyWiki uses Wiki style markup, a way of lightly "tagging" plain text so it can be transformed into HTML. Edit this Tiddler to see samples.\n\n! Header Samples\n!Header 1\n!!Header 2\n!!!Header 3\n!!!!Header 4\n!!!!!Header 5\n\n! Unordered Lists:\n* Lists are where it's at\n* Just use an asterisk and you're set\n** To nest lists just add more asterisks...\n*** this\n* The circle makes a great bullet because once you've printed a list you can mark off completed items\n* You can also nest mixed list types\n## Like this\n\n! Ordered Lists\n# Ordered lists are pretty neat too\n# If you're handy with HTML and CSS you could customize the [[numbering scheme|]]\n## To nest, just add more octothorpes (pound signs)...\n### Like this\n* You can also\n** Mix list types\n*** like this\n# Pretty neat don't you think?\n\n! Tiddler links\nTo create a Tiddler link, just use mixed-case WikiWord, or use [[brackets]] for NonWikiWordLinks. This is how the GTD style [[@Action]] lists are created. \n\nNote that existing Tiddlers are in bold and empty Tiddlers are in italics. See CreatingTiddlers for details.\n\n! External Links\nYou can link to [[external sites|]] with brackets. You can also LinkToFolders on your machine or network shares.\n\n! Images\nEdit this tiddler to see how it's done.\n[img[]]\n\n!Tables\n|!th1111111111|!th2222222222|\n|>| colspan |\n| rowspan |left|\n|~| right|\n|colored| center |\n|caption|c\n\nFor a complex table example, see PeriodicTable.\n\n! Horizontal Rules\nYou can divide a tiddler into\n----\nsections by typing four dashes on a line by themselves.\n\n! Blockquotes\n<<<\nThis is how you do an extended, wrapped blockquote so you don't have to put angle quotes on every line.\n<<<\n>level 1\n>level 1\n>>level 2\n>>level 2\n>>>level 3\n>>>level 3\n>>level 2\n>level 1\n\n! Other Formatting\n''Bold''\n==Strike==\n__Underline__\n//Italic//\nSuperscript: 2^^3^^=8\nSubscript: a~~ij~~ = -a~~ji~~\n@@highlight@@\n@@color(green):green colored@@\n@@bgcolor(#ff0000):color(#ffffff):red colored@@\n
[[SOURCE:| ]]\n\n* to insert return character\n{{{\n<ctl> v immediate character \n}}}\n* to make stuff into tiddly tables:\n{{{\n%s/^/|/g\n%s/ \s+/|/g\n%s/$/|/g\n}}}\n*to fix cursor keys\n{{{\nset esckeys\n}}}\n\n\n* fun search and replace - give up and use sed....\n{{{\nsed 's/ /|/2'\n\nsed 's/|/P/3'\n}}}
! How to clone your virtual box.\n\n[[SOURCE|]]\n\nrename 's/winxp1/winxp2/' *\n\n\n$ VBoxManage clonevdi `pwd`/SDisk.vdi `pwd`/DDisk.vd\n\nVBoxManage clonevdi ./winxp1.vdi ./winxp2.vdi\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVBoxManage clonevdi UUID targetpath\stagetfile.vdi
!Overland 3490\n\nThe way to use this system is at the Unix Linux level, where it looks like just a regular tape drive.\n\nFrom dmesg:\n{{{\nSCSI subsystem initialized\nACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:00:01.0[A] -> GSI 9 (level, low) -> IRQ 9\nscsi0 : Adaptec AIC7XXX EISA/VLB/PCI SCSI HBA DRIVER, Rev 6.2.36\n <Adaptec 2944 Ultra SCSI adapter>\n aic7880: Ultra Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 16/253 SCBs\n\n(scsi0:A:5): 10.000MB/s transfers (5.000MHz, offset 8, 16bit)\n Vendor: OVERLAND Model: L490E Rev: 0756\n Type: Sequential-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02\n Vendor: OVERLAND Model: L490E Rev: 0756\n Type: Medium Changer ANSI SCSI revision: 02\n\n}}}\n\nA classic way to interact with this unit is the [[mt|]] command, examples include:\n{{{\n# mt -f /dev/nst0 status\ndrive type = Generic SCSI-2 tape\ndrive status = 671088640\nsense key error = 0\nresidue count = 0\nfile number = 4\nblock number = 0\nTape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x28 (unknown).\nSoft error count since last status=0\nGeneral status bits on (8d010000):\n}}}\n\nOther commands include:\n{{{\n\n}}}\n\nTwo programs useful in looking for IBM data on tapes are here:\n\\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash \nmt -f /dev/st0 rewind\ni=0\nwhile [ $i -lt $1 ]; do\n echo -n "This is "\n dd bs=10240 cbs=80 conv=ascii,unblock if=/dev/nst0 of=block$i.out\n echo block$i.out\n let i=i+1 \ndone\n\n}}}\\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash \n# mt -f /dev/st0 rewind\ni=$1\nwhile [ $i -lt $2 ]; do\n echo -n "This is "\n dd bs=10240 cbs=80 conv=ascii,unblock if=/dev/nst0 of=block$i.out\n echo block$i.out\n let i=i+1 \ndone\n\n}}}\nThese programs need expansion and error checking.\n\nSOURCES:\n|!Tape Related Sites|\n|[[reference|]]|\n|[[reference|]]|\n|[[good online article|]]|\n|[[Linux Journal article, very good|,0]]|\n|[[Very confusing IBM site|]]|\n|[[Overland Data Web Site|]]|\n|[[Good notes on tar and mt|]]|\n|[[reference|]]|\n|[[reference|]]|\n|[[reference|]]|\n|[[reference|]]|
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'\n\ntsclient which somehow attaches to xtightvncviewer\n\n\n\nthis worked... \n{{{\n$ xtightvncviewer\nConnected to RFB server, using protocol version 3.3\nPerforming standard VNC authentication\nPassword: \nAuthentication successful\nDesktop name "fpsvr"\nVNC server default format:\n 16 bits per pixel.\n Least significant byte first in each pixel.\n True colour: max red 31 green 63 blue 31, shift red 11 green 5 blue 0\nUsing default colormap which is TrueColor. Pixel format:\n 32 bits per pixel.\n Least significant byte first in each pixel.\n True colour: max red 255 green 255 blue 255, shift red 16 green 8 blue 0\nUsing shared memory PutImage\n^CCleanupSignalHandler called\nShmCleanup called\n{\n\n}}}
[[Point of departure on zope scripting|]]
|[[description of time and data formats |]]||\n|[[Introduction to "date"|]]||\n|[[Explaination of --date='' functions |]]| Excellent explanation of GNU date scope extentions|\n\nConversions:\n* epoch to date/time\n{{{\ndate --date "Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 +0000 + 1364961600 seconds"\n}}}\n* from date/time to epoch \n{{{\ndate -d "2013-04-03" +%s\n}}}
!Beautiful Soup\nThursday, October 07 2010\n[[Beautiful Soup|]]
Very cool [[vim site|]]\n\n[[awk tutorial|]]\n\npaste join etc\n\nshuffle...\npaste -d '\sn' file1 file2\n\n[[Make things visible|]]\n{{{\n:set invlist\n}}}\n\nto switch columns:\n{{{\nawk '{print $3 " " $2 " " $1}'\n}}}
[[connectors|nxt_connectors]]\n[[rxe_ code]]\n\n\n\n\n\nhas to be run as root, and needs python-wxgtk2.8\n
Or Windows 7 [[This works well|]]\n\n[[Choose Windows software and install |]]
[[Bash Tutorial|]]\n\n[[bash strings|]]\n\n[[Bash Pitfalls|]]\n\n[[Read Into Array|]]\n\n[[Bash Parameter Cheatsheet|]]\n\nHow to read all lines of a file into a [[bash array|]]\n\n[[Ultimate Bash Tutorial|]]\n\n[[read built in command|]]
expect uses autoexpect to generate script. edit accordingly.\n\nHelp:\n[[detailed overview|]]\n[[wikipedia|]]\n[[expect book|]]\n
For any thinkpad owners that want to change some settings of their trackpoint mice:\n\n
ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f x11grab -r 30 -s 1366x768 -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 output.mkv
[[How to downgrade gedit from 3.18.3 to 3.6.1 |]]\n\n! Gedit\n\nPython console\n* [[howto|]]\n* [[zeth wants <f5> execution|]]\n* [[f# dude|]]\n\n[[Getting back to gedit 3.10|]]
The problem is you loose the web search capability.\n|Site | Descroption|\n|[[web search|]]|\n|[[web search|]]|\n|[[web search|]]|\n|[[web search|]]|\n|[[web search|]]|\n|[[web search|]]|\n|[[web search|]]|
awk is your friend...\n\n[[awk in 20 minutes|]]\n[[awk how to|]]\n[[good example|]]\n[[GNU gawk guide |]]\n[[good awk stuff |]]\n[[more good awk stuff |]]\n\n* [[line length|]]\n{{{\n| awk '{print length}'\n}}}
gconf-editor \n# Open gconf-editor, \n# go to desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad, and \n# check the option touchpad_enabled.\n\nSystem>>Preferences>>Mouse\n\n||\n||\n||\n||
curl is an amazing but complicated tool.\n\n[[whiptail]] is an excellent curl base tool\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[6-essential-curl-commands |]]| What a find!!! Monday, May 09 2011|\n|[[Good Article|]]||\n|[[ssl certs |]]||\n|[[curl manpage |]]||\n|[[upload |]]||\n|[[download |]]||\n|[[examples |]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[Curl Man Page|]]||\n|[[reference|]]|\n
\n[[gedit plugins|]]\n\nInsert Date and Time incorrectly mapped in Gedit Version 3.18.3\nIn previous versions it was bound to <alt>e s, \nand now it is bound to <alt>t s, which sucks if you are used to the first binding.\n\n[[Gedit Plugin Article|]]\n\nMaybe fix in gnome?\n\n[[SOURCE:|]]\n{{{\ngsettings list-recursively | grep -i gedit\n}}}\n\nIt appears to want to be attached to the [[Gnome Standard|]], controlled by the [[gsettings | ]] command.\n\nTrying:\n{{{\nsudo apt install gnome-control-center\n}}}\n\n[[Ubuntu Key bindings|]]\n\nOr [[change keyboard shortcuts in gedit |]] \n\n{{{\ngconf-editor\n}}}\n\n[[Gedit key bindings as a reported bug|]]
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'\n\n\nepic@computer:~$ ls -l .Xauthority\n-rw------- 1 root root 122 2008-07-10 20:17 .Xauthority\n\n\n\n
Change all referenced in /etc/apt/sources.list\n\nSearch for\nchange to\n\napt-get update\napt-get upgrade\n\nsudo do-release-upgrade\n\nFriday, June 03 2011\n[[SOURCE|]]\n1 sudo apt-get install update-manager-core\n2 sudo do-release-upgrade\n\n
[[SOURCE:|]]\n\nIt works, but will be this way for ALL themes, not just one. Here's what you do:\n\n1) Open Gconf by clicking "Applications" --> "System Tools" --> "Configuration Editor"\n\n2) Navigate to the following Gconf key: "Apps" --> "Metacity" --> "General"\n\n3) Change the value of the following Name item: "button_layout"\n\n4) Change the order of the buttons from this:\nCode:\n{{{\nmenu:minimize,maximize,close\n}}}\nto this:\nCode:\n{{{\nminimize,maximize,close:menu\n}}}\nand the buttons will switch when you click off the value field of the Gconf key name. \n\n[[Additional Guidance|]]
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'\n\nNautilus simply stores the bookmarks in:\n\n{{{\n$HOME/.gtkbookmarks\n}}}\n\n[[SOURCE|]]\nLocation bar text only:\n{{{\nsudo apt-get install gconf2\n gconftool-2 --type=Boolean --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_location_entry true\n# gconftool-2 --type=Boolean --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_location_entry true\n}}}\n\n{{{\n.gtk-bookmarks -> /home/flint/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks\n}}}\n\n
|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Hard Drive Slows |]]||\n|[[Hard Drive Solve |]]||\n|[[Hard Drive Solve for Ubuntu |]]||
! Bash Functions\n\nNotice that the function calls must come before the invocation.\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Function How To |]]||\n|[[Bash reference to functions |]]||\n|[[Bash Function example |]]||\n|[[if then variables How To |]]||\n|[[if then variables continued |]]||\n|[[Good article on "{ }" |]]|\n|[[Shell Qualifiers "$" whatever |]]||\n|[[read dashes |]]| Good explaination|\n|[[Bash Decorators |]]| Who would have thunk|
\nWho knew that [[cat was bad|]]?
Here is the hack...\n\n{{{\ncut -c 9- <file in> | cut -d "," -f 1 | grep -v '^ ' | grep -v '^/' |while read line; do echo "$line" | wc -c; done\n}}}
[[A Day In the Life|]]
[[SOURCE|]]\n{{{\napache2 -v\n}}}
[[SOURCE|]]\nTo activate in Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu):\n\n{{{\nme@myhost$ sudo apt-get install apache2 php5\n}}}\n\n\n{{{\nme@myhost$ mkdir public_html\n}}}\n\nTest\n{{{\nme@myhost$ cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled\nme@myhost$ sudo ln -s ../mods-available/userdir.conf userdir.conf\nme@myhost$ sudo ln -s ../mods-available/userdir.load userdir.load\nme@myhost$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart \n}}}\n\nNow you can play with [[apache rewrite rules|]]\n\nCheck apache configuration:\n[[SOURCE|]]\n{{{\napachectl configtest\n}}}
Substitute after find...\nUse the "&" to invoke the thing searched for..\n{{{\nsed 's/.$/&\s"/' |# fixes trailing quote\n}}}\nsearch for any letter at end and replace with that letter plus a quote.\n\n{{{\n#echo " $file1 $file2"\n# sed -e 's/^ *//g' |\s # Remove leading blank spaces\n# sed -e 's/\s([a-zA-Z()]\s) \s([a-zA-Z()]\s)/\s1_\s2/g' |\s # Add underscres between words\n# # separated by 1 blank space\n# sed -e 's/ - /_-_/g' |\s # Swap ' - ' for '_-_'\n# sed -e "s/^/$i /" |\s # Add filename to beginning of each file\n# sed -e 's/\s([0-9]\s),\s([0-9]\s)/\s1\s2/g' # for numbers get rid of commas\n# sed -e 's/,/ /g' # Replace commas with spaces\n#\n# grep -v '^ *\s*' |\s # get rid of HTML menu links\n}}}\n\nAdding leading zeros...\n{{{\n# sed -e 's/\s"DC\s([0-9]\s)\s([0-9]\s)\s"/\s"DC0\s1\s"/g' # does units like "DC10-99"\n}}}\nDo this twice and you are done!\nVariation on search/replace above insert line before two numbers...\n{{{\nsed -e 's/\s([0-9]\s)\s([0-9]\s)/^M\s1\s2/g'\n}}}
|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Google Search|]]||\n|[[Whiptail Wikibook |]]||\n|[[Whiptail Man Page |]]||\n|[[Whiptail variables |]]||\n|[[Whiptail example |]]||\n|[[Whiptail Passwords |]]||
Preferred Version 2.24.2\n\nHorrible version 3.18.3\n\n''Basic settings''\n[[SOURCE:|]]\n\nAt first you should configure some basic settings common for Ruby programming at Edit/Preferences:\n##View Display line numbers on\n##View Highlight current line on\n##View Highlight matching bracket on\n##Editor Tab width 2\n##Editor Insert spaces instead of tabs on\n##Editor Enable automatic indentation on\n\nAt the Font & Colors tab you can choose some colors that suit you. I use the great "Railscasts Improved".\n\nYou should also deactivate the redundant toolbar in the View menu and learn/change the shortcut for toggling the bottom- and sidebars (F9).\n\n[[Add external tools to gedit|]]\nHere's how to add commands to Gedit to format JSON and XML documents.\n\n#Ensure that you have an up-to-date version of Python. It's included with nearly every Linux distribution.\n#Ensure that the External Tools plugin is installed\n##Click Edit -> Preferences\n##Select the Plugins tab\n##Check the box next to External Tools\n##Click Close\n#Add the Format JSON command\n##Click Tools -> Manage External Tools...\n##Click New (bottom left, looks like a piece of paper with a plus sign)\n##Enter a name (Format JSON)\n##Paste this text into the text window on the right or add a script snippett\n##Set Input to Current document\n##Set Output to Replace current document\n\n\n\n\ncurly is a dictionary\nsquare is an array\n\n\n[[Lesser-Known gedit Keyboard Shortcuts|]]\n\nReplace gedit with [[pluma|]]\n\n\n* [[gedit verses pluma plugins|]]\n* [[pluma plugins|]]\n* [[pluma plugin list|]]
This is Click here for [[install method and script|tiddletInstallTool]]\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n## echo $#\nclear\nif [ $# -ne 1 ]\nthen\n cat $0 | grep '^# ' | sed -e 's/#//' \n# *****DOCUMENTATION*****\n# Greetings Tiddlers, this is version 0.012\n# I constantly find myself trolling around google in firefox, racking up\n# some great research, which I felt would be useful to save in a tiddle\n# table. What I have done in the past has been to go Edit > Preferences, click\n# "Use Current Pages" <shift-tab> to highlight the line <ctl-c> to copy the\n# current pages, open gedit and paste the current tabs in.\n# I would then run search/replace on the result to convert it into a tiddle \n# table. I kept forgetting the variables, so here is the shell script that does this\n# thing... Thus, is used to convert a firefox "current pages" dump into \n# a tiddle table.\n# :^)\n# The syntax is <file>, and pipes into a file.\n#\n exit 1\nfi\n## add Running head r e.g. "|!Reference HTML|! Description|"\necho "|!Reference HTML|! Description|"\n## add prefix e.g. "|[[reference|"\necho -n "|[[reference|"\n## tiddler replace | with ]]||\sn|[[reference| and add footer e.g. "]]||"\ncat $1 |sed -e 's/|/\s]\s]\s|\s|\sn\s|\s[\s[reference\s|/g' |sed -e '$s/$/\s]\s]||/g'\n}}}\n\nTo put the tiddlet capability in gedit:\n# Open Gedit\n# Check Edit > Preferences > Plugins > External Tools\n# Go Tools > Manage External Tools > Add a tool (+ in corner) > new tool\n# In new tool add this:\n\n{{{\n\n#!/bin/bash\necho "|!Reference HTML|! Description|"\n## add prefix e.g. "|[[reference|"\necho -n "|[[reference|"\n## tiddler replace | with ]]||\sn|[[reference| and add footer e.g. "]]||"\ncat $1 |sed -e 's/|/\s]\s]\s|\s|\sn\s|\s[\s[reference\s|/g' |sed -e '$s/$/\s]\s]||/g'\n}}}\n\n\n\nShortcut Key: <ALT>F11\nset save: nothing\nInput: current document\nOutput: Replace Current Document\nAvailablilty: All Documents
Information about DETC\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[DECT Defined |]]||\n|[[Good deal |]]||\n|[[handset sale |]]||\n|[[DECT Handset |]]||\n\n
\n{{{\nperl -pe 's{^}{\s"};s{$}{\s"}'\n}}}
in a admin home directory\n\nin /etc/init.d/\n\n\n% update-rc.d /etc/init.d/\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# Tue 25 May 2010 02:47:37 PM EDT \n# pflint\n# cleanup machine installer. \n# installs the mean penguin cleaner\n#\n# run as root\n# step 1 get trigger and put it where it belongs\nscp flint@ /etc/init.d/\nchmod +x /etc/init.d/\n#\n# step 2 construct template\nadduser template\ncd /home\nsudo scp -r flint@ .\nsudo chown template:template template\n#\n# Step 3 Pull the trigger\n# update-rc.d defaults\n#\n# Step 4 Test\nreboot\n}}}
[[Cross link to project wiki|]]\n\n
Shell Qualifiers are elements you can add to shell scripts to enhance system operation, examples include:\n\n|!Phonem |!Description |! Element |\n|shebang |Establishing command processor | {{{#!}}} |\n|shebout |Identify expos-able help line | {{{##}}} |\n|sheborg |Identify structural element | {{{#*}}} |\n|sheblog |Toggle Logging in script | {{{#>}}} |\n\nshebang\nEstablishing command processor\n{{{\n#!\n}}}\n\nshebout\nIdentify expos-able help line\n{{{\n##\n}}}\n\nsheborg\nIdentify structural line\n{{{\n#*\n}}}\n\nsheblog\nIdentify line to be appended to allow for logging\n{{{\n#>\n}}}\n\n\n\n
[[The Magic Cauldron|]]
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'\n\n[[OpenDownload2 3.2.1 Tuxman|]]
[[Here Document|]] Example\n\nPut stuff in a document....\n{{{\n$ cat << end > spam.txt\n> the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog\n> end\n$ cat spam.txt \nthe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog\n\n}}}\n\n\n[[SOURCE:|]]\n{{{\n$ tr a-z A-Z <<END_TEXT\n> one two three\n> uno dos tres\n> END_TEXT\nONE TWO THREE\nUNO DOS TRES\n}}}\n\nUsing a here document to load a variable:\n{{{\n# the following evaluates the string... go to line 79 for more stuff...\n# change this line <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;url=">\nread -d '' String <<"EOF"\nWhatever you want for as\nmany lines as you like...\nEOF\n# echo "this is the string"\necho "$String"\n}}}\n\s\nAlso see [[Here Strings |]] which use the "<<<" form.
Alpine replaces pine...\n\n[[alpine setup by moral pine user |]]\n\nPine/alpine "header size inconsistent" bug\n\n[[change to imap|]]\n[[Coo Script|]]\n[[Alpine patch page|]]\n\n[[set alpine for imap|]]
Mongo DB\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Google Search |]]||\n|[[Mongo DB Home |]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[reference|about:blank]]||\n
to stop and reboot...\n\nHold down\n<cntl>\n<alt>\n<print_screen>\n\nREISUB
to stop boot and get to grub II hit the left shift key...\n
[[SOURCE:|]] Look at bottom...\n\nHere are a few useful sed references.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHere are a few useful awk references:\n\n\n\n\n\nA couple of regular expressions tutorials:\n\n
This bash script will make an exact copy of an ascii file:\n\n{{{\nrm -rf new.html; touch new.html; while IFS= read -r line; do printf '%s\sn' "$line" >> new.html; done < "index.html"; ls -alt | grep html\n}}}
|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Incrementing |]]||\n|[[Wikipedia Date |]]||\n|[[Date Reference |]]||\n
[[Linux Journal on arrays|]]\n[[Johnson's Site|]]\n[[Advanced Bash Scripting |]]\n[[Ramesh Natarajan Bash array tutorial|]]\n[[Root Ninja |]]\n[[Associative Arrays |]]\n[[Array add and remove |]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[[more information|]]\n[[Bash Arrays|]]\n[[geek stuff array|]]\n\n[[manipulating string arrays|]]\n\n[[bash string function|]]\n\nsee also [[bash_hints]]\n\nclever trick to data munge\n{{{\nvar="79.472850 97 SILENCE"\necho ${var:0:9}${var:14}\n79.472850 SILENCE\n}}}
Troubleshooting crontab...\n\n[[Source|]]\nLog is here:\n{{{\ngrep CRON /var/log/syslog | less -NS \nls -alt | grep "syslog\s."\nzless syslog.2.gz | grep CRON \nzless syslog.2.gz | grep CRON \n}}}\n
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'\n\n{{{\ngrep -a3 LIBR * | grep ACCESS |while read -r line; do line=${line#*txt-}; echo ${line%*}; done\n}}}
Watching and timing are often important. \n\nWatch banana.txt\n{{{\nwatch 'tail -20 banana.txt'\n}}}\n\n\nWatch cron\n{{{\nsudo watch 'tail -20 /var/log/syslog | grep -i cron'\n}}}\n\nTime ping\n{{{\nfor IP in fpsvr; do echo -n "Ping time for "$IP" = "; runtime=`\stime -f "%e" ping -c 2 $IP`; done\n}}}\n\n[[Good Crontab Article|]]
How trim last page using pdftk\n{{{\npdftk input_file.pdf cat 1-3 output myOutput.pdf\n}}}\n\n\n\nHow To rotate a document using pdftk\n{{{\npdftk input_file.pdf cat -E output myOutput.pdf\n}}}\n\nOptions are:\n* -E east\n* -W west\n* -N north\n* -S south
This is a general How To in using old distributions.\n\nThe [[source|]] \n\n[[This guidance seems to work|]]
Tiddly Tricks\n\n[[How to save tabs in Chrome|]]\n\n[[geekland introduction]]\n\n[[Tiddle Tricks|]]\n\nin bash, to count the number of pipes in each line try:\n{{{\ncat test_table.tdl |while read line; do echo $line |sed 's/[^|]//g' |wc -c; done\n}}}\nwhere test_table.tdl is the file.\n\nuse this as a here doc dropped into less:\n{{{\nwhile read line; do echo $line |sed 's/[^|]//g' |wc -c; done << end | less -NS\n}}}\n\n{{{\nwhile read line; do echo $line |sed 's/[^|]//g' |wc -c; done << end | less -NS\n}}}\n\n[[Tiddlywiki Macro|]]\n\n[[Alternative tiddlywiki - giewiki|]]
Type the text for '1 October 2012'\n\n\n\n\n\nTo redirect standard error to standard output\n[[SOURCE|]]\n\nHere is a concrete example that sends stderr to both the screen and appends to a logfile\n\nsh myscript 2> >(tee -a errlog)\n\nexamples:\n{{{\nnc -v -n -z -w 1 1-100 2> >(grep succ)\n}}}\n\n{{{\n(nc -v -n -z -w 1 1-100 2>&1- ) | grep succ\n}}}\n\n
Gnome\n[[Configuring Gnome Variables|]]\n\nGnomeKeybindings\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
our friend screen....\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|Google search [[reference|]]| Good starting point|\n|[[MIT Screen guide|]]| Good Screen Reference|\n|Linux Gazette[[reference|]]| Brief introduction|\n|[[Pixelbeat |]]| Ok...|\n|[[Chatty article|]]||\nThe secret is the .screenrc here is a sample...\n{{{\n# $Id: screenrc,v 1.15 2003/10/08 11:39:03 zal Exp $\n#\n# /etc/screenrc\n#\n# This is the flint screenrc.\n#\n# You can use this file to change the default behavior of screen system wide\n# or copy it to ~/.screenrc and use it as a starting point for your own\n# settings.\n#\n# Commands in this file are used to set options, bind screen functions to\n# keys, redefine terminal capabilities, and to automatically establish one or\n# more windows at the beginning of your screen session.\n#\n# This is not a comprehensive list of options, look at the screen manual for\n# details on everything that you can put in this file.\n#\n\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# SCREEN SETTINGS\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n#startup_message off\n#nethack on\n\n#defflow on # will force screen to process ^S/^Q\ndeflogin on\n#autodetach off\n\n# turn visual bell on\nvbell on\nvbell_msg " Wuff ---- Wuff!! "\n\n# define a bigger scrollback, default is 100 lines\ndefscrollback 1024\n\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# SCREEN KEYBINDINGS\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n# Remove some stupid / dangerous key bindings\nbind ^k\n#bind L\nbind ^\s\n# Make them better\nbind \s\s quit\nbind K kill\nbind I login on\nbind O login off\nbind } history\n\n# An example of a "screen scraper" which will launch urlview on the current\n# screen window\n#\n#bind ^B eval "hardcopy_append off" "hardcopy -h $HOME/.screen-urlview" "screen urlview $HOME/.screen-urlview"\n\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# TERMINAL SETTINGS\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n# The vt100 description does not mention "dl". *sigh*\ntermcapinfo vt100 dl=5\sE[M\n\n# turn sending of screen messages to hardstatus off\nhardstatus off\n# Set the hardstatus prop on gui terms to set the titlebar/icon title\ntermcapinfo xterm*|rxvt*|kterm*|Eterm* hs:ts=\sE]0;:fs=\s007:ds=\sE]0;\s007\n# use this for the hard status string\nhardstatus string "%h%? users: %u%?"\n\n# An alternative hardstatus to display a bar at the bottom listing the\n# windownames and highlighting the current windowname in blue. (This is only\n# enabled if there is no hardstatus setting for your terminal)\n#\n#hardstatus lastline "%-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<"\n\n# set these terminals up to be 'optimal' instead of vt100\ntermcapinfo xterm*|linux*|rxvt*|Eterm* OP\n\n# Change the xterm initialization string from is2=\sE[!p\sE[?3;4l\sE[4l\sE>\n# (This fixes the "Aborted because of window size change" konsole symptoms found\n# in bug #134198)\ntermcapinfo xterm 'is=\sE[r\sE[m\sE[2J\sE[H\sE[?7h\sE[?1;4;6l'\n\n# To get screen to add lines to xterm's scrollback buffer, uncomment the\n# following termcapinfo line which tells xterm to use the normal screen buffer\n# (which has scrollback), not the alternate screen buffer.\n#\n#termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te@\n\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# STARTUP SCREENS\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n# Example of automatically running some programs in windows on screen startup.\n#\n# The following will open top in the first window, an ssh session to monkey\n# in the next window, and then open mutt and tail in windows 8 and 9\n# respectively.\n#\n# screen top\n# screen -t monkey ssh monkey\n# screen -t mail 8 mutt\n# screen -t daemon 9 tail -f /var/log/daemon.log\n#\n# pflint\n# Thu Feb 9 23:24:52 EST 2006\n# added so pine will live...\n# bindkey -k k; stuff ";a"\n# bindkey -k F1 stuff "as"\n# bindkey -k F2 stuff ";cn"\n# the new spam key...\nbindkey -k k2 stuff "$(date +%F)_"\n#\n# Sat Mar 4 22:25:07 EST 2006\n#\n# screen top\n# screen -t monkey ssh monkey\nscreen 1\nscreen 2\nscreen 3\nscreen 4\n# screen -t mail 8 pine\n# screen -t daemon 9 tail -f /var/log/daemon.log\n#\n# pflint\n\n}}}
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'\n\nThis works\n[[SOURCE|]]\n{{{\nfgrep -vf job_number_5 in_jcl_2012-11-26 | less -NS\n}}}
[[Source|]]\n\n{{{\nwodim -eject -tao speed=1 dev=/dev/scd0 -v -data /my/directory/image.iso\n}}}\n\nTo check elapsed time of the burn...\n{{{\nsudo bash\ntime (wodim -eject -tao speed=1 dev=/dev/scd0 -v -data /my/directory/image.iso)\n}}}
The definintion of the [["Bulb Programmer"|]]
2023-05-03\n\\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# Tue 02 May 2023 03:21:02 PM EDT \n# pfint \nversion="0.3"\n#\ncurl -fsSL | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null\ncurl -fsSL | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list\nsudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get install tailscale\nsudo tailscale up\nsudo tailscale status\n}}}\n\n[[tailscale subnets|]]\n\n\n[[ raccoon|]] You don't need to worry about a tunnel going down and staying down (unless you've got connectivity issues) as you can have raccoon test the connection and re-construct it if it breaks. \nAdditionally free routing platforms like \n[[Sophos|]] and \n[[PFSense|]]
How do you fix this error?\n\nbash "stty standard input invalid argument"\n\nAnswer:\nIf you are using stty anywhere, you need to direct the error output (e.g. 2>/dev/null).
I picked up a HP Compaq TC4400 from state surplus the other day and decided to try out linux mint on it. \n\nIts a nice device with a built in tablet. \n\nthere are some functions I am in the process of getting working \n\nsuch as \n* Screen Rotate\n* Scroll wheel\n* Fingerprint Reader\n* Bevel Keys\n\nBluetooth and wifi work out of box. \n\n\n! Screen Rotation\n\nFirst you need to create this script\n\n{{{\n\n#!/bin/bash\n#\n# Screen rotation script by CPYarger. Released unger GPV v.3\n\nif [ $(xrandr --dryrun|awk '/LVDS1 connected/ {print $5}') = "normal" ]; then\n xrandr -o right\n xsetwacom set "$(xinput --list|grep -i stylus |cut -c -36|cut -c 11-)" Rota$\n xsetwacom set "$(xinput --list|grep -i stylus |cut -c -36|cut -c 11-)" mode$\n xsetwacom set "$(xinput --list|grep -i eraser |cut -c -36|cut -c 11-)" Rota$\n xsetwacom set "$(xinput --list|grep -i eraser |cut -c -36|cut -c 11-)" mode$\nelse\n xrandr -o normal\n xsetwacom set "$(xinput --list|grep -i stylus |cut -c -36|cut -c 11-)" Rota$\n xsetwacom set "$(xinput --list|grep -i stylus |cut -c -36|cut -c 11-)" mod$\n xsetwacom set "$(xinput --list|grep -i eraser |cut -c -36|cut -c 11-)" Rota$\n xsetwacom set "$(xinput --list|grep -i eraser |cut -c -36|cut -c 11-)" mode$\n\nfi\n\n}}}\n\nI am having some problems with the pen working properly on landscape mode but it looks like it is an error with xinput. Ahh the joys of debugging inputs...\n\nNow map this script to the Control Alt Delete combo and remap Ctrl alt delete to Ctrl Shift Delete. \n\nYou can find the GUI Keymap by going to your mint menu and searching keyboard shortcuts.\n\n@@bgcolor(#ff0000):color(#000000):!!WARNING!! the Ctrl alt backspace combo is active and will kill your Xsession!!!@@\n\n! Fingerprint Reader\n\nThe fingerprint reader is almost as easy to set up. \nAt the current moment it does not support the Mint Display manager MDM for authentication. But I will be looking into that in the future. This is still useful for authenticating in tablet mode for sudo use. \n\n\nFirst you need to add the following repo and install the following packages\n\n{{{\nsudo add-apt-repository ppa:fingerprint/fingerprint-gui\nsudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get install libbsapi policykit-1-fingerprint-gui fingerprint-gui\n}}}\n\nnow run {{{fingerprint-gui}}} Register your fingerprints and test it out. \n\n! scroll button \n\nTo get the scroll button working is stupid simple. and you have 2 ways to do it \n\neither write a script to map the keys to their proper functions or to set it up in rc.local Personally I have it set to run this script from rc.local\n\n{{{\n\n#!/bin/bash\n# Sets the keycodes for the scroll wheel\n\nsetkeycodes e006 104\nsetkeycodes e007 109\n\n}}}\n\n! Bevel buttons\n\nI have yet to figure out how to get the bevel buttons working. But I will post the info right as soon as I figure it out!!!
My favorite stuff to put in bashrc\n\n{{{\n# Fri 22 Feb 2013 07:55:16 AM EST \n# aliases flint cannot live without \nalias ld='ls -alt | grep $(date +%F)' # list todays files\nalias ly='ls -alt | grep $(date --date=yesterday +%F)' # list yesterdays files\nalias dq='du -h --max-depth=1' # disk usage\nalias sc='egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*(#.*)?$"' # sans comment\nalias ldir='ls -d */' # list directories\nalias ssh='ssh -X ' # always invoke X client in ssh\n\n# Mon 28 Jan 2013 02:08:33 PM EST \n# pflint. Editor sanity...\nexport VISUAL=/usr/bin/vi\nexport EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi\n\n# aliases chris loves\n\nalias k9="kill -9"\nalias pa="ps aux"\nalias pag="ps aux|grep"\n\nfunction bkp(){\nmkdir obe\nfile=$1\ntime=$(date +%s )\ncp $file obe/$file.$time\necho "coppied $file to obe/$file.$time"\n\n}}}
\n\n{{{\njava -jar andromouse,jar\n}}}
kvm emulation from google\n\n
By default Linux mint uses the duck duck go search engine. \n\nThis can be very annoying for someone who wants accurate search results, or is used to searching with google. \n\nThe solution to this problem is relatively simple.\n\n@@bgcolor(#ff0000):color(#000000):WARNING!!! Messing with the about:config file can be hazordous to your browsers health! DO NOT CHANGE ANY OTHER SETTINGS unless you know what you are doing!!!@@\n\n! Set the address bar to search Google by default\n\n* In the address bar go to {{{about:config}}}\nYou will see the following screen\n[img[]]\n* Click the button "I'll be careful, I promise!"\n* In the search bar on the page type in {{{Keyword.URL}}}\n** It should be a line similar to this {{{}}}\n* Double click on the line that appears\n* Replace the current value with {{{}}}\n\nThere you go!!!\n\n! Add google as the default search in the search bar\n\n* Goto the following link\n[[|]]\n* Click the button "Add to Firefox"\n* Click the checkbox "Start using it right away"\n* Click "Ok"\n\nThere you go your all set!\n
It looks like someone took one of my old scripts and ran with it.\nback in 2008 I wrote a nice little bash script that parsed the files from apt-get and downloaded the packages with axel to speed up downloads with multiple concurrent downloads. \n\nHere is the latest I found while searching for my old code. \n\n\n!Install apt-fast\n\nUbuntu users can install the latest stable apt-fast from its official PPA:\n\n{{{sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apt-fast/stable}}}\n{{{sudo apt-get update}}}\n{{{sudo apt-get install apt-fast}}}\n
There is a major problem with the combot install, I need to figure this out ASAP. I am seriously considering just doing a full fresh install although that is the windows way of doing repairs. \n\n\n\n\n{{{\n\nWARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.\n\n\nDisk /dev/sda: 2000.4 GB, 2000398934016 bytes\n255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 243201 cylinders, total 3907029168 sectors\nUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes\nSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes\nI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes\nDisk identifier: 0x00000000\n\n Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System\n/dev/sda1 1 3907029167 1953514583+ ee GPT\n\nDisk /dev/sdb: 4049 MB, 4049600512 bytes\n125 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1020 cylinders, total 7909376 sectors\nUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes\nSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes\nI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes\nDisk identifier: 0x00000000\n\n Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System\n/dev/sdb1 * 62 7904999 3952469 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)\n\n\n}}}
LiquidCrystal lcd(40, 38, 10, 11, 12, 13);
Here is a simple bash script to control Combot Power\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# Simple Power control for Combot\n# By Christopher Yarger\n# Released under GPLv3\n# Mar 28, 2013 13:36PM\n\n# get this with this:date +%s\nversion="0.1364884257"\n#* UID Check -- Must be root to run\nif [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then\n echo "Sorry, you are not root."\n exit 1\nfi\n\n#* Sanity Check and fix\nfunction installer(){\ndpkg --status python-pip | grep -q ok\n\nif [ $? -eq 1 ]; then\n apt-get install python-pip\nfi\n\ndpkg --status python-ftdi | grep -q ok\n\nif [ $? -eq 1 ]; then\n apt-get install python-ftdi\nfi\n\n\npip search pylibftdi | grep -q INSTALLED\n\nif [ $? -eq 1 ]; then\n pip install pylibftdi\nfi\nif ! which > /dev/null; then\n wget -O /usr/bin/\n chmod +x /usr/bin/\nfi\n\n}\n#\n#\n#* function dummy - Rename and fill stuff in between braces\nfunction dummy(){\necho "In version "$version" This is the dummy function"\n} # Test:\n#\n#\n#* function pcheck - Rename and fill stuff in between braces\necho $#" "$1" "$2" "$3" "$ARGS #debug \nfunction pcheck(){\nfor check in python-pip python-ftdi \n do \n if [ $(dpkg --status $check 2>/dev/null | grep -i status | rev | cut -d " " -f 1 | rev) ]; then echo "$check is installed"\n else\n clear&&echo "$check is not installed. installing...." && apt-get install -y --force-yes $check\n fi\n done\n#\ncheck="pylibftdi"; if [ $(ls -1 /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ | grep $check | head -1) ] ; then echo "$check is installed";else echo "$check is not installed. installing..."&& pip install pylibftdi ; fi\ncheck=""; if which $check > /dev/null ; then echo "$check is installed "; else echo "$check is not installed. installing..."&&wget -O /usr/bin/ +x /usr/bin/; fi\n} # Test: pcheck\n#\n#\n#* function Control- Control Command sequence\nfunction control(){\n#debug echo $#" "$1" "$2" "$3" "$ARGS \n# control=$var2\n# sudo -dA6WB0194 -r$var1 -c$var2\nsudo -dA6WB0194 -r$var2 -c$var3\n}\n#\n#* Help Function\n\nfunction help(){\nclear;\necho "This is "$0" "$version\ncat $0 | grep '^## ' | sed -e 's/##//'\n\n## Usage: command Relay Operation\n## valid operations are: on, off, state\n## Relays are wired as follows:\n## 1 - None\n## 2 - Speaker\n## 3 - Light\n## 4 - Fan\n## Example pcheck\n## control 3 on\n## For structure information type "grep '^\s#\s*'"\n} # test help\n\n#*###################################### MAIN ENTRY POINT AND COMPOUND CASE\necho " version "$version" starts" #debug\n#debug echo $#" "$1" "$2" "$3" "$ARGS \n#\n#* Evaluator Routine\n# Note the evaluator allows for many cases and error checking...\n# ARGS=$# # carries the number of args into the functions...\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "pcheck" ]; then ARGS="1"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "3" ] && [ "$1" = "control" ]; then ARGS="3"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "temp" ]; then ARGS="1"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "dummy" ]; then ARGS="1"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "itemp" ]; then ARGS="5"; fi\n#\n# Note the evaluator allows for many cases and error checking...\n# ARGS=$# # carries the number of args into the functions...\n# this tests the evaluator...\n#debug echo $#" "$1" "$2" "$3" "$ARGS \n\n#* typical cases, be careful to make your own...\n\ncase "$ARGS" in\n "0") clear; cat $0 | grep '^## ' | sed -e 's/##//'; exit 1;; # got nothing, display help and go\n "1") $1 ;; # run the command\n "2") var2=$2; var1=$1; control;; # run the command with two arguments\n "3") var3=$3; var2=$2; $1 ;; # run the command with two arguments\n "4") var4=$4; var3=$3; var2=$2; $1 ;; # run the command with three arguments\n "5") prompt=$2; $1 ;; # run the command with a different argument\n "6") time=$3; prompt=$2; $1 ;; # run the command with two different arguments\n "7") defvbl; $1 ;; # run the command and default variables\n "8") var2=$2; waiw; $1 ;; # run the command and settle variables\n "9") var3=$3; var2=$2; waiw; $1 ;; # run the command and settle variables\n *) clear; cat $0 | grep '^## '| sed -e 's/##//'; exit 1;; # Anything else run help and exit...\nesac\n\n}}}
How to bind keys to "phrases"\n\nExample:\nGoal - <ctrl> z d will produce "obe/$(date +%F)_"\n\nPossible with screen...but clumsy\n\nThis works...\n\n[[Source:|]]\n\nbind '"\sew":"\sC-e # macro"' - from command lien\n"\sew":"\sC-e # macro" - in .bashrc\n\n{{{\nbind '"\sew":"obe/$(date +%F)_"\n}}}\nbinds this to alt w\n\n{{{\nbind '"\sed":"obe/$(date +%F)_"\n}}}\nbinds this to <alt> d\n\n\nLikely need to link this to a screen macro so it works in both systems...
Special Bash Characters\n\n\n\n\n\n
[[advanced bash shell scripting guide|]]
Note that this can be put in .bashrc and/or .bash_aliases in many distributions.\n{{{\n# lt list files used today\nalias lt='ls -alt --full-time --time-style=long-iso | grep $(date +%F)'\n# ly list files used yesterday\nalias ly='ls -alt --full-time --time-style=long-iso | grep $(date -d yesterday +%F)'\n# sc go through a file without comment lines\nalias sc='egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*(#.*)?$"'\n# dq check directory usage at this level\nalias dq='du -h --max-depth=1'\n# date backup binding...\nbind '"\sed":"obe/$(date +%F)_"'\n# standard error binding...\nbind '"\see":" 2>/dev/null "'\n}}}
Here is how to check the current Linux version\n\n{{{lsb_release -d}}}\n\nsample output:\n\n{{{\nDescription: Linux Mint 13 Maya\n}}}
Things to make a debian include:\n\nme\n5:26 PM\n\nKevin Cole\n5:28 PM\n\n\n\n\n
# Avast\n# mbam\n## Malware Bytes anti malware \n\n* boot into safe mode with usb drive\n* run mbam\n* run avast
JNLB\n[[Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP)|]]\n\n\njavaws
Install options use pip install\n\n\n[[Python built in Functions|]]\n[[iPython intro|]]\n\nipython timer:\n{{{\n %time res = <function to be timed>\n}}}\n\nPython Command Line parsers:\n[[optparse|]] in depreciation.\n[[argparse|]] python blessed\n[[docopt|]] hmm... this is the way. ISO 1003 POSIX. [[Video|]]
To be able to scroll in screen you must enter copy mode.\n| To enter copy mode: |{{{Ctrl+a, [}}} |\n| To Exit copy mode | {{{Esc}}} |\n| To scroll up a page | {{{Pg-up}}} |\n| To scroll down a page | {{{Pg-Dn}}} |\n| To scroll up a line | {{{Up-arrow}}} |\n| To scroll down a line | {{{Down-arrow}}} |\n| To start copying | {{{Enter}}} |\n| To fiish copying | {{{Enter}}} |\n| To paste buffer | {{{ Ctrl+a, ]}}} |
Python programs can be a problem to stop.\n\nTry something like this to stop them:\n{{{\ncat ./\n#!/bin/bash\n# pflint Thu 13 Jun 2013 07:20:23 AM EDT \n#\n# kills\nps aux | # look through the list\n grep | # find the program\n grep sample | # filter for data file\n tail -1 | # take last choice displayed \n tr -s [:space:] | # make it so you can filter the line\n cut -d " " -f 2 | # get the process id\nxargs kill -9 # kill it.\n}}}
This shows how to loop pairs of data as variables...\n\nThis works\n{{{\nfor f in url1:filename1 url2:filename2 url3:filename3; do URL=${f%:*}; FILENAME=${f#*:} ; echo "$URL $FILENAME" ; done\n}}}
Looking for something?\ntry:\n\n{{{\nsudo find . -newermt 2011-02-01 ! -newermt 2011-04-01 -print |grep -i doc | less -NS\n\nsudo find . -newerat 2011-02-01 ! -newerat 2011-04-01 -print |grep -i doc | less -NS\n}}}\n\n"-atime/-ctime/-mtime" the last time a files's "access time", "file status" and "modification time", measured in days or minutes. Time interval in options -ctime, -mtime and -atime is an integer with optional sign.\n\n* n: If the integer n does not have sign this means exactly n days ago, 0 means today.\n\n* +n: if it has plus sing, then it means "more then n days ago", or older then n,\n\n* -n: if it has the minus sign, then it means less than n days ago (-n), or younger then n. It's evident that -1 and 0 are the same and both means "today".\n\n* Examples:\n[[Source||]]\no Find everything in your home directory modified in the last 24 hours:\n+ find $HOME -mtime 0\n\no Find everything in your home directory modified in the last 7 days:\n+ find $HOME -mtime -7\n\no Find everything in your home directory that have NOT been modified in the last year:\n+ find $HOME -mtime +365\n\no To find html files that have been modified in the last seven days, I can use -mtime with the argument -7 (include the hyphen):\n\nfind . -mtime -7 -name "*.html" -print\n\nIf you use the number 7 (without a hyphen), find will match only html files that were modified exactly seven days ago:\n\nfind . -mtime 7 -name "*.html" -print\n\no To find those html files that I haven't touched for at least 7 days, I use +7:\n\nfind . -mtime +7 -name "*.html" -print
[[DWG to DXF converter|]]
Very Cool Program\n\n[[autostart|]]\n
In Ubuntu 9.04 do [[this |]] \n\nAs of ubuntu 8.04, broadcom cards have a new driver. The original driver was called bcm43xx which didn't work very well. The new driver is b43 of b43legacy which is chosen by the module ssb, this one does not work very well with my card which has the chipset bcm4311. Ssb is apparently hard coded to load on boot and will ignore the blacklist.\n\nPlace this script in /etc/init.d/ndiswrapper\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\nmodprobe -r ssb\nmodprobe -r ndiswrapper\nmodprobe ndiswrapper\n}}}\nand symlink it using\n{{{\nsudo ln -s /etc/init.d/ndiswrapper /etc/rc2.d/S99ndiswrapper\n}}}\noh, and remember to run this command before rebooting to make it executable\n{{{\nsudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/ndiswrapper\n}}}\nill be writing a script to automate this and the rest of the install later\n\nupdate...\nubuntu 8.10 appears to have proper broadcom support and might not need this workaround
This is the famous broadcom hack that Mark Kline had to troubleshoot:\n\n[[Source:|]]\n\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n- - - - - - - - - \n\n11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) - 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)\n\nOpen a Terminal and install the bcmwl-kernel-source package:\n{{{\nsudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source\n}}}\nNote: If you see the message "Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the\nkernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed" then you are missing the appropriate\ngeneric linux-header package(s).\n\nTo test the driver (and remove the need for a computer restart) use:\n{{{\nsudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl brcmfmac brcmsmac bcma\nsudo modprobe wl\n}}}\nAllow several seconds for the network manager to scan for available networks before attempting a\nconnection.\n\nThe bcmwl-kernel-source package should automatically blacklist the open source drivers so that the\nSTA driver is the only one in use. However, some 11.10 users may have to manually blacklist the open\nsource modules (please see the Known Issues section). \s\n\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n- - - - - - - - - \n\nIt works! Yay!!!!!!\n
shell script supporting screen:\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# pflint Tue 19 Feb 2013 07:46:49 AM EST \n# python debug environment\n#\n# check for prerequisits\n# for line in ipython banana screen \nfor line in ipython screen ; \ndo \n if [ -z $(which $line) ]; then \n echo "The $line is missing"; \n fi;\ndone\n# \n# Make sure only root can run our script\nsudo pwd\ncd /home/flint/rr\npwd\n#\nread -d '' String <<"EOF"\n# $Id: screenrc,v 1.15 2003/10/08 11:39:03 zal Exp $\n# pflint note this is merely a variable in the program\n#\n# /etc/screenrc\n#\n# This is the flint screenrc.\n#\n# You can use this file to change the default behavior of screen system wide\n# or copy it to ~/.screenrc and use it as a starting point for your own\n# settings.\n#\n# Commands in this file are used to set options, bind screen functions to\n# keys, redefine terminal capabilities, and to automatically establish one or\n# more windows at the beginning of your screen session.\n#\n# This is not a comprehensive list of options, look at the screen manual for\n# details on everything that you can put in this file.\n#\n\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# SCREEN SETTINGS\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n#startup_message off\n#nethack on\n\n#defflow on # will force screen to process ^S/^Q\ndeflogin on\n#autodetach off\n\n# turn visual bell on\nvbell on\nvbell_msg " Wuff ---- Wuff!! "\n\n# define a bigger scrollback, default is 100 lines\ndefscrollback 1024\n\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# SCREEN KEYBINDINGS\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n# Remove some stupid / dangerous key bindings\nbind ^k\n#bind L\n# bind ^\s # very tricky...\n# Make them better\nbind \s\s quit\nbind K kill\nbind I login on\nbind O login off\nbind } history\n\n# An example of a "screen scraper" which will launch urlview on the current\n# screen window\n#\n#bind ^B eval "hardcopy_append off" "hardcopy -h $HOME/.screen-urlview" "screen urlview $HOME/.screen-urlview"\n\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# TERMINAL SETTINGS\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n# The vt100 description does not mention "dl". *sigh*\ntermcapinfo vt100 dl=5\sE[M\n\n# turn sending of screen messages to hardstatus off\nhardstatus off\n# Set the hardstatus prop on gui terms to set the titlebar/icon title\ntermcapinfo xterm*|rxvt*|kterm*|Eterm* hs:ts=\sE]0;:fs=\s007:ds=\sE]0;\s007\n# use this for the hard status string\nhardstatus string "%h%? users: %u%?"\n\n# An alternative hardstatus to display a bar at the bottom listing the\n# windownames and highlighting the current windowname in blue. (This is only\n# enabled if there is no hardstatus setting for your terminal)\n#\n#hardstatus lastline "%-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<"\n\n# set these terminals up to be 'optimal' instead of vt100\ntermcapinfo xterm*|linux*|rxvt*|Eterm* OP\n\n# Change the xterm initialization string from is2=\sE[!p\sE[?3;4l\sE[4l\sE>\n# (This fixes the "Aborted because of window size change" konsole symptoms found\n# in bug #134198)\ntermcapinfo xterm 'is=\sE[r\sE[m\sE[2J\sE[H\sE[?7h\sE[?1;4;6l'\n\n# To get screen to add lines to xterm's scrollback buffer, uncomment the\n# following termcapinfo line which tells xterm to use the normal screen buffer\n# (which has scrollback), not the alternate screen buffer.\n#\n#termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te@\n\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# STARTUP SCREENS\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n# Example of automatically running some programs in windows on screen startup.\n#\n# The following will open top in the first window, an ssh session to monkey\n# in the next window, and then open mutt and tail in windows 8 and 9\n# respectively.\n#\n# screen top\n# screen -t monkey ssh monkey\n# screen -t mail 8 mutt\n# screen -t daemon 9 tail -f /var/log/daemon.log\n#\n# pflint \n# Thu Feb 9 23:24:52 EST 2006\n# added so pine will live...\nbindkey -k k; stuff ";a"\nbindkey -k F1 stuff "as"\n# bindkey -k F2 stuff ";cn"\n# the new spam key...\nbindkey -k F3 stuff "d"\n# new version key...\nbindkey -k F9 stuff "obe/$(date +%F)_"\nbindkey -k F2 stuff "obe/$(date +%F)_"\n# \n# Sat Mar 4 22:25:07 EST 2006\n#\n# screen top\n# screen -t monkey ssh monkey\nscreen -t python 1 python\nscreen -t ipython 2 ipython\nscreen -t test3 3\nscreen -t test4 4\nscreen -t test5 5\n# screen -t itemp 2 watch 'echo $(date +%s);head -20 /var/www/itemp/itemp.log'\n# screen -t otemp 3 watch 'echo $(date +%s);head -20 /var/www/otemp/otemp.log'\n# screen -t itemp 4 watch 'tail -20 /var/www/itemp/logs/itemp.log'\n# screen -t otemp 5 watch 'tail -20 /var/www/otemp/logs/otemp.log'\n# screen -t 4 watch 'echo $(date +%F);echo $(date +%s); tail -20 /var/www/itemp/'\n# screen -t 5 watch 'echo $(date +%F);echo $(date +%s); tail -20 /var/www/otemp/'\n# screen -t itemp.log 6 watch "echo $(date +%F);echo $(date +%s); tail -20 /var/www/itemp/logs/itemp.log"\n# screen -t otemp.log 7 watch "echo $(date +%F);echo $(date +%s); tail -20 /var/www/otemp/logs/otemp.log"\n# screen -t temp.log 8 watch "echo $(date +%F);echo $(date +%s); tail -20 /var/www/temp.log"\n# screen 9 # 'gedit /var/www/bin/ &'\n# screen -t mail 8 pine\n# screen -t daemon 9 tail -f /var/log/daemon.log\n#\n# pflint note this is merely a variable in the program\nEOF\n# echo "$String"\n# ref\n# if [ ! -a ~/.screenrc ] ; then \nif [ ! -a "~/.screenrc" ] ; then \n echo "The .screenrc file was not there, there's one now..."; \nelse \n mv .screenrc obe/$(date +%F)_screenrc\nfi\necho "$String" > ~/.screenrc\nchmod 777 ~/.screenrc\n# exit 1\ncd ~/rr\nsudo screen\n\n}}}
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'\n\n{{{\n 1 iwlist wlan0 scanning \n 2 iwconfig wlan0 channel auto\n 3 iwlist wlan0 scanning \n 4 iwconfig wlan0 channel auto\n 5 iwconfig wlan0 channel 6\n\n}}}\n\n[[Wireless diagnostic scripts|]]
[[YABDI]]\n\n[[Fix for Ubuntu|]]\n\n[[They never stop... try here|]]\n\n[[Try this|]]\n\nHere is what Yarger did:\n{{{\n 93 ls\n 94 ps aux | grep legac\n 95 kill -9 1743\n 96 sudo apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer\n 97 sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl\n 98 reboot\n 99 nmcli con list\n 100 nmcli dev wifi connect \n 101 nmcli dev wifi connect 00:11:50:D5:5A:20\n 102 nmcli wifi connect 00:11:50:D5:5A:20\n 103 nmcli help\n 104 nmcli dev help\n 105 nmcli dev wifi help\n 106 nmcli con wifi help\n 107 nmcli con up wlan0 serenity\n 108 nmcli con up ih hi iface wlan0 uuid serenity\n 109 nmcli con up id hi iface wlan0 uuid serenity\n 110 nmcli con up iface wlan0 uuid serenity\n 111 nmcli con up iface wlan0 uuid \n 112 nmcli wifi connect 00:11:50:D5:5A:2\n 113 nmcli wifi connect bssid 00:11:50:D5:5A:20\n 114 nmcli dev wifi connect bssid 00:11:50:D5:5A:20\n 115 nmcli dev wifi bssid 00:11:50:D5:5A:20\n 116 nmcli dev wifi con bssid 00:11:50:D5:5A:20\n 117 nmcli dev wifi list bssid 00:11:50:D5:5A:20\n 118 nmcli dev wifi list bssid 00:11:50:D5:5A:20 up\n 119 nmcli dev wifi list bssid 00:11:50:D5:5A:20 connect\n 120 nmcli dev wifi help bssid 00:11:50:D5:5A:20 \n\n}}}\n\n||\n||\n||\n\n\n\n
mozilla stores all current sessions in a file called sessionstore.json.\n\nThe parser we used is [[jq|]]\n{{{\njq . ~/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/sessionstore.js | grep -A5 docIdentifier | sed -e 's/^[ \st]*//'| grep -v "^}" | grep docshellID | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sort -h | uniq -c | less -NS\n}}}\n\nThis file can be viewed using json_pp\n\n\nother ways to view this include\n\n\n
This will install in a windows virtual\n\n\nProduct Key: {{{9020003672639067Q7XFW8C9}}}\n\nMagnet link\n{{{\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:5d70640f07429768946f9262d65a9caa325c4449&dn=SolidWorks+Student+Edition+2012+x64&\n}}}
How to set up a reverse SSH tunnel\n\nHave you ever wanted to ssh to your Linux box that sits behind NAT? Now you can with reverse SSH tunneling. This document will show you step by step how to set up reverse SSH tunneling. The reverse SSH tunneling should work fine with Unix like systems.\n\nFirst, lets define some terms:\n* Destination - Machine you want to be ssh'ed into which is behind a NAT\n* Origin - Machine you are on now\n* Source - A machine that both Destination and Origin can get to\n\nLet's assume that Destination's IP is (Linux box that you want to access).\n\nYou want to access from Linux client (Source ) with IP\n\nDestination ( <- |NAT| <- Source (\n\n1. SSH from the Destination to the Source (with public ip) using command below:\n\n{{{ ssh -R 19999:localhost:22}}}\n (note) port 19999 can be any unused port.\n\n2. Now you can SSH from the Origin ( to the Destination( by SSH tunneling through the Source.\nSo if you can get to the Source from the Origin you type this:\n\n{{{ssh localhost -p 19999}}}\n\n...and you shall see a prompt for the Destination system.\n\n3. Any 3rd party ssh clients (Origin(s)) can also access the Source can get through to the Destination (\n\nDestination ( <- |NAT| <- Origin ( <- Bob's server (Source)\n\n3.1 From Bob's server, it is a two step process:\n\n1. Log into the Origin from the Source:\n{{{ssh}}}\n\n3.2 After the successful login to the Origin log into the Destination:\n{{{ssh localhost -p 19999}}}\n\nCaveats:\n* the connection between Destination and Origin must be [[alive at all times|]] more [[here|]]. \n* [[Code to keep the Destination and Origin link active|]] \n* See [[more tuning info|]]\n\nTip: you may run a command (e.g. watch, top) on Destination to keep the connection active.\n\nIt doesn't hurt to have the Destination machine [[setup to connect|]]\n\n\n{{{AutoSSH}}}\nThe original way was to use this as a [[screen|]] based startup script \n{{{\nscreen -d -m autossh -M 19999 -R 19999:localhost:22\n}}}\n\nAn updated version of this script which uses [[tmux|]] instead of [[screen|]], is run on the Destination machine, and connects to the Origin machine is called [[|]]
{{{\nxinput list\n}}}\nexample:\n{{{\n $ xinput list\n⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)]\n⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)]\n⎜ ↳ Logitech Optical USB Mouse id=9 [slave pointer (2)]\n⎜ ↳ SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad id=12 [slave pointer (2)]\n⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3 [master keyboard (2)]\n ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard id=5 [slave keyboard (3)]\n ↳ Power Button id=6 [slave keyboard (3)]\n ↳ Video Bus id=7 [slave keyboard (3)]\n ↳ Sleep Button id=8 [slave keyboard (3)]\n ↳ HP HD Webcam [Fixed] id=10 [slave keyboard (3)]\n ↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard id=11 [slave keyboard (3)]\n ↳ HP WMI hotkeys id=13 [slave keyboard (3)]\n\n}}}\nto disable the pad...\n{{{\n$ xinput disable 12\n\n}}}\n\n{{{\nsudo xinput disable "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad\n}}}
\n{{{\ngsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface ubuntu-overlay-scrollbars false\n}}}
[[This may help|]]\n\n[[Oh Shit Git|]] A very important site to review.\n\n[[When your password will not work|]]\n\n[[permission denied|]]\n\nTADA: There are two lines. The first is for a description the second is for the key!\n\nIs git the coolest thing for 2014?\n\nLets dig in:\n\n[[The git book - formally git community documentation |]]\n[[git command line basics|]]\n[[git cheat sheet|]]\n\nCommented session...\n\ncheck if there {{{git}}}\nset up git in "." {{{git init}}}\nadd stuff to repo {{{git add ./*}}}\nmake a commit and add comment {{{git commit -m 'First commit'}}}\nhook up to github {{{git remote add origin<username>/<repository>.git}}}\nconnect {{{git remote -v}}}\npush {{{git push origin master}}}\ntest {{{ssh -vT}}}\nPush commits to Github {{{git push origin master}}}\n\n[[Additional Cheat Sheet|]]\n\nMore...[[GitBrain|GitBrain]]
2023-02-13\n\n[[Ventoy|]]\n\nThere has to be a better way than multisystem:\n* [[article|]]\n* uunetbootin?\n* [[Shell Script|]]\n\n[[MultiSystem|]]\n[[How To|]]\n\n{{{\nwget\n}}}\n\n{{{\ntar -xvjpf\n}}}\n\n{{{\ntar -xvjpf\n}}}\n\n\n{{{\n./\n}}}\n\n{{{\n./\n}}}
Here are good commands for manipulating scans for emailing:\n\n{{{\nmogrify -type Grayscale <file-id>\nmogrify -scale 50% <file-id>\n}}}\n\n{{{\nconvert <file-id1>.jpg <file-id2>.jpg <file-id3>.jpg test.pdf\n}}}\n\n[[More cool manipulation tools|]]
Find [[current mobile carrier|]]\n\nPhone number@suffix\n\n[[Suffixes include:|]]\\\\n\nFri 27 Dec 2019 09:58:22 AM EST \n[[SOURCE:|]]\n\n{{{\nAlltel\n[10-digit phone number]\nExample:\n\nAT&T Wireless (formerly Cingular)\n[10-digit phone number]\nExample:\n\nFor multimedia (picture and video) messages, use [10-digit-number]\nExample:\n\nBoost Mobile\n[10-digit phone number]\nExample:\n\nCricket Wireless\n[10-digit phone number]\nExample:\n\nFor multimedia messages: [10-digit phone number]\nExample:\n\nSprint\n[10-digit phone number]\nExample:\n\nT-Mobile\n[10-digit phone number]\nExample:\n\nTracfone or Straight Talk\nThe address varies. Click this link to find out how to discover yours.\n\nVerizon\n[10-digit-number]\nExample:\n\nVirgin Mobile USA\n[10-digit phone number]\nExample:\n\nOther U.S. and Canadian carriers:\n\nBell Canada: [10-digit-phone-number]\n\nCentennial Wireless: [10-digit-phone-number]\n\nCellular South: [10-digit-phone-number]\n\nCincinnati Bell: [10-digit-phone-number]\n\nMetro PCS: [10-digit-phone-number] or [10-digit-phone-number]\n\nQwest: [10-digit-phone-number]\n\nRogers: [10-digit-phone-number]\n\nSuncom: [10-digit-phone-number]\n\nTelus: [10-digit-phone-number]\n\nU.S. Cellular: [10-digit-phone-number]\n}}}
The program grepmail is very cool...\n\ngrepmail H\n\nFind all the attachment filenames in an mbox.\n{{{\ngrep "filename=" [mboxfilename] | grep -v ^Content\n}}}
execute \n\n{{{ssh-keygen -R hostname}}}
[[Debian jitsi repository|]]\n\nFix Cannot Share Screen Bug:Mon 07 Dec 2020 01:35:28 PM EST \n\nDo in GUI Prefer a command line fix.\n{{{\n"Connection Secure" ">" > (At bottom of window) "More Informaiton" > (At Top of Screen) "Permissions", Scroll Through Till you find "Share The Screen", Click and bedone.\n}}}
[[Jitsi Client Instructions|]]\n\n\n
\n[[Basic Guidance|]]\n[[Good autofill description|]]\n[[GNU-PDF|]]\n\nfdf form example:\n{{{\n%FDF-1.2\n1 0 obj\n<< /FDF\n << /Fields\n [ << /T (Name_field) /V (Fred Langan) >>\n << /T (Address_field) /V (1313 Mockingbird Lane) >>\n << /T (Age_field) /V (53) >>]\n /F (info_form.pdf)\n >>\n>>\nendobj\ntrailer\n<< /Root 1 0 R >>\n%%EOF\n}}}\n\n[[field name syntax|]]\n\n[[SOURCE:|]]\nIRS form field name syntax example...\n{{{\np01.t000->topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].HeaderPg1[0].p1-t1[0]\n}}}\n
What you need is a tool to make fdfs...\n\n{{{\n pdftk f1040.pdf dump_data_fields >f1040_fields.txt\n}}}\n\n[[Perl FDF Toolkit|]]\n[[Adobe FDF Toolkit]]\n\n[[SOURCE:|]]\n{{{\n$ wget\n$ pdftk f1040.pdf generate_fdf output f1040.fdf\n$ pdftk f1040.pdf fill_form f1040.fdf output f1040-fill.pdf\n$ evince f1040{,-fill}.pdf\n}}}\n\nWhat is generate_fdf argument?\n\n[[problem with 1040 form|;bug=588074]]\n\n[[Someone who went down the same path|]]
Blueberry Python Web Framework, or Django for the simpleminded...\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Google Search for blueberry python framework|]]||\n|[[Python blueberry v0.2 |]]| download and gzip -zxvf|\n|[[download reference |]]| use|\n|[[Git Hub stuff |]]||\n|[[Renyolds site |]]||\n|[[Blueberry How to |]]||\n|[[Blueberry How to more |]]||\n|[[Blueberry Hello World |]]||
[[SOURCE|]]\n\n{{{\nsetfacl -m g:audio:r *\n}}}\n\n{{{\nsudo chmod o+x /lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper\n}}}
location of isos:\n/srv/install/isos\n\n/srv/install\n\n/var/lib/tftpboot\n\netc/dnsmasq.conf\n\ntftpd-hpa 5.2-1ubuntu2 i386 HPA's tftp server\n\n\n\n\n{{{\n## start the service with the new parameters\n# sudo /etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa restart is broken (the restart script exits after executing the first stop), use instead:\nsudo /etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa stop\nsudo /etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa start\n}}}\n\n\n{{{\n sc /etc/default/tftpd-hpa \nTFTP_USERNAME="tftp"\nTFTP_DIRECTORY="/var/lib/tftpboot"\nTFTP_ADDRESS=""\nTFTP_OPTIONS="--secure"\n}}}
[[Source:|]]\n{{{\n\n<html><head>\n<style type="text/css">\na.selected, li.selectedtab { color: blue; font-weight: bold; }\nli.closedtab { color: red; text-decoration: line-through; }\n</style>\n</head><body>\n<ul id="windows">\n<script type="text/javascript">\nfunction dowindow(wind,wname,wclass) {\ndocument.write("<li class=\s"" + wclass + "\s">");\ndocument.write("<b>" + wname + "</b>");\ndocument.write("<ol class=\s"tabs\s">");\nvar sel = wind["selected"];\nvar tabs = wind["tabs"];\nfor (var j = 0; j < tabs.length; j++) {\nvar tabclass = "tab"\nif (j + 1 == sel) tabclass = "selectedtab"\ndotab(tabs[j],"Tab #" + (j+1),tabclass);\n}\nvar tablen = tabs.length;\ntabs = wind["_closedTabs"];\nfor (var j = 0; j < tabs.length; j++) {\ndotab(tabs[j]["state"],"Tab #" + (tablen + j + 1),"closedtab");\n}\ndocument.write("</ol>");\ndocument.write("</li>");\n}\nfunction dotab(tab,tname,tclass) {\ndocument.write("<li class=\s"" + tclass + "\s">");\ndocument.write("<b>" + tname + "</b>");\ndocument.write("<ul class=\s"urls\s">");\nvar sel = tab["index"];\nvar urls = tab["entries"];\nfor (var j = 0; j < urls.length; j++) {\nvar urlclass = "url"\nif (j + 1 == sel) urlclass = "selectedurl"\ndourl(urls[j],urlclass);\n}\ndocument.write("</ul>");\ndocument.write("</li>");\n}\nfunction dourl(url,uclass) {\ndocument.write("<li class=\s"" + uclass + "\s">");\nvar uname = url["title"];\nif (!(uname) || uname == "") uname = url["url"];\ndocument.write("<a href=\s"" + url["url"] + "\s">" + uname + "</a>");\ndocument.write("</li>");\n}\nvar data = <PUT CONTENTS OF sessionstore.js HERE!>;\nvar windows = data["windows"];\nfor (var i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {\ndowindow(windows[i],"Window #" + (i+1),"window");\n}\n</script>\n</ul>\n</body></html>\n}}}
Another way to go mike be [[Greasemonkey|]]\n\nextractsession.js\n\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin/env nodejs\n# source\n//jshint node: true\nrequire('fs').readFile('sessionstore.js', {encoding: 'utf8'}, function (err, data) {\n"use strict";\nvar session;\nif (err) {\nthrow err;\n}\nsession = JSON.parse(data);\ (window) {\nwindow.tabs.forEach(function (tab) {\nconsole.log(tab.entries.pop().url);\n});\n});\n});\n}}}
This is the old a better version is [[]]\n{{{\n\n#!/bin/bash\n# Grabs SessionStore file and generates a webpage with it's data\n# this is the origin point:\norigin=""\n# locate and Get the contents of your sessionstore file\ndata=$(cat $(locate sessionstore.js |grep $USER))\n# Parses HTML file into a variable for easy manipulation\nread -d '' String <<"EOF"\n<html><head>\n<style type="text/css">\na.selected, li.selectedtab { color: blue; font-weight: bold; }\nli.closedtab { color: red; text-decoration: line-through; }\n</style>\n</head><body>\n<ul id="windows">\n<script type="text/javascript">\nfunction dowindow(wind,wname,wclass) {\ndocument.write("<li class=\s\s"" + wclass + "\s\s">");\ndocument.write("<b>" + wname + "</b>");\ndocument.write("<ol class=\s\s"tabs\s\s">");\nvar sel = wind["selected"];\nvar tabs = wind["tabs"];\nfor (var j = 0; j < tabs.length; j++) {\nvar tabclass = "tab"\nif (j + 1 == sel) tabclass = "selectedtab"\ndotab(tabs[j],"Tab #" + (j+1),tabclass);\n}\nvar tablen = tabs.length;\ntabs = wind["_closedTabs"];\nfor (var j = 0; j < tabs.length; j++) {\ndotab(tabs[j]["state"],"Tab #" + (tablen + j + 1),"closedtab");\n}\ndocument.write("</ol>");\ndocument.write("</li>");\n}\nfunction dotab(tab,tname,tclass) {\ndocument.write("<li class=\s\s"" + tclass + "\s\s">");\ndocument.write("<b>" + tname + "</b>");\ndocument.write("<ul class=\s\s"urls\s\s">");\nvar sel = tab["index"];\nvar urls = tab["entries"];\nfor (var j = 0; j < urls.length; j++) {\nvar urlclass = "url"\nif (j + 1 == sel) urlclass = "selectedurl"\ndourl(urls[j],urlclass);\n}\ndocument.write("</ul>");\ndocument.write("</li>");\n}\nfunction dourl(url,uclass) {\ndocument.write("<li class=\s\s"" + uclass + "\s\s">");\nvar uname = url["title"];\nif (!(uname) || uname == "") uname = url["url"];\ndocument.write("<a href=\s\s"" + url["url"] + "\s\s">" + uname + "</a>");\ndocument.write("</li>");\n}\nvar data = SsData;\nvar windows = data["windows"];\nfor (var i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {\ndowindow(windows[i],"Window #" + (i+1),"window");\n}\n</script>\n</ul>\n</body></html>\nEOF\n# Change SsData to the contents of your sessionstore.js file\n\nchanged=${String/SsData/$data}; String=$changed \n#Generate output file\necho "$String" > out.html\necho "Type cntrl -c to stop firefox now"\n#open file in firefox\nfirefox 2>/dev/null out.html\n}}}
{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# Grabs SessionStore file and generates a webpage with it's data\n# this is the origin point:\norigin=""\n# Actually the origin of this is an excellent hack by Mr. Chris Yarger (a.k.a WonderBoy) 5/10/2014\n# Mon 12 May 2014 10:02:49 AM EDT pflint add name variable...use only most recent sessionstore.js\n# locate and Get the contents of your sessionstore file\n#data=$(cat $(locate sessionstore.js | grep $USER |xargs ls -alt |cut -c 32- | sort -n | head -1))\n# data=$(locate sessionstore.js | grep $USER |xargs ls -alt |cut -c 32- | sort -n | tail -1 |cut -d" " -f4)\n# Kevin Cole says; try stat!!! "locate sessionstore.js | grep $USER |xargs stat --format="%Y %n""\necho "start here"\nclear\nname=$(locate sessionstore.js | # find the file\n grep $USER | # filter by user\n xargs stat --format="%Y %n" | # get the file\n sort -n | # sort em...\n tail -1 | # get the latest\n cut -d" " -f2) # just the file thanks...\necho "The file we are gonna load is:"\necho $(ls -alt $name)\ndata=$(cat $name)\n#\n# reads javascript into String\nread -d '' String <<"EOF"\n<html><head>\n<style type="text/css">\na.selected, li.selectedtab { color: blue; font-weight: bold; }\nli.closedtab { color: red; text-decoration: line-through; }\n</style>\n</head><body>\n<ul id="windows">\n<script type="text/javascript">\nfunction dowindow(wind,wname,wclass) {\ndocument.write("<li class=\s\s"" + wclass + "\s\s">");\ndocument.write("<b>" + wname + "</b>");\ndocument.write("<ol class=\s\s"tabs\s\s">");\nvar sel = wind["selected"];\nvar tabs = wind["tabs"];\nfor (var j = 0; j < tabs.length; j++) {\nvar tabclass = "tab"\nif (j + 1 == sel) tabclass = "selectedtab"\ndotab(tabs[j],"Tab #" + (j+1),tabclass);\n}\nvar tablen = tabs.length;\ntabs = wind["_closedTabs"];\nfor (var j = 0; j < tabs.length; j++) {\ndotab(tabs[j]["state"],"Tab #" + (tablen + j + 1),"closedtab");\n}\ndocument.write("</ol>");\ndocument.write("</li>");\n}\nfunction dotab(tab,tname,tclass) {\ndocument.write("<li class=\s\s"" + tclass + "\s\s">");\ndocument.write("<b>" + tname + "</b>");\ndocument.write("<ul class=\s\s"urls\s\s">");\nvar sel = tab["index"];\nvar urls = tab["entries"];\nfor (var j = 0; j < urls.length; j++) {\nvar urlclass = "url"\nif (j + 1 == sel) urlclass = "selectedurl"\ndourl(urls[j],urlclass);\n}\ndocument.write("</ul>");\ndocument.write("</li>");\n}\nfunction dourl(url,uclass) {\ndocument.write("<li class=\s\s"" + uclass + "\s\s">");\nvar uname = url["title"];\nif (!(uname) || uname == "") uname = url["url"];\ndocument.write("<a href=\s\s"" + url["url"] + "\s\s">" + uname + "</a>");\ndocument.write("</li>");\n}\nvar data = SsData;\nvar windows = data["windows"];\nfor (var i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {\ndowindow(windows[i],"Window #" + (i+1),"window");\n}\n</script>\n</ul>\n</body></html>\nEOF\n#\n# Change SsData to the contents of your sessionstore.js file\nchanged=${String/SsData/$data}; String=$changed \n#Generate output file\necho "$String" > out.html\necho "Type cntrl -c to stop firefox now"\n#open file in firefox\nfirefox 2>/dev/null out.html\n}}}
\n<html>\n<form action="#" id="form_field">\n <input type="text" id="textfield1" value="" onKeyUp="document.getElementById('textfield2').innerHTML=this.value">\n <div id="textfield2" value="">Paul start typing in the above box</div>\n</form>\n</html>\n\nCode:\n\n{{{\n<form action="#" id="form_field">\n <input type="text" id="textfield1" value="" onKeyUp="document.getElementById('textfield2').innerHTML=this.value">\n <div id="textfield2" value="">Paul start typing in the above box</div>\n</form>\n}}}
35 eject /dev/cdrom\n 36 mt -t /dev/cdrom\n 37 man mt\n 38 man eject\n 39 eject -t /dev/cdrom\n 40 isoinfo -d -i /dev/cdrom | grep -i -E 'block size|volume size'\n 41 sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=linux_secure.iso bs=2048 count=400280 \n 42 eject -t /dev/cdrom\n 43 isoinfo -d -i /dev/cdrom | grep -i -E 'block size|volume size'\n\nThree ways:\n# [[cat /dev/scd0 > /home/shamanstears/test.iso|]]\n# [[dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/directory/example.iso|]]\n# [[|]]\n
Mark Klien uses ubermix...\n
[[New Advice from flyfish technologies|]]\n{{{\nsudo update-rc2.d ssh defaults\nsudo update-rc2.d ssh enable\n}}}\n\n\nBy placing the following stanza in ~/.ssh/config\n{{{\n# flint's Amazon Web Services\n# \nHost amazon\n Hostname\n User flint\n}}}\none can simply type\n{{{\n$ ssh amazon\n}}}\nwithout specifying the username or the host number, vastly simplifying logging in, etc.\n\nIt is wise (and in some more anal-retentive systems, mandatory) to make this file read-only by the owner:\n{{{\n$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config\n}}}\n\nAlso I have, in my ~/.ssh/config:\n{{{\n# Allows sshfs to stay alive\nServerAliveInterval 120\n}}}
[[collaborative dia|]]\nset it up in hangout...\nbyzantium
Is [[kivy|]] the answer to android and ios development?
[[Good Toolbox|]]
\n{{{\nwhile [[ 1 ]] ; do tada=$(dq | grep earth |rev | sort -nr | rev); echo "$tada" | zenity --text-info --timeout=5 ; done\n}}}\n\n{{{\nnumb=$(cat read_time | grep wrote |tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 5); echo $numb" " $cdsctrs " "$(( $numb/1024 )); echo $(( $cdsctrs/$numb )) \n}}}\n\nI found this provides the proper equasion to determine percentage for arbitrary values/ranges\n\n{{{\nx=0;y=14;z=0; while [[ z -lt 100 ]]; do z=$(( $x*100/$y )); x=$(( x+1 ));echo $z 1>&2; echo $z; sleep 1s ; done |time zenity --progress --auto-close\n}}}\n\nDue to this then the following should work for providing the progress for the cd ripping\n!!NOTE: the variable $cdsctrs needs to be filled \n\n{{{\n\nx=$(cat read_time | grep wrote |tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 5);y=$cdsctrs;z=0; while [[ z -lt 100 ]]; do z=$(( $x*100/$y )); echo $z 1>&2; echo $z; ; done |time zenity --progress \n}}}\n\n\n!!Nested commands\n\n{{{\nzenity --info --title="Pinger" --width=750 --text="(`ping -c 3 $(zenity --forms --title="Pinger" --text=" What site to ping?" --add-entry=Website )`)"\n\n}}}\n
{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# pflint Wed 02 Jul 2014 06:30:14 PM EDT \n# extract cd stories in order to satisfy eric...\n# \nan="y"\n# dskno=1\ndskno=9\nsttime=$(date +%s)\nwhile [[ $an = "y" ]]; do\n echo "Put the disk in the cdrom "\n # really want a way to sense the CD in and ready to read...\n # the answer may be to check the mount command...\n # maybe gvfs-info /dev/cdrom\n # sleep 30s # wait for disk to mount...\n echo "Have you got the next disk in?"\n read an \n # test [[ "$an" == y ]]; echo $? \n if [[ "$an" != "y" ]]; then exit \n else\n dskdir=$1"-disk-"$dskno\n # echo "making "$PWD" "$dskdir\n mkdir $dskdir\n cd $dskdir\n # Acutally cut the disk...\n # cdparanoia -B\n # time cdparanoia -B \n time cdparanoia -Be 2>../read_time # last tried \n # time 'cdparanoia -B' >../read_time \n # cat ../read_time | grep real | zenity --text-info --width 53\n # need to swap out and error...r \n cd ..\n # eject /dev/cdrom\n dskno=$((dskno+1))\n fi\ndone\n}}}
{{{\n\n#!/bin/bash\n# Zenity based graphical Progress bar for the cp command \n# currently only works for a single file\n# bugs, Using the dialog kill command kills ALL instances of "cp" not just the active one\n# Developed by CPYarger <>\n# Released under GPLv3 \n\ntrap "killall cp" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT #stops the "cp" command on case of error or zenity dialog cancel butting being pressed \ninfile=$1 #variable for input file\noutfile=$2 # variable for output file \n#rm $outfile #for testing only\ninsize=$(ls -alt $infile |cut -d " " -f 5 ) #Gives input file size \ninfiles=$(readlink -f $infile) #gives full link to input file\noutfiles=$(readlink -f $outfile) #gives full link to output file\n\nx=0 # helps keep the while loop functioning at init\nz=0 # helps keep the while loop functioning at init\ntouch $outfile # helps keep the while loop functioning at init\n\nwhile [[ z -lt 100 ]]; do x=$(ls -alt $outfile|cut -d " " -f 5 );z=$(( $x*100/$insize )) ;echo $z 2>&1 ;echo $z ;done | zenity --progress --auto-kill --title=ZenityCopy --text="Copying File" & # Checks file size. does a basic percentage calculation and outputs the percentage to the zenity progress dialog window\n#--text="Copying $infiles to\sn $outfiles"& #do not use, It causes hang ups with the zenity dialog box\n#--title=ZenityCopy #just in case\ncp $infile $outfile #the copy command\nexit 0 #gives a clean exit.\n\n}}}
!Title\n\n Zenity GUIs for BASH Applications\n\n!Author\n\n Christopher P. Yarger <>\n\n!license\n\n Creative Commons Share Alike Attribuion License\n\n!What is this book\n \n I recently got my first chance to do something useful with a tool called Zenity,\n And quickly realized how useful It may be. as well as the limitations it has. This book is a guide to the uses of Zenity, Basic, and in-depth. \n \n \n!Who is this book for?\n This book is for anyone who wishes to make simple GUI applications out of their bash scripts\n \n!What is Zenity\n\n Zenity is a command line tool that comes packaged with any "GTK/Gnome" based desktop environment greatherthan <Insert initial zenity gtk release version here> \n\n!Why am i writing this book?\n I was shocked at the lack oif a clear concise book on how to successfully use Zenity, Especially due to the usefullness of this tool in bash applications\n\n!Sources\n\n\n\n\n\n!Chapter 1 -Prequisites\n {{{\n $ zenity --version\n 3.8.0\n }}}\n\n!Chapter 2 -Hello World\n\n\n {{{\n $ zenity --info --text="Hello World!" \n }}}\n\n\n {{{\n zenity --info --text=$(zenity --version)\n }}}\n\n!Something Useful with Forms\n This is an exaple of hwo to do a "nested" program with zenity, \n\n\n {{{\n\n zenity --info --title="Pinger" --width=750 --text="(`ping -c 3 $(zenity --forms --title="Pinger" --text=" What site to ping?" --add-entry=Website )`)"\n\n }}}\n\n! Zenity notifications\n\n{{{\n cat <<EOH| zenity --notification --listen\nmessage: this is the message text\nEOH\n}}}
Using MPD/MPC for Radio Paradise morning wakeups\n\nFirst install mpd and mpc\n\n{{{sudo apt-get install mpd mpc}}}\n\nSecond add radio paradise to the playlists by adding the file \n\n/var/lib/mpd/playlists/rp.m3u\n\nadd the following lines to the file\n\n{{{\n\n\n\n}}}\n\nmake a start script in ~/bin called rp\n\n~/bin/rp\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin\nmpc clear\nmpc load rp\nmpc play\n}}}\nthen make the file executable\n{{{chmod +x ~/bin/rp}}}\n \n\nThis file clears the current MPD play queue, loads the radio paradise playlist into the play queue and starts the stream\n\nnext write a kill script\n~/bin/off\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin\nmpc clear\n}}}\n\nMake the file executable\n\n{{{chmod +x ~/bin/off}}}\n\nwith nothing in the play queue MPD automatically stops playing\n\n\nnext change the following lines in your /etc/mpd.conf file\n\n{{{bind_to_address "localhost"}}}\nto\n{{{bind_to_address "any"}}}\n\nand check that \n\n{{{auto_update "yes"}}}\n\nis correct and uncommented\n\nnext run {{{crontab -e}}} and add the line\n{{{ 0 7 * * 1-5 ~/bin/rp}}}\n\nfor a wakeup alarm at 7 AM every weekday\n\n{{{ 0 6 * * 1-5 ~/bin/rp}}}\n\nto run in the system wide crontab \nmake an /opt/bin folder\ncopy, or symlink ~/bin/rp to /opt/bin\nand \nadd the following line to your {{{/etc/crontab}}} file\n{{{ 0 6 * * 1-5 mpd /opt/bin/rp}}}\n\nNOTE: you MUST add a user to run the script as, I recommend the mpd user. \n\n\nfor a wakeup alarm at 6 AM every weekday\n\nFor a simple GUI MPD Client\n{{{sudo apt-get install gmpc}}}\nedit your ~/.bashrc file and add the following line at the end of the file\n\n{{{PATH=$PATH:~/bin}}}\n\nthen restart MPD to allow the new configuration to be set\n{{{sudo service mpd restart}}}\nnow to start radio paradise use the command {{{rp}}} and to stop radio paradise / your alarm use the command {{{off}}}\n\n\nby default MPD looks for music files in the folder {{{/var/lib/mpd/music}}} playlist files are stored in the folder {{{/var/lib/mpd/playlists}}}\n\nIf flint wanted to play an audiobook like neuromancer I would recommend unpacking the tar.gz file of the audiobook in the {{{/var/lib/mpd/music}}} folder and using the following /var/lib/mpd/playlists/neuromancer.m3u}}} file\n\n{{{\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/01-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/02-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/03-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/04-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/05-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/06-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/07-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/08-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/09-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/10-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/11-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\nWilliam_Gibson_-_Neuromancer/12-12_WGN_William_Gibson_-_Neuromancer.mp3\n}}}\n\nto load and play the book I would use the following commands\n\n{{{ \nmpd clear\nmpd load neuromancer\nmpd play 1\n}}}\nwhere 1 is the track number\nto pause the playback use \n{{{mpc pause}}}\n\nfor travelling in the car it may be nice for the audio to auto pause to do this i recommend setting your laptop up as a hotspot and using \n\n[[MPDroid|]]\n\nafter installing connect to your laptop's ad-hoc wifi network and enter in the IP information of the laptop into MPDroid on the phone, in the MPDroid settings set the options "Pause when in a call" and " resume playback when call ends"\n\nTo remotely control the MPD from another linux box install mpc\n{{{sudo apt-get install mpc}}}\n\nand then run \n{{{mpc -h <hostname or ip address of MPD computer> command}}}\nexample \n\n{{{mpc -h pause}}}\nor \n{{{mpc -h music play }}}\n\nNote "music" is the hostname of on the flint network }}}\n\na quick tip, \n\nmake an alias for mpc on remote computers such as the following\n\n{{{alias mpc='mpc -h'}}}\n\nanother useful alias is \n{{{alias mpt='mpc toggle'}}}\n\nthis toggles between pause/play \n\nfor more information on MPC commands run \n\n{{{man mpc}}}
Apache2 Modules\n\n{{{\napachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES\n}}}\n\n[[module duplication?|]]
These are becoming rare...\n\n[[SOURCE||]]\n[[910 Mbyte|]]
Grub2 \n[[How to change boot order|]]\n\n[[Boot Repair GErub2|]]\n''Example''\n\n\n\n '26 September 2014'\n\nAre the boot flags what triggers grub2 probe?\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Google Search |]]| What do you want?|\n|[[Grub2 manually adding entry |]]| UEFI boot loader good|\n|[[Technology tails |]]| interesting|\n|[[ask ubuntu |]]| terse|\n|[[ubuntuguide |]]| not quite|\n|[[linuxquestions |]]| way terse|\n|[[askubuntu |]]| ok|\n|[[dedoimedo |]]| documentation|\n|[[askubuntu |]]| New OS add|\n\n
|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Touchpad kill |]]|Use this! |\n|[[Lifehacker |]]||\n|[[Touchpad-indicator |]]||\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# pflint\n#\n# Tue Oct 20 13:19:58 EDT 2020\n# installs padfix\n#\nsudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao\nsudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get install touchpad-indicator\necho "all done!"\n\n}}}
A list of the internal configuration, process and diagnostic urls used by chrome, \n\n\nchrome://chrome-urls/ <-- Copy and paste, TiddlyWiki does not like the chrome:// prepend to the url
This is the repo line for the Tox Repo|\n{{{\n\n}}}\n\n{{{\nwget\nsudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get install venom\n}}}\n\nutox\n\nqtox is also worth trying...\n\nWhat this needs is:\n\n# a loopback windows\n# a local video window \n# multicast group chat\n# multiple camera\n\nNew timewaster
\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[disable touchpad |]]||\n|[[disable touchpad |]]||\n|[[disable touchpad |]]||\n|[[disable touchpad |]]||\n|[[fix en-disable touchpad |]]||\n|[[disable touchpad command line |]]||
How to show location instead\n\n* [[Nautilus|]]\n* [[Dolphin|]]\n* [[Ubuntu|]]\n\n[[2019-03-18|]]\n[[17 April 2021|BreadCrumbUpdate]]
|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Linux Tutorial deccs |]]|2018|\n|[[burn a dvd iso using the terminal |]]||\n|[[Linux Tutorial CDBurn |]]||\n|[[Ubuntu CD Tutorial |]]||\n|[[linuxjournal |]]||\n|[[dd-as-a-swiss-army-knife |]]||\n|[[tipsforlinux |]]||\n|[[linuxquestions |]]||\n|[[stackexchange |]]||\n|[[linuxquestions |]]||\n|[[How To MD5SUM |]]||\n|[[Cdrom Md5sums After Burning |]]||\n|[[Cdrom Md5sums After Burning The_Right_Way |]]||\n|[[calculate-md5sum-of-a-cd-dvd |]]||
\nplace in pastebin\n{{{\npastebinit -b\n}}}\n\nread whole directory path\n{{{\nreadlink -f\n}}}\n\nRead hardware...\n{{{\n inxi -Fxz\n}}}\n\nlist playback devices\n{{{\n aplay -l\n}}}
\n[[qtox|]]\n[[fitbit on linux|]]\n
\n[[Untried |]]
\n[[Passing password to rsync|]]\n\nmassive ownership change prior to rsync...\n{{{\ncd /home\nls -1 |while read line; do chown -R $line:$line $line; done\n}}}\n\nfixing symlinks\n{{{\nls -alt | grep opt | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 9 |\nls -alt | grep opt | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 9 |while read line; do echo $line; done\n\n\nls -1 /opt/mail |while read line; do echo $line; done\nls -1 /opt/mail |while read line; do ln -s /opt/mail/$line $line; done\n}}}
In Ubuntu 14.04 they moved...\n\nsymlink\n{{{\nln -s /home/flint/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks .gtk-bookmarks\n}}}\n\nor better yet...\n{{{\nmkdir -p /home/flint/.config/gtk-3.0/obe\ncd /home/flint/.config/gtk-3.0\nmv bookmarks obe\nln -s ~/.gtk-bookmarks bookmarks\n}}}
Libre Office Documentation\n\n[[Fundamental Documentationn|]]\n[[Outline Numbering in Libre Office|,56.7,417.5]]
KDE on Ubuntu 14.04\n\nfrom cpyarger\n\n# <Ctl>+<Alt>+<F1>\n# sudo tasksel\n# check kde-desktop\n# apply (wait for files to load...)\n# sudo reboot\n\n[[kde setup|KDEsetup]]
Need multiple desktops and hotkeys to get there...\n[[Multiple Desktops|]]\nTuesday, November 03, 2015 this is gone.\n\n[[Virtual Desktop Monitor]]\n\n[[add pager to panel]]\n\n[[To remove from panel|]]\n\n[[If you hide the kde linux shortcut key to hide unhide menu bar try|]]\n\n[[SOURCE|]]\nYes, you can use multiple desktops in Kubuntu. You should go to System Settings >> Personal >> Desktops >> Multiple Desktops. Here's an official quick guide on basic settings:\n\nTuesday, November 03, 2015 10:46 AM\n03/11/2015 07:16:57 kde setup\n\nK > System Settings > Workspace behavior > virtual Desktops\n* Set and label desktops in desktop tab\n* Change to switching tab Set \n** <CTL><Alt>left arrow and \n** <CTL><Alt>right arrow \n\nright click in strip\nin panel add virtual dektop\n\nTo remove widgets see cachew on right hand edge left click there\n\nHide toolbar\nRight Click on Panel > Panel Options > Panel Settings > more settings \n[[kubuntu hide toolbar|]]\n\n[[Keyboard shortcut|]]\n\nHide/Show desktop minimizes all items on desktop\n[[Good thread|]]\n\n[[Automatic Login at startup|]]\n\n
Test tone\n{{{\ngst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! pulsesink\n}}}\n\ninstall\n{{{\napt-get install gstreamer-tools\nsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras\napt-get install gstreamer0.10-alsa\n}}}\n\n[[using gstlaunch|]]\n\n\n{{{\n\n 114 gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! pulsesink\n 115 gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! pulsesink\n 116 gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! faac\n 117 gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! gstfaac\n 118 sudo apt-get install faac\n 119 apt-cache search bad-universe\n 120 apt-cache search bad\n 121 libgstreamer-plugins-bad0.10-0\n 122 sudo apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-bad0.10-0\n 123 gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! faac\n 124 gst-inspect-1.0 faac\n 125 gst-inspect-0.10 faac\n 126 apt-cache search gstream |grep -i faac\n 127* apt-cache search gstream \n 128 gst-inspect-0.10 mp3\n 129 gst-inspect-0.10 mp\n 130 gst-inspect-0.10 mp*\n 131 gst-inspect-0.10 fa*\n 132 gst-inspect-\n 133 gst-inspect-1.0 \n 134 gst-inspect-1.0 |grep mp3\n 135 gst-inspect-1.0 |grep -i mp3\n 136 gst-inspect-0.10 |grep -i mp3 \n 137 gst-inspect-1.0 lame\n 138 gst-inspect-0.10 |grep -i lame\n 139 sudo apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-mad-0.10\n 140 sudo apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-mad\n 141 ls\n 142 gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=pizza_ready.mp3 ! mad ! pulsesink\n 143 gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=pizza_ready.mp3 ! decodebin ! pulsesink\n 144 gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=pizza_ready.mp3 ! decodebin ! pulsesink\n 145 apt-cache search gstreamer |grep mp3\n 146 apt-get install gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3\n 147 sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3\n 148 gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=pizza_ready.mp3 ! mad ! pulsesink\n 149 gst-inspect-0.10 |grep -i mp3\n 150 gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=pizza_ready.mp3 ! flump3dec ! pulsesink\n\n\n}}}\n\n\nKevin says...\n\n[[Jack|]]
[[How to:]]
\n[[Git Hub Validation|]]\n\n{{{\ngit config --global "flintiii"\ngit config --global\ngit config --list\n}}}\n\n[[Just git it.|]]\n\nPossibly handy commands to use with git...\n{{{\ngit init\ngit config --global\ngit config --global ""\ngit config --global "Paul Flint"\ngit clone\ngit clone\ngit clone\ngit add .\ngit commit -m 'from stonehead'\ngit push origin master\nssh -vT\ngit push .\ngit push \ngit pull\nhistory | grep git\ngit clone\ngit commit -m "working odt generator"\ngit git add .\ngit git add ./*\ngit add ./*\ngit commit -m 'Working ODT filter'\ngit remote -v\nssh -vT\ngit push origin master\ngit branch -a\nhistory | grep git\ngit clone\ngit commit -m 'Working ODT filter'\nhistory | grep git\ngit push origin master\ngit pull\ngit push -u origin master\ngit push -f\ngit push -f\n\n}}}
[[Google App Engine |]]\n[[Download |]]\n\n''Startup Syntax''\nNote funny syntax...\n{{{\\n}}}\n\nTo change ports\n{{{\ --port=9999 myapp\n}}}
\n[[Stackoverflow on -hosts|]]\n[[IP and Port Remapping for GAE|]]\n[[Google App Engine|]]\n[[ GAE the trick|]]\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Installing GAE |]]||\n|[[GAE in Python |]]||\n|[[The missing appengine |]]||\n|[[Basic GAE |]]||\n|[[Download GAE |]]||\n|[[Appengine Docs |]]||\n|[[Fixing GAE |]]||\n|[[Mail in GAE |]]||
[[ AWS Getting Started |]]\n[[ AWSEC2 User Guide ||]]\n[[ AWS Manage Account |||||]]\n[[ AWS Website Hosting Introduction ||||||||]]\n[[ AWS Virtual Server |||]]\n[[ AWS EC2 Console |]]\n[[ AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)|]]\n[[ec2-describe-instance-status|]]\n[[ Amazon Cloud Watch|]]\n\n\n[[boto: A Python interface to AWS|]]\n[[Jinja|JinJa]]\n\n\n
|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Jinja Stuff |]]||\n|[[More Jinja Stuff |]]||\n|[[Even More Jinja Stuff |]]||\n|[[Jinja Template Engine|]]||
Invented by [[Roy Fielding|]]\n[[TC39 JSON Standard|]]\n[[RFC 4627|]]\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[convert bash ls to json|]]||\n|[[Squarespace What is JSON|]]||\n|[[StackExchange Parent Child Structure|]]||\n|[[Nested JSON for D3|]]||\n|[[Stormpath|$YOUR_APPLICATION_ID/accounts]]||\n|[[reference|]]||\n|[[|]]||\n|[[Python Docs|]]||\n|[[Python Docs|]]||\n|[[Restful API ReadTheDocs|]]||\n|[[REST API Design|]]||\n|[[Practices for Restful API Design|]]||\n|[[xltjson|]]||\n|[[xmltojson|]]||\n|[[more xmltojson|]]||\n|[[Wikipedia JSON|]]||\n|[[StackExchange dir 2 json|]]||\n|[[StackExchange dir 2 json w/node js|]]||\n|[[Pragmatic RESTful API|]]||\n|[[More Pragmatic RESTful API|]]||\n|[[Expanding Objects|]]||\n|[[API Versioning|]]||\n|[[AWS command line reference|]]||\n|[[AWS command line reference pdf|]]||\n|[[csv json to python|]]||\n|[[csv json to python|]]||
'2 March 2015'\nKDE Marble \n\nFri 27 Dec 2019 10:57:13 AM EST\n\n[[How to install Google Earth|]]\n\nRelevant Command Line:\n{{{\nwget\n}}}\n\n[[Video To Do Profile on Google Earth|]]\n
[[Yarger recommended reading|]]\n[[Yarger Notes|]]\n\n{{{\napt-get install nodejs\napt-get install npm\n}}}\n\nIn [[nodebeginner|]] you always have the following files:\n\n# index.js\n# server.js\n# router.js\n# requestHandlers.js\n\nyou start the service with:\n{{{\nnodejs index.js\n}}}
|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[ docs amazon CLI|]]||\n|[[ boto the docs|]]||\n|[[ boto getting started|]]||\n|[[ install aws security creds|]]||\n|[[ signin to aws|]]||
[[fossmanuals|]]\n[[ccrma "karma" |]]
25 August 2020\n\n[[New Open Source Midi Resources|]]\n\n\n@@From the Captain's Log beginning 2015.03.03...@@\n\nThese voyages are part of the continuing journey to control audio over the web. In an attempt to understand panning and spatialization, I was lead to the FLOSS manuals for both ''Csound'' ( and ''Pure Data'', a.k.a. ''Pd'' (\n\n@@2021 The Flint finally catches up....@@\nThis process of "Catching the Captian" normally takes about three (3) years, but we are in luck, because I suddenly have a reason to dip my wick into midi and control surfaces...\n\nWe have a USB to MIDI adapter hooked up to this computer...\nSo what is next? {WhatDoYouHaveHookedToYourUSB]]?\n\n!![[Play me|]]\n----\nStart with:\n{{{\n $ jackd -d alsa -d hw:0 &\n}}}\n\nThen start the ''qjackctl'' GUI, and finally, ''Pd''. From within ''Pd'' select the pull-down menus:\n\n Media -> jack\n Media -> Test Audio and MIDI...\n\nSee:\n\n\n\nIf I start ''qjackctl'', then ''qsynth'', then ''Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard'' (''VMPK'') and set the connection of VMPK to ''Fluidsynth'', everything works!\n----\nSetting up ''jackd'', recommends using card / device names when starting the jackd daemon.\n\nMeanwhile, shows how to get the card / device names available:\n----\n{{{\n$ cat /proc/asound/cards\n 0 [PCH ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH\n HDA Intel PCH at 0xf6500000 irq 53\n 1 [NVidia ]: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia\n HDA NVidia at 0xf6080000 irq 17\n}}}\n----\n{{{\n$ aplay -l\n**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****\ncard 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC892 Analog [ALC892 Analog]\n Subdevices: 0/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 1: ALC892 Digital [ALC892 Digital]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 8: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 9: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\n}}}\n----\n{{{ lsusb > 1lsusb_$(date +%F)\n lsusb > 2lsusb_$(date +%F)\n diff 1lsusb_2021-01-11 2lsusb_2021-01-11 \n8a9\n> Bus 002 Device 005: ID 552d:4348 USB Midi \n\n$ arecord -l\n**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****\ncard 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC892 Analog [ALC892 Analog]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 2: ALC892 Alt Analog [ALC892 Alt Analog]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\n}}}\n----\nSo, I think the right magic for fully specifying ALSA's output device is:\n{{{\n$ jackd -d alsa -d hw:PCH,0,0 &\njackdmp 1.9.10\nCopyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.\nCopyright 2004-2014 Grame.\njackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\nThis is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\nunder certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details\nno message buffer overruns\nno message buffer overruns\nno message buffer overruns\nJACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10\nself-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests"\naudio_reservation_init\nAcquire audio card Audio0\ncreating alsa driver ...\s\n hw:PCH,0,0|hw:PCH,0,0|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit\nconfiguring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames (21.3 ms),\s\n buffer = 2 periods\nALSA: final selected sample format for capture:\s\n 32bit integer little-endian\nALSA: use 2 periods for capture\nALSA: final selected sample format for playback:\s\n 32bit integer little-endian\nALSA: use 2 periods for playback\n}}}\n----\nSee:\n\n\n\nThe following is a verbatim answer taken from:\n\n\n<<<\n''vmpk'' is a virtual MIDI Master keyboard, and does not produce any sound. To generate sound, you must\n* connect the MIDI output from mvpk to the MIDI input of some tone generator (e.g. qsynth). If you then\n* connect the audio output from the tone generator to the audio input for your monitors,\n\nyou should hear some sounds.\n\nIn your specific situation, where you want to use vmpk, qsynth, and jack control, I would recommend the following procedure to generate audio based on virtual keystrokes:\n\n# Install the "patchage" and "fluid-soundfont-gm" packages\n# Open Jack Control\n# Review JACK configuration to ensure it is attached to your preferred audio interface\n# Start JACK (the big play button)\n# Open Patchage\n# Open vmpk\n# Open Qsynth\n# In patchage, connect vmpk MIDI out to Qsynth MIDI in\n# In patchage, connect Qsynth audio out to your audio interface (both left and right channels)\n# In Qsynth, load a soundfont from /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2\n# Virtually press any key in vmpk to hear sound\n\nAlthough the specific tools in use differ slightly, you may find the guidance at Ubuntu Wiki helpful. The primary difference is that you will be using a virtual keyboard rather than a physical keyboard, but patchage should not be able to tell the difference.\n<<<\n----\nFurther down the rathole: DON'T use Patchage. Use ''gladish''. Sigh. And gladish sayeth:\n<<<\nIf this is your first time using gladish:\n\n# Create a new studio (Studio -> New Studio)\n# Configure JACK (Tools -> Configure JACK)\n# Start the studio (Studio -> Start Studio)\n# Start apps (Application -> Run)\n# Connect ports via drag & Drop\n# Save the studio (Studio -> Save Studio)\n<<<\n----\n{{{\n$ cd /usr/bin\n$ ls *midi*\na2jmidi_bridge j2amidi_bridge midi2ly\na2jmidid jack_midi_dump qmidiarp\namidi jack_midi_latency_test qmidinet\naplaymidi jack_midiseq qmidiroute\narecordmidi jack_midisine timidity\ngmidimonitor lilymidi\n\n$ ls a2j*\na2j a2j_control a2jmidi_bridge a2jmidid\n}}}\n\nRunning ''a2j'' popped MIDI capabilities into ''qjackctl'', and mapping \n\n Pure Data [132] (capture): Pure Data MIDI-out 1 --> Fluid Synth [129] (playback): Synth Input port,\n\nand\n\n VMPK output [130] (capture): VMPK Output --> Pure Data [132] (playback): Pure Data MIDI-in 1\n\nresults in some interesting stuff when testing the Pure Data MIDI...\n----\nPure Data (''pd'') was installed... Pure Data __Extended__ (''pd-extended'') was not... Now it is.\n----\nWith headphones plugged in:\n{{{\n$ cat /proc/asound/cards\n 0 [PCH ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH\n HDA Intel PCH at 0xf6500000 irq 52\n 1 [NVidia ]: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia\n HDA NVidia at 0xf6080000 irq 17\n 2 [Headset ]: USB-Audio - Logitech USB Headset\n Logitech Logitech USB Headset at \s\n usb-0000:00:1d.0-1.1, full speed\n}}}\n----\n{{{\n$ aplay -l\n**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****\ncard 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC892 Analog [ALC892 Analog]\n Subdevices: 0/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 1: ALC892 Digital [ALC892 Digital]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 8: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 9: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 2: Headset [Logitech USB Headset], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\n}}}\n----\n{{{\n$ arecord -l\n**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****\ncard 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC892 Analog [ALC892 Analog]\n Subdevices: 0/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 2: ALC892 Alt Analog [ALC892 Alt Analog]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 2: Headset [Logitech USB Headset], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\n}}}\n----\n{{{\n$ lsusb\nBus 002 Device 004: ID 5986:0308 Acer, Inc \nBus 002 Device 003: ID 147e:1001 Upek TCS5B Fingerprint sensor\nBus 002 Device 005: ID 046d:0a44 Logitech, Inc. \nBus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub\nBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub\nBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub\nBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub\nBus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub\nBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub\n}}}\n----\nSo specifically, the Logitech headset are:\n{{{\n2 [Headset ]: USB-Audio - Logitech USB Headset\n Logitech Logitech USB Headset at \s\n usb-0000:00:1d.0-1.1, full speed\nBus 002 Device 005: ID 046d:0a44 Logitech, Inc. \n}}}\n\nToo much information can be had via:\n{{{\n$ lsusb -v\n}}}\n\nI've saved headset section of that in {} but the useful info is:\n{{{\nBus 002 Device 005: ID 046d:0a44 Logitech, Inc.\n idVendor 0x046d Logitech, Inc.\n idProduct 0x0a44\n}}}\n\nThe page:\n\n\n\nsuggests that the default system setup for hot-plugable stuff like USB headsets is okay for general use, but ill-suited to scripting JACK et al, because the device numbers are dynamically assigned.\n\nAnd a NEW command from that article:\n{{{\n$ usb-devices\n\nT: Bus=02 Lev=02 Prnt=02 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#= 5 Spd=12 MxCh= 0\nD: Ver= 1.10 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=16 #Cfgs= 1\nP: Vendor=046d ProdID=0a44 Rev=01.27\nS: Manufacturer=Logitech\nS: Product=Logitech USB Headset\nC: #Ifs= 4 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr=100mA\nI: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=01(audio) Sub=01 Prot=00 Driver=snd-usb-audio\nI: If#= 1 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=01(audio) Sub=02 Prot=00 Driver=snd-usb-audio\nI: If#= 2 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=01(audio) Sub=02 Prot=00 Driver=snd-usb-audio\nI: If#= 3 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=usbhid\n}}}\n\n(The output above is edited to only show the headset section.)\n----\nFollowing the advice at I added to {/etc/pulse/}\n{{{\nload-module module-jack-sink\nload-module module-jack-source\n}}}\nand was able to pump streaming YouTube videos live through JACK Rack, affecting the pitch. Still no headphones, though...\n----\nJACK Keyboard plus Calf Plugin Pack for JACK... Using Calf, \n\n Add plugin -> Instrument -> Fluidsynth\n Add plugin -> Modulator -> Multi Chorus\n\nIn the Fluidsynth window,\n\n Edit -> Soundfont -> /usr/share/sound/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2\n Edit -> (Choose instruments for the 16 presets)\n Connect -> jack-keyboard-midi-out -> Calf Studio Gear-01: multichorus In #1\n\nIn Multichorus window,\n\n Calf Studio Gear-01: fluidsynth Out #1 ... system: playback_1\n Calf Studio Gear-01: fluidsynth Out #2 ... system: playback_2\n Calf Studio Gear-01: multichorus Out #2 \n\nIn the main pulldown menu: File -> Save as -> ~/jack-calf-1.xml\n----\nAccording to:\n\n Xubuntu 14 04 Pulseaudio ALSA will not work with USB headset\n\n\nA fix, with a vote of zero: lsusb > 1lsusb_$(date +%F)\n lsusb > 2lsusb_$(date +%F)\n diff 1lsusb_2021-01-11 2lsusb_2021-01-11 \n8a9\n> Bus 002 Device 005: ID 552d:4348 USB Midi \n\n\nEdit {/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base .conf} and comment out the line:\n{{{\noptions snd-usb-audio index=-2\n}}}\n(near the bottom of the file). Then edit {/etc/pulse/} and add to the bottom:\n{{{\nload-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:3,0\n}}}\nThis is assuming that your device is hw:3,0\n----\nOn the official JACK Audio Connection Kit GitHub wiki, \n\n\n\nThe ''WalkThrough "Running PulseAudio on top of JACK"'' was most helpful:\n\n\n\n''KXStudio'' repositories recommended by the official JACK site. See instructions at:\n\n\n\nI wasn't thrilled with seeing so much lucid stuff. So I changed everything to utopic. And then had to change music back to trusty. And then had to eliminate duplicates. These repositories are messed up! And I had to end up changing some of it back to lucid.\n{{{\n$ cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n$ rm kxstudio-debian.list \n}}}\n\nRemoving ''qjackctl'' and replace it with ''cadence''...\n----\nDunno what I've done! Headphones and mic now plugged into JACK somehow. Running Cadence, Catia, synthv1 and Jack-keyboard and getting some interesting stuff.\n\nIn Catia:\n system capture_1 feeds synthv1 in_1 and in_2,\n jack-keyboard midi_out feeds synthv1 in,\n synthv1 out_1 and out_2 feed system playback_1 and playback_2.\n\nIn synthv1, ''Effects'' alters the mic input.\n----\nSuccess! The "voice of god" has been heard in Barre, VT over a hang-out! However, duplicating the result is... inconsistent. Meanwhile, from that parallel universe, the comedians and magicians to the north offer up:\n\n\n----\n[img[]]\n
AKA [[Golang|]]\n\n[[A tour of go|]]\n[[Language Specification |]]\n[[Go Tutorial |]]\n[[download|]]\n\n basically -- just untar the archive to /opt/go\nsetup 2 environmental variables \nexport GOROOT=/opt/go\nexport GOPATH=/home/flint/go\nRobert\n
[[Example:|]]\n\n{{{\nSetting up (al)pine to use IMAP\n\nOnce you start alpine, at the main screen hit 'S' then 'C'\n(S) Setup -> (C) Config::\n\nUser Domain =\nSMTP Server (for sending) =\nInbox Path = {}INBOX\n\nwhere username is your CS username, ie. abc1234\n\nchoose 'E' to exit setup and confirm the changes.\n\nTo read your inbox type in your CS password at the promt. Then 'L' Folder List -> 'M' Mail -> INBOX \n}}}\n\npart we use:\n{{{\nInbox Path = {}INBOX\n}}}\n\nThe "novalidate-cert/" is necessary because we have no cert... Also gonna try:\n\n[[How to handle the multi password issue|]]
{{{\n# Decomment files\n#\nalias decomment='egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*((#|;|//).*)?$" '\n\n# Find unprintables (control characters and DEL), and explitives\n# (anything outside ASCII alphanumeric and punctuation).\n#\nalias explitives='grep --color="auto" -P -n "[\sx80-\sxFF]" '\nalias unprintable='grep --color="auto" -P -n "[\sx00-\sx1E]"'\nalias explitives='grep --color="auto" -P -n "[^\sx00-\sx7E]" '\n\n}}}
Are [[GoogleForms|]] the future?\n\n[[ A quick introduction|]]
[[Start Meeting Link|]]\n\n[[Video Clubhouse Howto|]]\n\n[[Perminent Bookmark Link|]]\n\n[[Google Hangouts |GooglePlusHangout]]
Unlock widgets and it will appear.\n\nSelect classic style
\nDo not forget you need the "ui" directory.
Plex is available in the house on comples (\nHere is how you get to [[complex plex server|http://complex:32400/web/index.html]] if you are on the house lan.
The location of the bookmarks file for dolphin is:\n\n{{{\n/home/flint/.kde/share/apps/kfileplaces/bookmarks.xml\n}}}
# From recent copy of Firefox hit <Shift F8>\n# Select Runtime Try ADB Helper, Tools Adaptors & 2.2 Simulator\n\nThis will put you in a development environment that is kinda limited to firefox OS\n\n
The following needs to go in the directory:\n{{{\n/home/flint/.gnome2/gedit/tools\n}}}\nor\n{{{\n/home/flint/.config/gedit/tools\n}}}\nor\n{{{\n/home/flint/.gnome2/gedit/tools\n}}}\na file called:\n{{{\ntiddler-plugin \n}}}\nThe file contents are:\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# [Gedit Tool]\n# Comment=tiddler\n# Input=document\n# Name=tiddler plugin\n# Applicability=all\n# Output=replace-document\n\necho "|!Reference HTML|! Description|"\n## add prefix e.g. "|[[reference|"\necho -n "|[[reference|"\n## tiddler replace | with ]]||\sn|[[reference| and add footer e.g. "]]||"\ncat $1 |sed -e 's/|/\s]\s]\s|\s|\sn\s|\s[\s[reference\s|/g' |sed -e '$s/$/\s]\s]||/g'\n\n}}}\n\nPlace this file in the appropriate directory. Restart gedit. It will be available.\n
|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Google Search |]]||\n|[[Greasemonkey Home |]]||\n|[[Greaspot |]]||\n|[[Greasmonkey Wikipiedia |]]||\n|[[Greasmonkey Scripts |]]||\n|[[Greasy Fork |]]||
while originally part of geekland, the [[Arduino|]] has gotten to be a subject in itself. Click [[here|]] to get to the new site dedicated to [[Arduino|]] tips!
while originally part of geekland, the [[Raspberry Pi|]] has gotten to be a subject in itself. Click [[here|]] to get to the new site dedicated to [[Raspberry Pi|]] tips!
\n[[OpenStack Documentation|]]\n\n[[More on OpenStack|]]
I'm going to skip the commands and just give you a clue as to what the steps are.\n#Generate a key that will be used to encrypt stuff. Name it something like @@host.key@@.\n#Use the key to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) e.g. @@host.csr@@ which asks for specific information about which entity is requesting the key for which site or individual, and encapsulates that in the request.\n#Send the CSR to a Certificate Authority (CA). This is often done by cutting and pasting an ASCII encoded version of @@host.csr@@, which is probably what was generated in the previous step. "Official" CA's are companies which theoretically have been vetted by someone we're supposed to trust, and their certificate is included in many web browsers, e-mail clients, etc. If the CA is not on the list of vetted CA's then each time a web browser or other client uses a certificate signed by the untrusted CA, there will be a warning. Users can often override this permanently by installing the certificate of the CA into their browser, etc. manually.\n#After bringing the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West to the CA of Oz, the CA will grant your wish by sending back a certificate (@@host.crt@@ or @@host.cert@@).\n#"Install" the certificate by putting it in a logical place on the web server (e.g. @@/etc/apache2/ssl/host.crt@@) and edit the appropriate apache configuration file (possibly @@/etc/apache2/apache2.conf@@, @@/etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.conf@@ or something similar) to point to it. Use @@grep@@ to search for config files containing the string "SSL". The file(s) will generally be well-commented enough to figure out what to do.\n!Other useful extensions to memorize\nBrowsers in partiular, like to import and/or export in specific data formats:\n*@@host.crl@@ a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) which is exactly what it sounds like: A list of revoked certificates -- i.e. a blacklist.\n*@@host.der@@ is a binary? message transfer syntax known as Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)\n*@@host.pem@@ is a Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format which is an ASCII armored version of the certificate that incorporates the certificate (in DER format?) plus the key... Adding the key to this seems like a bad idea. Maybe the key is not always part of a PEM.\n*@@.p7b@@, @@.p7c@@ - PKCS#7 ~SignedData structure without data, just certificate(s) or CRL(s)\n*@@.p12@@ - PKCS#12, may contain certificate(s) (public) and private keys (password protected)\nI'm a little shakier on DER, PEM, PKCS#7 and PKCS#12 as to the where, when and how to regarding their use.\n!Further reading\n is an amazingly wonderful resource for getting a better grip on this stuff.\n!See also:\n*\n*\n*\n
|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Search for Different terminals |]]||\n|[[Launch a terminal |]]||\n|[[Launch a terminal |]]||\n|[[Launch a terminal |]]||\n|[[Launch a terminal Stackoverflow |]]||\n|[[ The Devils Pie |]]||
[[Zim, a tiddler Alternative |]]
[[Good Guide|]]\n[[Five steps|]]
[[denyhosts|]] is a very cool program\n\nType the text for '16 August 2017'\n\nDo this to a system on the network. [[DenyHosts|]] keeps ssh brute force attacks from happening.\n\n[[denyhosts FAQ|]]\n\n\n30 December 2020\n\nyou will get a "reset by peer" error if your IP ends up in this file.\n\n\n\n
A telnet client can be "raw"\n\nwhen this happens use netcat example:\n{{{\nnc -C 2000\n}}}\n\n
\n[[wkhtmltopdf|]] current debian version wkhtmltopdf 0.9.9\n\n\nexample\n{{{\nwkhtmltopdf -O Landscape -B 0 -L 0 -R 0 -T .3cm -s Letter --header-center "Header Text" --header-font-size 7 <input_file1> <input_file2> <input_file3> <output_file>\n}}}\n\nscary example using latest version\n{{{\nls .. |while read line; do wkhtmltopdf -O Landscape -B 0 -L 0 -R 0 -T .3cm -s Letter --header-center "Header Text" --header-font-size 7 /home/flint/goddard/sis/nslc/kevin/csvfix15/$line $(echo $line | cut -d "." -f 1).pdf; done\n}}}\n\nSo far this does not work...
\n\n[[Move panel widgets|]]
[[explain shell|]]
{{{\nkquitapp plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop\n}}}
Find adb information [[here|]]\n\n* [[Stack overflow|]]\n* [[ADB Commands |]]\n* [[ADB via IP|]]\n
Here is the story thus far:\n\nFirst we tried [[grive|]] This is old, and aparently only supports the old API. We tried version grive2\n0.4.1-1+git20151111~webupd8~trusty0 it does not work very well.\n\nNext is [[overGrive|]] This looks good and costs $4.99.\n\nNow we try [[drive|]]\n\nMaybe the answer is [[gdcp|]]\n\nGonna Try [[Tuxdrive|]]\n
'8 January 2016'\n\nWonder about [[read -r|]]
Options\n\n* [[openpyxl|]] note must be version 2.3.2 or above\n\n* [[pythonexcells|]] uses COM/DCOM link
{{{\n#!\nsed -ri 's/abc|cde/xyz/g' filename\nsed -ri 's/efg/lmn/g' filename\n}}}\n\nhow to make "filename" a variable that can be specified on the commandline when the script is run
[[bitwise ssh|]]
Just use ''docopt''.\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Google docopt search|]]||\n|[[docopt |]]||\n|[[github |]]||\n|[[docopt python reference|]]||\n|[[docopt.readthedocs |]]||\n|[[docopt reference reference|]]||\n|[[naval fate website |]]||\n
* MonFeb1
* Flint probably wants to play with his Kindle.\n* Alec might want to get xdebug running in vim (via vdebug).\n*
[[Transfer from one box to another|]]
[[See Docker|]]
Very thin as yet...\n\n[[Vagabond Stuff|]]
\n\n[[Start VNC from command line|]]\n\n''Which one to use?''\n* linuxvnc - VNC server to allow remote access to a tty\n* tightvncserver - virtual network computing server software\n* vnc4server - Virtual network computing server software\n
\n\n[[Good Stuff |]]
Type the text for '9 March 2016'\n\npstree\n\npv\nexample\n{{{\ndd if=clonzilla-live.iso | pv |dd=/dev/sdb bs=2M\n}}}
'13 March 2016'\n\n[[Orientdb Stuff|]]
'13 March 2016'\n\n[[Tiddly Wiki Internals 1 of 3|]]\n[[Tiddly Wiki Internals 2 of 3|]]\n[[Tiddly Wiki Internals 3 of 3|]]\n\n[[making a tiddly wiki scroll|twscroll]]
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
\n[[EnGenius ENH202|]]\n\n '30 December 2019'\n\n[[EnGenius 2019|]]
'14 March 2016'\n\n[[UEFI Booting|]]
mtpfs\n\nsudo mtpfs -o allow_other /media/rsam\n\n{{{\napt-cache search mtp\napt-get install mtpfs\napt-get install mtp-tools\nman mtpfs\nmtpfs\nsudo mtpfs -o allow_other /media/rsam\nhistory | grep mtp\nmtptools\nmtp-detect\n}}}\n\n\nThis fixes mtp in cinnamon mint\n{{{\napt-get install gvfs-backends\n}}}
\n\n[[Get ssh running on it|]]\n\nuserid is "sshd"\n\nfruit two control\n\nsupports bash\n\nsee mail management in for more information\n\n[[WD Support|]]\n\n[[cert problem|]]\n\nTADA: unit establishes administrator initially with no password \n\n[[factory restore (untested)|]]
Type the text for '28 April 2016'\n\nroot@seltzer:~# dpkg -i Nessus-6.6.0-debian6_amd64.deb \nSelecting previously unselected package nessus.\n(Reading database ... 444621 files and directories currently installed.)\nPreparing to unpack Nessus-6.6.0-debian6_amd64.deb ...\nUnpacking nessus (6.6.0) ...\nSetting up nessus (6.6.0) ...\nUnpacking Nessus Core Components...\nnessusd (Nessus) 6.6.0 [build M20055] for Linux\nCopyright (C) 1998 - 2016 Tenable Network Security, Inc\n\nProcessing the Nessus plugins...\n[##################################################]\n\nAll plugins loaded (1sec)\n\n - You can start Nessus by typing /etc/init.d/nessusd start\n - Then go to https://seltzer:8834/ to configure your scanner\n
hi there...
Finally a good reason...\n\n[[Function Annotations|]]
\n* [[|]]\n** [[USB power |]]\n* [[Electrical |]]\n** [[USB Made Simple|]]
'12 May 2016'\n\n* [[M4 Defined|]]\n* [[mindfuck|]]\n* [[Wolfram|]]\nLua\nhaskill\ngo\n
Here are the Projects you can access:\n\n* [[Raspberry Pi|]]\n* [[Grantbot|]]\n* [[Samsung/ADB|]]\n* [[]]\n* [[]]\n* [[]]\n* [[]]\n* [[]]\n\n
The ''Dreaded Project List''\n[[The Barre Open Systems Institute|]]\n[[Rasoberry Pi|]]\n[[PiTch Box|]]\n[[A python interface to the IRS!|]]\n[[Kindle Liberation Front|]]\n[[BOSI Classes we would like to see|, Take a look if you dare...]]\n[[Powerful Phosphorous LEDs| ]]\n[[What happens when you combine Bash and Zenity?| ]]\n[[NodeJS for the feeble| ]]\n[[jesum they love this robot| ]]\n[[monitor that pellet furnace| ]]\n[[moving in the arduino groove| ]]\n[[to get better at Javascript| ]]\n[[Temperature Sensors Project| ]]\n[[The quest for Roberts Rules | ]]\n[[Yea, I am not kidding...| ]]\n[[remedial raw mrtg for the slow...| ]]\n[[all versions| ]]\n[[maybe a very cool project.| ]]\n[[oh please let me be organized!| ]]\n[[this may be the least organized| ]]\n[[A big noble idea.| ]]\n[[A less noble idea to feed the| ]]\n[[is tiddlywiki5 the answer?| ]]\n[[Things that Cannot Live Without A Battery|TtCLWAB]]\n
'19 May 2016'\n\n''TADA''\nPut a capacator between +V Red and Ground... Creates a delay...\n\n\n[[SOURCE||]]\nReset\n\nWhen the host wants to start communicating with a device it will start by applying a 'Reset' condition which sets the device to its default unconfigured state.\n\nThe Reset condition involves the host pulling down both data lines to low levels (SE0) for at least 10 ms. The device may recognise the reset condition after 2.5 us.\n\nThis 'Reset' should not be confused with a micro-controller power-on type reset. It is a USB protocol reset to ensure that the device USB signaling starts from a known state.\n\n[[SOURCE:|]]\nAs we already discussed, the USB connection is always between a host / hub at the "A" connector end, and a device or hub's upstream port at the other end. The host includes 15 kO pull-down resistors on each data line. When no device is connected, this pulls both data lines low into the so-called "single-ended zero" state (SE0), and indicates a reset or disconnected connection.\n\nA USB device pulls one of the data lines high with a 1.5kO resistor. This overpowers one of the pull-down resistors in the host and leaves the data lines in an idle state called "J". The choice of data line indicates a device's speed support; full-speed devices pull D+ high, while low-speed devices pull D- high. In fact the data is transmitted by toggling the data lines between the J state and the opposite K state.\n\nA USB bus is reset using a prolonged (10 to 20 milliseconds) SE0 signal. USB 2.0 devices use a special protocol during reset, called "chirping", to negotiate the High-Speed mode with the host/hub. A device that is HS capable first connects as an FS device (D+ pulled high), but upon receiving a USB RESET (both D+ and D- driven LOW by host for 10 to 20 mS) it pulls the D- line high. If the host/hub is also HS capable, it chirps (returns alternating J and K states on D- and D+ lines) letting the device know that the hub will operate at High Speed.\n
{{{\n$ # Download MD5SUMS and MD5SUMS.gpg\n$ # Download SHA1SUMS and SHA1SUMS.gpg\n$ # Download SHA256SUMS and SHA256SUMS.gpg\n\n$ # Verify that the *SUMS files have good signatures\n$ #\n$ gpg --verify MD5SUMS.gpg MD5SUMS\n\n$ # Oops. Can't do that. Fetch GPG public keys that failed in the previous command\n$ #\n$ gpg --recv FBB75451\n$ gpg --recv EFE21092\n\n$ # Verify that the *SUMS files have good signatures, now that we have the GPG public keys\n$ #\n$ gpg --verify MD5SUMS.gpg MD5SUMS\n$ gpg --verify SHA1SUMS.gpg SHA1SUMS\n$ gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS\n\n$ # Verify that the ISO has the proper checksums. (Note: This tries to verify ALL\n$ # ISO images. So it will have one OK line for the ISO you downloaded, plus several\n$ # "errors" for missing ISO files that it attempts to checksum. Just make sure there\n$ # is an "OK" line for each ISO you've downloaded.\n$ #\n$ md5sum --check MD5SUMS\n$ sha1sum --check SHA1SUMS\n$ sha256sum --check SHA256SUMS\n}}}
@@Check ~MD5SUMS file has a good GPG signature@@\n{{{\n$ gpg --verify MD5SUMS.gpg MD5SUMS\ngpg: Signature made Thu 21 Apr 2016 06:40:42 AM EDT using DSA key ID FBB75451\ngpg: Good signature from "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key <>"\ngpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\ngpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\nPrimary key fingerprint: C598 6B4F 1257 FFA8 6632 CBA7 4618 1433 FBB7 5451\ngpg: Signature made Thu 21 Apr 2016 06:40:42 AM EDT using RSA key ID EFE21092\ngpg: Good signature from "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key (2012) <>"\ngpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\ngpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\nPrimary key fingerprint: 8439 38DF 228D 22F7 B374 2BC0 D94A A3F0 EFE2 1092\n}}}\n----\n@@Check ~SHA1SUMS file has a good GPG signature@@\n{{{\n$ gpg --verify SHA1SUMS.gpg SHA1SUMS\ngpg: Signature made Thu 21 Apr 2016 06:40:45 AM EDT using DSA key ID FBB75451\ngpg: Good signature from "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key <>"\ngpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\ngpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\nPrimary key fingerprint: C598 6B4F 1257 FFA8 6632 CBA7 4618 1433 FBB7 5451\ngpg: Signature made Thu 21 Apr 2016 06:40:45 AM EDT using RSA key ID EFE21092\ngpg: Good signature from "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key (2012) <>"\ngpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\ngpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\nPrimary key fingerprint: 8439 38DF 228D 22F7 B374 2BC0 D94A A3F0 EFE2 1092\n}}}\n----\n@@Check ~SHA256SUMS file has a good GPG signature@@\n{{{\n$ gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS\ngpg: Signature made Thu 21 Apr 2016 06:40:38 AM EDT using DSA key ID FBB75451\ngpg: Good signature from "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key <>"\ngpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\ngpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\nPrimary key fingerprint: C598 6B4F 1257 FFA8 6632 CBA7 4618 1433 FBB7 5451\ngpg: Signature made Thu 21 Apr 2016 06:40:38 AM EDT using RSA key ID EFE21092\ngpg: Good signature from "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key (2012) <>"\ngpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\ngpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\nPrimary key fingerprint: 8439 38DF 228D 22F7 B374 2BC0 D94A A3F0 EFE2 1092\n}}}\n----\n@@Verify the ~MD5 checksum of ISO matches checksum supplied ~MD5SUMS@@\n{{{\n$ md5sum --check MD5SUMS\nubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso: OK\nmd5sum: ubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso: FAILED open or read\nmd5sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.img: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.img: FAILED open or read\nmd5sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso: FAILED open or read\nmd5sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-i386.img: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-i386.img: FAILED open or read\nmd5sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-i386.iso: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-i386.iso: FAILED open or read\nmd5sum: WARNING: 5 listed files could not be read\n}}}\n----\n@@Verify the ~SHA1 checksum of ISO matches checksum supplied ~SHA1SUMS@@\n{{{\n$ sha1sum --check SHA1SUMS\nubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso: OK\nsha1sum: ubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso: FAILED open or read\nsha1sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.img: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.img: FAILED open or read\nsha1sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso: FAILED open or read\nsha1sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-i386.img: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-i386.img: FAILED open or read\nsha1sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-i386.iso: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-i386.iso: FAILED open or read\nsha1sum: WARNING: 5 listed files could not be read\n}}}\n----\n@@Verify the ~SHA256 checksum of ISO matches checksum supplied ~SHA256SUMS@@\n{{{\n$ sha256sum --check SHA256SUMS\nubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso: OK\nsha256sum: ubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso: FAILED open or read\nsha256sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.img: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.img: FAILED open or read\nsha256sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso: FAILED open or read\nsha256sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-i386.img: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-i386.img: FAILED open or read\nsha256sum: ubuntu-16.04-server-i386.iso: No such file or directory\nubuntu-16.04-server-i386.iso: FAILED open or read\nsha256sum: WARNING: 5 listed files could not be read\n}}}\n
\n\n[[Touchpad Management in Xenial|]]
'10 June 2016'\n\n[[SOURCE|]]\n{{{\nprintf "%'.f\sn" 123456789\n}}}\n\nExample:\n{{{\n wc -l flint |cut -d " " -f 1 |xargs printf "%'.f\sn"\n}}}
Type the text for '2 July 2016'\n\n[[Mounting a Loopback File|]] should be just this simple. There are numerous errors you may get ([[What can go wrong in an iso|]]).\n\n
Type the text for '18 August 2016'\n* [[Auto Disable Touchpad When Mouse Plugged In|]]\n* [[Using Deb-conf|]]\n* [[Raspberry Pi|]]\n
Type the text for '4 September 2016'\n\nYou need to install "linux-tools" of all things...\n\n{{{\n# apt-get install linux-tools\n}}}
'30 August 2017'\n\n[[Sound Switcher|]]\n\n[[Distortion Fix|DistortionFix]]\n\n\nType the text for '9 September 2016'\n\nalsamixer shows hdmi as output.\n\n[[pactl|]]\n
Type the text for '21 September 2016'\n\n* [[Getting Down With Series|]]\n* [[Getting Down With Javascript|]]\n
Type the text for '21 October 2016'\n\n\n{{{\napt-get install avahi-daemon avahi-utils avahi-discover\n}}}\n\n\n\n\n'' Duplicate of Stuff from Hedding ''\nType the text for '17 October 2016'\n\n[[Avahi|]]\n\n{{{\napt-get install avahi-daemon avahi-utils avahi-discover\n}}}\n\n{{{\nservice avahi-daemon restart\n}}}\n\n\n{{{\nping <machinename>.local\n}}}\n\n\n[[On Solus|]]\n\n
'27 October 2016'\n\nThis is to describe the behavior of the array {{{BASH_SOURCE}}} as you invoke the ''source'' built-in in a bash script.\n\nIt appears to act in a very unique way.\n\nSay you have the following 5 scripts:\n*\n* sub1.shi\n* sub2.shi\n* sub3.shi\n* sub4.shi\n\nEach display of the {{{BASH_SOURCE}}} array following invocation of a script merely displays the current script and\n\nIf you chain the script invocations, then the final instance of the {{{BASH_SOURCE}}} array contains the names of all the invoked instances.\n\nMaybe the answer is to copy the {{{BASH_SOURCE}}} array into a new array using something like:\n\n{{{\nbsa=("${BASH_SOURCE[@]}")\n}}}\n\nYou do end up unduping the array variable which looks like this:\n\n{{{\nThe array bsa = bin/sub4.shi bin/ bin/sub3.shi bin/ bin/sub2.shi bin/ bin/sub1.shi bin/ bin/\n}}}\n\nThis can be mitigated with something like this:\n\nThis example would be:\n{{{\nbs=("bin/sub4.shi" "bin/" "bin/sub3.shi" "bin/" "bin/sub2.shi" "bin/" "bin/sub1.shi" "bin/" "bin/")\n}}}\n\n[[sorted_unique_ids from array|]]\n{{{\nbsa=$(echo "${bs[@]}" | tr ' ' '\sn' | sort -u | tr '\sn' ' ')\n}}}\n
Type the text for '27 October 2016'\n\n[[geany...|]]\nmeld (or kdiff3)\n\n\n[[Kevin's Animationon Article|]]
Type the text for '29 October 2016'\n\n* Started in Gaithersburg\n*[[bought by Computer Associates and gutted.|]]\n* [[CA, Inc. (CA) acquired netViz as part of Concord Communications, Inc., on June 7, 2005. With netViz, you can create data-embedded graphical representations of complex systems and record physical or logical relationships among system elements. By displaying data graphically, netViz makes it easy to understand your networks, workflows, processes and business infrastructure.|]]\n* [[Alexey Shliakhouski is IT Services Director at Elinext Group, where he has been working since 2002 as a software engineer, a team leader and eventually IT Services Director. He plays a crucial role in all important projects, starting from the NetViz project and including today's strategic partnership with CA Technologies.|]] \n* [[Kenson|]]\nOpen source version \n\n
Type the text for '16 November 2016'\n\nThis is code to keep a link active between a Destination and an Origin (see [[SSHTunnel]])\n\\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n#\n# pflint 2016/09/06 16:05:19 \n# \n# Start with:\n# rm -rf nohup.out; nohup bin/ & \n# View with:\n# tail -f nohup.out \ncurrent=$$\necho "The current process is $current"\nps aux | grep |grep -v $current |cut -c -15| cut -c 10- | while read line; do echo "killing $line"; kill -9 $line; done\ntmux new-session -d -n gateway "sudo ssh -R 19999:localhost:22"\necho "gateway is awake"\nsleep 2s\necho "send local secret"\ntmux send-keys -t gateway "<DestinationSecret>" Enter\nsleep 2s\necho "send remote secret"\ntmux send-keys -t gateway "<OriginSecret>" Enter\n#D sleep 20s\n#D \nsleep 1d\necho "Begin Killing Processes"\nps aux | grep ssh | grep docbox | grep localhost |cut -c -15| cut -c 10- |while read line; do echo "Kill Process $line" ;sudo kill $line; done\n# killall tmux # not a good end...\n#\n# start it up again...\necho "restarting at:"\ndate\nnohup /home/flint/bin/\n\n}}}
''Tmux is our friend''\n[[tmux cheatsheet|]]\n[[tmux persistence |]]\n[[tumx Reset Hot Key|]]\n
Type the text for '16 November 2016'\n\n[[Download it from the wayback |]]
Started with this '16 November 2016'\n\n2020-11-23\n\n[[More on sphinx |]]\n\n '14 February 2017'\nUsing Sphinx and [[reStructuredText |]], [[The Complete Codechat Primer |]]\n\nSphinx is cool.\n\n[[Sphinx Rest Primer|]] download and rename as ''quickstart.rst''\n\n[[Codechat Sphinx is Part 1|]]\n[[Codechat Sphinx is Part 2|]]\n[[Codechat Sphinx is Part 3|]]\n[[Codechat Sphinx is Part 4|]]\n[[Codechat Sphinx is Part 5|]]\n\nWhat the heck is [[enki|]]\n* more here? [[Enki|]]\n\n[[Sphinx Quick Start Video|]]\n[[Lois Pattersonn (horrible) |]]\n\nTry to figure it out...\n\n[[Index stuff|]]\n[[Stack Overflow on Indexes|]]\n\n\\\n\n[[Installing Enki|InstallingEnki]]
Orig '25 November 2016'\nMod '26 February 2023'\n\n\n[[Enki Home Page|]]\n\n{{{\n#/bin/bash\n#\n# ya gotta have root...\nsudo bash\n# Sat 25 Feb 2023 02:34:49 PM EST pflint\n# This can take about half hour...\n#\napt-get update && \s\napt-get --yes install git && \s\napt-get --yes install gh && \s\napt-get install --yes python3 \s\npython3-pyqt5 \s\npython3-pyqt5.qtwebengine \s\npython3-pip\napt-get install install ctags #\s. For navigation in file\ngit clone\ngit clone\n#\nmkdir -p /home/flint\ncd /home/flint\ngit clone && \s\n/home/flint/bin/ sane \n#\npip install Markdown #\s. For Markdown preview\npip install Docutils #\s. For reStructuredText preview\npip install regex #\s. For preview synchronization\npip install CodeChat #\s. For source code to HTML translation (literate programming)\npip install Sphinx #\s. To build Sphinx documentation.\npip install Flake8 #\s. To lint your Python code.\n#\ngit clone\n\n}}}\n\n[[Enki IRC Page|]]\n[[Enki github |]]\n\n[[Enki Install Support|]]\n\n''Kevin Cole's Apprioach''\n{{{\nsudo -i\nadd-apt-repository ppa:hlamer/enki\ncd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\nperl -p -i -e "s|yakkety|raring|g;" hlamer-ubuntu-enki-yakkety.list\nmv hlamer-ubuntu-enki-yakkety.list hlamer-ubuntu-enki-raring.list\napt update\napt install enki\n}}}\n\n\n[[GitBrain|]]\nAs this appears broken, the only way out is the following:\n\n{{{\n# add-apt-repository -r ppa:hlamer/enki\n# apt-get update\n}}}\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[pyqt riverbank |]]||\n|[[pyqt sourceforge |]]||\n|[[Python pyqt |]]||\n|[[pyqt differences |]]||\n|[[pyqt5 |]]||\n|[[pyqt 5|]]||\n\n[[Restructured Text|]]\n\n
Type the text for '25 November 2016'\n\n[[gedit /var/log/apt/history.log|]]\n\nexample:\n{{{\nsudo apt-get -y install cinnamon-desktop-environment lightdm\n}}}
''10 December 2016''\n\nbe root\n\nCreate a mount point\n{{{\ncd /\nmkdir /sda2\n}}}\n\n{{{\n # fdisk -l | grep -i ntfs\n/dev/sda1 * 2048 208895 206848 101M 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT\n/dev/sda2 224910 281972879 281747970 134.4G 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT\n}}}\n\nfind which drive you want, say sda2...\n\n{{{\nspock etc # blkid | grep sda2\n/dev/sda2: UUID="8AE87C01E87BE9B9" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="4349fcfb-02"\n}}}\n\nBackup fstab, then add this to your fstab\n{{{\nUUID=8AE87C01E87BE9B9 /sda2 ntfs-3g auto,user,rw,exec 0 0\n}}}\n\ntest with\n{{{\nmount -a\n}}}\n\n\n\n
Type the text for '10 December 2016'\n\n[[Hot to check for viruses with clamav|]]\n\n{{{\nclamscan -r -i /\n}}}\n\nSegfault? try\n{{{\nclamscan -a -i -r -z /sda2\n}}}
Type the text for '11 December 2016'\n\n[[Nirsoft|]]
Type the text for '15 December 2016'\n\n[[Why not?|]]\n[[Source on GitHub|]]\n\nNote that you will likely need [[pydonna]] to install, looks like the libraries need python version 2.7.\n\nSetting prompt color correctly in a linux instance is no fun. Use this:\n{{{\nbash\n}}}\nInvoke shell\n{{{\nTERM=xterm-old && powershell\n}}}\n\nSets terminal to no color and runs powershell.\n
Here is pydonna\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# 2016-12-15 07:34:05 pflint\n# - A shell tribute to Madonna...\nif [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then\n echo "This script need to run as root, and you are not root"; exit 1>&2\nfi\necho "Like a Version: This system contains the following versions of python..."\ncd /usr/bin\nls -1 /usr/bin | grep python |tr -d "python" |grep ^[0-9] |grep -v "[a-zA-Z]" | sort -n |uniq\necho "Enter the number of the version you want to use"\nread version\necho "ln -s "python$version" python"\nread -p "Press [Enter] to reset link as shown above"\nrm -rf /usr/bin/python\nln -s python$version pytho\n}}}\n\nYarger sez the answer is \n{{{\nman update-alternatives\n}}}\nI do not believe him but, hey...\n\nKevin says look here:\n{{{\n/var/lib/dpkg/info\n}}}\n
Type the text for '21 December 2016'\n\n[[Local Instance|]]\n\n''Video Resources''\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Search Youtube|]]| Related Videos|\n|[[HA 1|]]| Talky|\n|[[HA 2|]]| ??|\n|[[HA Demo 1|]]| ??|\n|[[HA Demo 2|]]| ??|\n|[[HA Windows|]]| ??|\n\n\n''Controllers''\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Wemos |]]| Remote control outlet|\n|[[Wemos |]]| WeMos Example|\n\n\n
'23 December 2016'\n\nYarger and Eric recommend this approach:\ninstall gnome-disk-utility and then sudo gnome-disks\n\nTo avoid the 1 less block error\n[[shrink the image|]]\n\nThe whole trick here is to mount the device \nFor instance the usb device is '/dev/mmcblk0'\n\n{{{\nsudo modprobe loop \nsudo losetup -f\n}}}\n\nSay this returns ''/dev/mmcblk0''\n\n{{{\nsudo losetup -f\nsudo losetup /dev/loop0 <imagefile>\nsudo partprobe /dev/loop0\n}}}\n\nUse gparted to make the partitions smaller and off to one side.\n\n{{{\nfdisk -l slooper_2016-12-21.img\nfdisk -l slooper_2016-12-21.img |tr -s " " |tail -1 |cut -d " " -f 3\n}}}\n\n{{{\nfdisk -l slooper_2016-12-21.img |tr -s " " |tail -1 |cut -d " " -f 3\n}}}\n\n{{{\ntruncate --size=$[(15518789+1)*512] slooper_2016-12-21.img\n}}}\n\n{{{\ntime dd if=slooper_2016-12-21.img | pv -s 7975M |dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4M\n}}}\n\n\n[[More than you ever cared to know about SD cards|]]\n{{{\n}}}
Type the text for '27 December 2016'\n\nsudo apt install mplayer v4l2loopback-dkms v4l2loopback-utils\n$ mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0\n$ mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0 -vo caca
Type the text for '27 December 2016'\n\n\n\n{{{\ncdrdao read-cd --source-device 1,0,0 --driver generic-mmc --paranoia-mode 3 audiocd.toc\n}}}\n\n\n
Type the text for '4 January 2017'\n\nXorg xrandr support...\n\n
First, \n\n{{{ docker pull flintiii/zope2 }}}\n{{{docker run flintiii/zope2}}}\ncreate a network and link zope container to it\nthen \n{{{docker network inspect <docker network name>}}}\nto get the ip address of the docker instance\n\ninstall apache, enable the modules rewrite rewrite_http and proxy\n\ninsert the following into a file at /etc/apache/sites-available/<sitename>.conf\n\n{{{\n\n<VirtualHost *:80>\n ServerAlias <site without www> #website\n ServerAlias <site with www> \n ServerAdmin webmaster@<website> #change\n ServerSignature On\n CustomLog /var/log/apache2.<website>-access.log combined #change\n ErrorLog /var/log/apache2.<website>-error.log #change\n LogLevel warn\n <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\n RewriteEngine On\n RewriteRule ^/icons/ - [L]\n RewriteRule ^/(.*) \s\n http://<docker ip address>:8080/VirtualHostBase/http://%{SERVER_NAME}:80/<same as server alias>/VirtualHostRoot/$1 [L,P]\n </IfModule>\n <IfModule mod_proxy.c>\n ProxyVia On\n <LocationMatch "^[^/]">\n Deny from all\n </LocationMatch>\n </IfModule>\n</VirtualHost>\n}}}\n\na working example is here\n{{{\n\n<VirtualHost *:80>\n ServerAlias\n ServerAlias\n ServerAdmin\n ServerSignature On\n CustomLog /var/log/ combined\n ErrorLog /var/log/\n LogLevel warn\n <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\n RewriteEngine On\n RewriteRule ^/icons/ - [L]\n RewriteRule ^/(.*) \s\n{SERVER_NAME}:80/$1 [L,P]\n </IfModule>\n <IfModule mod_proxy.c>\n ProxyVia On\n <LocationMatch "^[^/]">\n Deny from all\n </LocationMatch>\n </IfModule>\n</VirtualHost>\n\n}}}
'7 January 2017'\n\n\n\n* Nothing at power up.\n* [[Maybe not such a good idea|]]\n* [[Multiple Kinds of Compute Stick|]]\n* We have a [[STCK1A8LFC|]]\n\nIntel Compute Stick\nNot really a project, as it has gotten terrible reviews and is a bit of a pain.\nThe reason I mention it is:\n1. Two versions - a Window$ and a Linux version...\n2. The following rules apply with a vengeance. The damn thing draws 2 Amps!!!\n
Type the text for '9 January 2017'\n\n[[SOURCE:|]]\n{{{\n# $COMMAND is the command used to create the reverse ssh tunnel\nCOMMAND="ssh -p $SSH_PORT -q -N -R $REMOTE_HOST:$REMOTE_HTTP_PORT:localhost:80 $USER_NAME@$REMOTE_HOST"\n\n# Is the tunnel up? Perform two tests:\n\n# 1. Check for relevant process ($COMMAND)\npgrep -f -x "$COMMAND" > /dev/null 2>&1 || $COMMAND\n\n# 2. Test tunnel by looking at "netstat" output on $REMOTE_HOST\nssh -p $SSH_PORT $USER_NAME@$REMOTE_HOST netstat -an | egrep "tcp.*:$REMOTE_HTTP_PORT.*LISTEN" \s\n > /dev/null 2>&1\nif [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then\n pkill -f -x "$COMMAND"\n $COMMAND\nfi\n}}}
''14 January 2017''\n\nSubject: Re: Fucking miserable excuse for an operating system!\n\nI'm logged in as root.\n\n $ rm /usr/bin/python\n override rwxr-xr-x root/wheel restricted,compressed for /usr/bin/python? y\n rm: /usr/bin/python: Operation not permitted\n $ ls -lO /usr/bin/python\n -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel restricted,compressed 66576 Dec 10 04:02 python\n\n[[Onto Stack Overflow for help:|]]\n\n> You can also temporarily disable SIP [System Intregrity Protection] the following way\n>\n> 1. reboot\n> 2. as soon as you hear the "Mac sound" on the grey screen,\n> press Cmd+R to enter Recovery mode\n> 3. Open Utilities->Terminal\n> 4. Run the command csrutil disable\n> 5. Reboot, you'll land in the normal OS with SIP disabled\n> 6. do all the changes you'd like to do\n> 7. Reboot again\n> 8. as soon as you hear the "Mac sound" on the grey screen,\n> press Cmd+R to enter Recovery mode\n> 9. Enable SIP with csrutil enable\n> 10. Reboot again\n> 11. done\n\n... to delete a fucking file!\n\n\n\n
'26 January 2017'\n\nGimp remains a powerful but daunting tool. Here are some tutorials:\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Layering - Summo on a Bridge|]]|Cat Recommended|\n|[[Gimp 2.6 Krazy Grandma|]]|Cat Recommended|\n|[[More on Fuzzy Select|]]|Cat Recommended|\n
Type the text for '28 January 2017'\n\n\n[[Format to Fat32 from command line|]]
Type the text for '29 January 2017'\n\n[[Davey Crocket SN 00302913|]]\nPassword 00302913\nHow to clean out the ash\n\n[[WiFi Connection Manual:]]
Type the text for '4 February 2017'\nAllan Becker\n\n\n[[Two legged walk explained|]]\n
{{{\ninotifywait -m /home/pi/Pictures/documents_for_convert -e close_write -e moved_to |\n while read path action file; do\n echo "The file '$file' appeared in directory '$path' via '$action'"\n bash /home/pi/scripts/ "/home/pi/Pictures/documents_for_convert/$file"\n done\n}}}
Type the text for '9 March 2017'\n\n[[Good Article|]]\n\n|!Pin|!Description|\n|1 Ring| Signal Input|\n|2 Tip| +5 Volts to Ground|\n|3 Ground| Reference|\n\nFor Electret Microphone, short 1&2 together.\n
Type the text for '9 March 2017'\n\n[[To run xoscope on alsa|]] \n\n[[python 3 audio capture|]]
Type the text for '14 March 2017'\n\n[[keybase|][ is worth looking into...
Type the text for '14 March 2017'\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Google Search for Drivers.|]]||\n|[[Git Hub Driver location |]]||\n|[[The Driver |]]||\n|[[Search Dell |]]||\n|[[Actual Printer On casa flint network |]]||
'16 March 2017'\n\n\nSargent Soulfix Rallies The Tropes of BOSI\n\nIn come the groans and sighs because tropes are brought in again. It's\nsomething I feel I need to get out there because we're such a flourishing\ncommunity that has withstood 10 years and counting. Notorious events that\nhave helped shaped our group to where we are now, has some character.\n\n*"Did you document?" - **As an organization devoted to Open Source in all things\nit is so very important to actually document what we have done. This\nis our sacred Trope. \n\n*The Most 5 dreadful words.*\n*"Have you made a backup? or Did you make a backup?" *\nNormal Response....\n*"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" - *\n\n*"Just fix it!!" - **A common question asked whenever a member is about to write a program or flash a tablet.*\n*The other three common words strung together when a helpless individual\nseeks us to fix their computer.*\n\n*"I CAN'T DO IT!!" - **Four common words started by a former member of our\ngroup, when it came to using Linux for the first time.*\n\n*The ritual pizza baking*\nNot to be confused with Ritual Pizza Burning\n\n*"*Disgruntled Sigh*" - **Whenever DTG is displeased or irritated about\ndealing with monkey-leveled computer users or burned pizza.*\n\n*Whenever Flint freaks out when something doesn't turn out right.*\n*"I think I'm going to Windows XP..." *\n\n*A joking threat I make whenever I'm displeased with Linux OSes.*\n*"Because two is better than one." *\n\n
Type the text for '20 March 2017'\n\npackage inotify tools
Type the text for '22 March 2017'\n\n[[BlockChain Accounting|]]
Type the text for '25 March 2017'\n\n[[Chromecast Extention|]]
Type the text for '29 March 2017'\n\nPython Virtual Environment\n\n{{{\nsudo pip install virtualenv\n}}}\n\n\n{{{\n$ virtualenv venv\nNew python executable in /home/kjcole/Flint/venv/bin/python\nInstalling setuptools, pip, wheel...done.\nkjcole@acer:~/Flint$ source venv/bin/activate\n(venv) kjcole@acer:~/Flint$ \n(venv) kjcole@acer:~/Flint$ \n(venv) kjcole@acer:~/Flint$ deactivate\nkjcole@acer:~/Flint$\n}}}
Type the text for '21 April 2017'\n\nDate: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 15:34:31 -0400 (EDT)\nFrom: Paul Flint <>\nTo: Kevin Cole <>\nCc: Adult Swim <>\nSubject: Never do this....\n\nKevin,\n\nGot it.\n\n# echo "hello" > /dev/stdout # note - no response...\n# rm -rf /dev/stdout\n# ln -s /proc/self/fd/1 /dev/stdout\n# echo "hello" > /dev/stdout\nhello\n\nInteresting way to kill a day!\n\nKindest Regards,\n
Type the text for\n\n '24 April 2017'\n\nTelevisied\nActivity and\nDada \nAnalysis...\n\n[[Can google help?]]
Type the text for\n '24 April 2017'\n\nSlide Advances with Left Mouse Button\n\n* [[Mouse Schematic|]]
Type the text for '27 April 2017'\n\n[[NFS how to|]]\n\n[[SOURCE:]]\n{{{\n showmount -e\nExport list for\n/usr/local @myclients\n/home @myclients\n/export/users\n/export\n}}}
'27 April 2017'\n\nBy Kevin Cole\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n#\n#\n# Written by Kevin Cole <> 2017.04.26\n#\n# This generates a list of files with duplicate SHA1 checksums\n#\n\nif [[ -e SHA1SUMS ]]\nthen\n rm SHA1SUMS\nfi\n\ntouch SHA1SUMS\nfind . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sha1sum >> SHA1SUMS\nsort SHA1SUMS > SHA2SUMS\nmv SHA2SUMS SHA1SUMS\ncut -d " " -f 1 SHA1SUMS | uniq -d > dups\ngrep -F -f dups SHA1SUMS > fixus\n\n}}}
Type the text for '21 May 2017'\n\n\n[[iperf|]]\n\npython-ize bash
Type the text for '1 June 2017'\n\n* [[Android Studio Website|]]\n* [[Linux Format Article|]]
Check out the bitvise SSH client for windows \n\n\n
Type the text for '26 June 2017'\n\n[[Elkners Introduction to Scratch|]]
Type the text for '6 July 2017'\n\n{{{\nclear\napt-get update\nless /etc/passwd\napt-cache search mumble\napt-get install mumble-server\nhistory\n}}}
''6 July 2017''\n\n2008 Attempt \n{{{\nironwood:/home/flint/zeta/fits/clients/t&m/dbase/parts\n}}}\n\n2013 Attempt\n{{{\nironwood:/zeta/flint/Desktop/projects/software_research/boxlabels/boxlist_2013-05-21_v1.xls\n}}}\n
Type the text for '6 July 2017'\n\n[[Wikipedia Mumble|]]\n\n\n
Type the text for '16 July 2017'\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Google Search |]]||\n|[[mozillazine article |]]||\n|[[mozillazine specific |]]||\n|[[bugzilla |]]||\n\n\n* [[Close Tab to right|]]\n* [[Hacking Preferences|]]\n\n{{{\nabout:config\nbrowser.tabs.warnOnCloseOtherTabs\n}}}
Type the text for '27 August 2017'\n\nbc is the way to do floating point in bash.\n\nHere is the example:\n{{{\necho "scale=2; 1/2;" | bc\n}}}
Type the text for '31 August 2017'\n\n[[Source|]]
Type the text for '11 September 2017'\n\n
Type the text for '11 September 2017'\n\n{{{\n# sudo apt-get install influxdb influxdb-client influxdb-dev python-influxdb python3-influxdb\n\n}}}\n\n[[InfluxDB Documentation|]]
Type the text for '11 September 2017'\n\npydonna must be set to 2.7\n\napt-get install virtualbox virtualbox-ext-pack
Type the text for '13 September 2017'\n\nBecause this stuff is forgettable...\n\n\n\n
Type the text for '21 September 2017'\n\n[[Two ways: bumm and rcdonf|]]\n\n[[Mint default desktop|]]
Type the text for '21 September 2017'\n\n[[Setting a Desktop|]]\n\n{{{\necho $DESKTOP_SESSION\n}}}
Type the text for '3 October 2017'\n\n[[Pantz|]] is a great site for general linux knowledge.
Type the text for '13 October 2017'\n\n[[SOURCE:|]]\n\n{{{\npactl list sinks # should show your available outputs ("sinks"), and\npactl set-default-sink [name]\n}}}\n\n[[SOURCE:|]]\n\nWhen I go "pulseaudio --kill" and then "mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=0.0 <file>" it plays perfectly without distortion. When I go alsamixer -c0 none of the sliders have any gain, they are all at 0db or -1db or so.\n{{{\nman pulseaudio\npulseaudio --kill\n}}}\n\n{{{\n alsamixer -c0\n}}}
Type the text for '19 October 2017'\n\n[[Download |]]\n\n{{{\nwget\n}}}\n\nBTW this wget only works in specific situations.\n
Type the text for '9 November 2017'\n\nFirefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.\n\n[[Just delete the profiles.ini file in the folder ~/.mozilla/ and restart Firefox. |]]\n\n
Type the text for '24 November 2017'\n\n{{{\n/home/flint/.config/dconf\nflint@seltzer:~/.config/dconf$ grep "3 Travel" user\n}}}\n\n{{{\napt-get install dconf-cli dconf-editor \n}}}\n\n{{{\ndconf dump / | grep SEARCH-TERM\n}}}\n\n[[dconf man page|]]\n\n{{{\ndconf dump /org/cinnamon/desktop/wm/preferences/workspace-names\n}}}\n\n{{{\ndconf read /org/cinnamon/desktop/wm/preferences/workspace-names\n}}}\n\n[[SOURCE|]]\n{{{\ndconf write /org/cinnamon/desktop/wm/preferences/workspace-names "['Work', '2 Mail', '3 Travel', '4 Research', '5 Development', '6 Test', '7 Production', '8 Fun']"\n}}}
Type the text for '29 November 2017'\n\nWow!\n\n{{{\nwmctrl -s 1 # go to window 2\n}}}\n\n{{{\nwmctrl -l # list widows\n}}}\n\n\n{{{\nwmctrl -l -G\n}}}\n\nPossibly good for cnc controller...\n\n[[VisualBash Reference|]]\n
Type the text for '29 November 2017'\n\n* [[JSONResearch]]\n* [[xmlstartlet|]]
Type the text for '30 November 2017'\n\nThe needs to be [[VisualBash|]]-ified...\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# pflint 12/15/2015 09:36:08 AM\n# \n# The variables we need:\nfilename=$1".sh"\nauthor=\s"$USER\s"\nplatform=\s"$HOSTNAME\s"\ndadate=$(date +%F)\ndatetime=$(date +%F" "%X)\ndayear=$(date +%Y)\ndamaintainer=\s"$USER\s"\ndaemail=\s"need\s this\s"\ndastatus=\s"prototype\s"\ndaapname=\s"\s"\ndaverion=\s"0.001\s"\n#\n# Generates a header of sorts...\n#\ncat << end > $\n#!/usr/bin/python\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n#\n# The includes:12/09/2015\n# stick your includes in here\n#\n# Boilerplate inports for Python 2 / Python 3 mutual compatiibility\n#\n# from __future__ import print_function # Make print a function\nfrom six.moves import input # Use raw_input when I say input\nfrom os.path import expanduser # Cross-platform home directory finder\n\n# This is completely stolen from Kevin Cole, as he is the master... \n__author__ = $author\n__copyright__ = "Copyright $dayear, Goddard College ($dadate)"\n__credits__ = ["Flint"] # Authors and bug reporters\n__license__ = "GPL"\n__version__ = $daverion\n__maintainer__ = $damaintainer\n__email__ = $daemail\n__status__ = $dastatus # "Prototype", "Development" or "Production"\n__appname__ = $daapname\n\n#\nend\n# \nchmod +x $\n#\necho "Now we test this header and see if we like it..."\nread -p "Hit enter to continue..." ans\n#\n./$\n\n}}}
Type the text for '1 December 2017'\n\nStoring First names as symlinks to lastnames...\n\n
#Replace @@{{{.vp_history}}}@@ below with whatever name you'd like for your history file.\n#For new commands, create a new function, and then add the command name and function to the @@{{{commands}}}@@ dictionary\n#Also add another line to the @@{{{helper}}}@@ function with a short description of the command\n\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin/env python3\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\nimport os\nimport sys\nimport readline # Command line history\nimport atexit # Interpreter exit handlers\n\n\ndef helper():\n """List available commands"""\n commands = "\sn"\n commands += "help - List available commands\sn"\n commands += "quit - Quit this program\sn"\n print(commands)\n return\n\n\ndef quit():\n """Exit normally"""\n sys.exit()\n\n\ndef main():\n """Main loop"""\n\n # Set up persistent command line history\n #\n histfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".vp_history")\n if not os.path.isfile(histfile): # If there's no history file...\n empty = open(histfile, "a") # ... create an ALMOST empty one...\n empty.write("_HiStOrY_V2_\sn") # ... with the special header line\n empty.close()\n readline.read_history_file(histfile) # Read history from old sessions\n readline.set_history_length(1000) # Default length was -1 (infinite)\n\n atexit.register(readline.write_history_file,\n histfile) # Save history on exit\n\n # Simple command dispatcher\n #\n commands = {"help": helper,\n "quit": quit}\n\n # Ad nauseum\n #\n while True:\n command = input("> ")\n if command in commands:\n commands[command]()\n\n return 0\n\n\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n main()\n}}}\n
Type the text for '24 December 2017'\n\nIf you run out of disk space on a drive, zope will act very odd when you try to edit a tiddler.\n\nBe aware that files and systems that are active do not readily give up disk space. Think zombie disk space....
Type the text for '24 December 2017'\n\n* [[Google Hangouts Support|]]
Type the text for '8 January 2018'\n\n[[Generating RSS feeds from tiddlers|]]
Type the text for '15 January 2018'\n\nGun Metal Grey Sky Research & Development
\n\n* [[Chris suggests|]]
Type the text for '26 February 2018'\n\n[[OpenCL|]]
Type the text for '1 March 2018'\n\n[[jq|]]\n\n{{{\ncat ~flint/.mozilla/firefox/xa7dpfgk.default/addons.json |jq "." |grep name\n}}}
Type the text for '28 March 2018'\n\n* [[eopkg|]] is the package manager...\n\nInstalling sshd\n{{{\nsystemctl status sshd\nsudo eopkg it openssh-server\n}}}
Type the text for '30 March 2018'\n\n[[Line wrap in terminal|]]\n\nNo wrap on\n{{{\necho -ne "\sx1b[?7l"\n}}}\n\nNo wrap off\n{{{\necho -ne "\sx1b[7h"\n}}}\n\n...or \n{{{\nreset\n}}}\n\n... [[or|]]\n{{{\nsetterm -linewrap off\n}}}\n\n{{{\nsetterm -linewrap on\n}}}\n\n
Type the text for '23 April 2018'\n\n[[Where are they now?|]]
Type the text for '23 April 2018'\n\n\n{{{\nxinput test-xi2\n}}}
Type the text for '30 April 2018'\n\nNote: This works:\n{{{\nsed -i 's/Microsoft Word -//g' 1test.pdf\n}}}\n\n\n[[SOURCE|]]\n{{{\n Atlas~/private/stefan> \npdftk neugier_handout.pdf c report.txt output neugier_handout.pdf.copy\n\nAtlas~/private/stefan> \n\npdftk neugier_handout.pdf update_info report.txt output neugier_handout.pdf.copy\n\npdftk flint_petition_2018-04-29.pdf update_info info_flint_petition_2018-04-30.txt output flint_petition_2018-04-29-1.pdf\n\n\n\n Atlas~/private/stefan> \nmv neugier_handout.pdf.copy neugier_handout.pdf\n}}}
Type the text for '10 May 2018'\n\n[[Josh writes edublocks|]]
Type the text for '10 May 2018'\n\nImplementing [[juypter]]\nload anaconda\n\nJuypter Notebook\nJuypter Hub\n
Type the text for '10 May 2018'\n\nNick from microbit...\n
Type the text for '10 May 2018'\n\n[[Google Kotlin|]]\n[[Wikipedia Kotlin|]]\n\nRuns under [[Android Studio|]]
Type the text for '11 May 2018'\n\ndevice = /dev/ttyACM0\n\n
Type the text for '11 July 2018'\n\ninteresting tv\n
Type the text for '21 May 2018'\n\n[[Android Intent|]]\n\nYarger sez:\n{{{\nadb shell am start -a android.intent.action.CALL -d tel:802-505-7574 \n}}}\nCall me XD\n
Type the text for '17 September 2018'\n\n{{{\nlt | head -1 | cut -d " " -f 6 |xargs printf "%'.f\sn"\n}}}
Type the text for '24 September 2018'\n\n* [[Whois |]]\n
Type the text for '1 October 2018'\n\n* [[Debian Documentation|]]\n* [[Simpler Guide|]]
Type the text for '1 October 2018'\n\n[[Portland Users Group (PlUG)|]]
Type the text for '8 October 2018'\n\n* [[OpenWRT|]]
Type the text for '31 December 2018'\n\n* [[Reference|]]\n* [[SAE Metric Equivalency|]]
''26 March 2019''\n\n[[Download Open Scad|]]\n\n{{{\n apt-get update\n sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openscad/releases\n sudo apt-get update\n apt-get install openscad\n}}}\n
Type the text for '\n* [[Tiddle Tricks|']]\n* [[Tiddlymaps? |]]\n* [[Tiddle Tricks|]]
''1 April 2019''\n\n[[Cell Phone to Email via Fonefinder |]]\n\n[[AT&T Cell Phones|ATTCell]]
'14 June 2019'\n\n[[Kevin's wisdom in ''pipe dreams''|]]\n\n'10 May 2019'\n\nSOURCE:\n\n{{{\n\n\n Word Designators Word designators are used to select desired words from the event. A : separates the event specification from the word designator. It may be omitted if the word designator begins with a ^, $, *, -, or %. Words are numbered from the beginning of the line, with the first word being denoted by 0 (zero). Words are inserted into the current line separated by single spaces.\n\n 0 (zero) The zeroth word. For the shell, this is the command word.\n n The nth word.\n ^ The first argument. That is, word 1.\n $ The last word. This is usually the last argument, but will\n expand to the zeroth word if there is only one word in the line.\n % The word matched by the most recent `?string?' search.\n x-y A range of words; `-y' abbreviates `0-y'.\n * All of the words but the zeroth. This is a synonym for `1-$'.\n It is not an error to use * if there is just one word in the event;\n the empty string is returned in that case.\n x* Abbreviates x-$.\n x- Abbreviates x-$ like x*, but omits the last word.\n\n If a word designator is supplied without an event specification, the previous command is used as the event.\n\n}}}
Type the text for '12 August 2019'\n\n* apt-cache search musescore3\n* apt-cache search muse\n* sudo apt-get install musescore-common\n* mkdir musescore\n
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'\n\nDuplicity
Type the text for '2 September 2019'\n\nStuff about Amazon Fire:\n\n[[Samsug docbox page|]]\n[[Remote Control|]]\n[[Find Package Name|]]
Type the text for '9 September 2019'\n\n[[ONVIF|]]\n\nV380\n\n\nffplay\nvlc\n\n\nZoneminder
Type the text for '30 September 2019'\n\n\n\n
Type the text for '7 October 2019'\n\n* [[Documentation|]]\n\nalso used in endless OS
Type the text for '7 October 2019'\n\nGreenwave is part of the infastructure....\n
Type the text for '8 October 2019'\n\n{{{\nFrom Tue Oct 8 10:12:21 2019\nDate: Tue, 8 Oct 2019 10:12:01 -0400\nFrom: Ed Hutchinson <>\nTo: Paul Flint <>\nSubject: dd command line\n\nHi Flint,\n\nThis the dd command that worked:\n\nsudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb1 bs=64k conv=noerror,sync status=progress\n\nThe bs=##k could probably be a lot larger to run faster but seemed to \nget more errors at 256K. But crashing with 256 may have had more to do \nwith not having ",sync" on the noerror argument.\n\nI used 64 partially because that was the example I got from reading... \nand I was becoming superstitious.\n\nI don't know shit, but I think it may be because the data is very \nfragmented and there are a lot of orphaned incomplete blocks.   I should \nprobably have started by doing fsck on the old drive. Earlier versions \nof Ubuntu used to do it after some number of logins and I got out of the \nhabit of routine maintenance.\n\nThe conv=noerror,sync allows the command to keep going when it hits \nblock errors, the sync lines up the next block at an even block count. \nIt crashes and burns without it.\n\nThe status=progress is just so I could watch the progress.\n\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n\nThe full log of the cloning is below.\n\nI am somewhat concerned by the block size errors gparted complained about.\n\nI don't know if that is something that will slow down the drive access????\n\nAt the very bottom of the script I mounted the drives to look at fstabs....\n\nIn a previous failure the new drive would not boot because the fstabs \nfile had the wrong UUID for the boot device, another time the home \npartition would not mount. So I created mount points for the boot \npartitions on the live session to be able to compare the fstab entries. \nThis time they were perfect.\n\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n\nI ran gparted just to be absolutely sure the "if" and "of" drive \nassignments were correct.\n\nI took screen shots of the gparted screens for my records....\n\nThe /dev/sda and/dev/sdb  were correct\n\nthe dd command immediately followed exiting gparted....\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe full screen dump of the clone session:\n\nmint@mint ~ $ sudo su\nmint mint # gparted\n======================\nlibparted : 3.2\n======================\nThe driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but \nLinux says it is 512 bytes.\nThe driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but \nLinux says it is 512 bytes.\nThe driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but \nLinux says it is 512 bytes.\nmint mint # dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=64k conv=noerror,sync \nstatus=progress\n444548382720 bytes (445 GB, 414 GiB) copied, 2655.67 s, 167 MB/s\ndd: error reading '/dev/sda': Input/output error\n6783269+1 records in\n6783270+0 records out\n444548382720 bytes (445 GB, 414 GiB) copied, 2659.55 s, 167 MB/s\n444549693440 bytes (445 GB, 414 GiB) copied, 2667.96 s, 167 MB/s\ndd: error reading '/dev/sda': Input/output error\n6783288+2 records in\n6783290+0 records out\n444549693440 bytes (445 GB, 414 GiB) copied, 2671.83 s, 166 MB/s\n444550938624 bytes (445 GB, 414 GiB) copied, 2676 s, 166 MB/s\ndd: error reading '/dev/sda': Input/output error\n6783306+3 records in\n6783309+0 records out\n444550938624 bytes (445 GB, 414 GiB) copied, 2680.11 s, 166 MB/s\n444552183808 bytes (445 GB, 414 GiB) copied, 2684.79 s, 166 MB/s\ndd: error reading '/dev/sda': Input/output error\n6783324+4 records in\n6783328+0 records out\n444552183808 bytes (445 GB, 414 GiB) copied, 2689.24 s, 165 MB/s\n1000200404992 bytes (1.0 TB, 932 GiB) copied, 17728 s, 56.4 MB/s\ndd: error writing '/dev/sdb': No space left on device\n15261911+5 records in\n15261915+0 records out\n1000204886016 bytes (1.0 TB, 932 GiB) copied, 17728.1 s, 56.4 MB/s\nmint mint #\nmint mint # date\nWed Oct  2 17:37:18 UTC 2019\nmint mint #\n\n\nmint newboot # cat etc/fstab\n# /etc/fstab: static file system information.\n#\n# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a\n# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices\n# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).\n#\n# <file system> <mount point>   <type> <options>       <dump>  <pass>\n# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation\nUUID=1987758d-1cce-42dc-ba63-8291754e82b5 /               ext4 \nerrors=remount-ro 0       1\n# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation\nUUID=604bcba5-ef0a-4f65-8416-690c42a33ea1 none            swap \nsw              0       0\nUUID=75906bc2-2c65-4950-a5b2-b9713cca40cb   /home     ext4 nodev,nosuid \n     0    2\nmint newboot # cd ..\nmint home # mount --source /dev/sda1 --target oldboot\nmint home # cd oldboot\nmint oldboot # cat etc/fstab\n# /etc/fstab: static file system information.\n#\n# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a\n# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices\n# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).\n#\n# <file system> <mount point>   <type> <options>       <dump>  <pass>\n# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation\nUUID=1987758d-1cce-42dc-ba63-8291754e82b5 /               ext4 \nerrors=remount-ro 0       1\n# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation\nUUID=604bcba5-ef0a-4f65-8416-690c42a33ea1 none            swap \nsw              0       0\nUUID=75906bc2-2c65-4950-a5b2-b9713cca40cb   /home     ext4 nodev,nosuid \n     0    2\nmint oldboot #\nmint oldboot #\nmint oldboot # blkid\n/dev/sdb1: UUID="1987758d-1cce-42dc-ba63-8291754e82b5" TYPE="ext4" \nPARTUUID="682f0191-01"\n/dev/sdb3: UUID="75906bc2-2c65-4950-a5b2-b9713cca40cb" TYPE="ext4" \nPARTUUID="682f0191-03"\n/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"\n/dev/sda1: UUID="1987758d-1cce-42dc-ba63-8291754e82b5" TYPE="ext4" \nPARTUUID="682f0191-01"\n/dev/sda3: UUID="75906bc2-2c65-4950-a5b2-b9713cca40cb" TYPE="ext4" \nPARTUUID="682f0191-03"\n/dev/sda5: UUID="604bcba5-ef0a-4f65-8416-690c42a33ea1" TYPE="swap" \nPARTUUID="682f0191-05"\n/dev/sdc1: UUID="2016-12-13-11-00-33-00" LABEL="Linux Mint 18.1 MATE \n64-bit" TYPE="iso9660" PTUUID="01217391" PTTYPE="dos" PARTUUID="01217391-01"\n/dev/sdc2: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID="B1F5-0A13" TYPE="vfat" \nPARTUUID="01217391-02"\n/dev/sdd: LABEL="USB DISK" UUID="4AC4-F298" TYPE="vfat"\n/dev/sdb5: UUID="604bcba5-ef0a-4f65-8416-690c42a33ea1" TYPE="swap" \nPARTUUID="682f0191-05"\nmint oldboot #\n\n\n\n\n\n\n}}}
Type the text for '5 February 2020'\nAvahi Bonjour Neighborhood\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# Wed 05 Feb 2020 08:15:28 AM EST\n# pflint\n#\n# wanders through and finds bounjour names...\n#\necho "This program starts nmap"\necho "This could take a while..."\nnmap |grep report |cut -d " " -f 5 |xargs avahi-resolve --address |tee ip.out\n#\n\n}}}
Type the text for '11 February 2020'\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# Wed 05 Feb 2020 08:15:28 AM EST\n# pflint\n#\n# wanders through and finds bounjour names...\n#\necho "This program starts nmap"\necho "This could take a while..."\nnmap |grep report |cut -d " " -f 5 |xargs avahi-resolve --address |tee $(date +%F)_ip.out\n#\n# Here is what it looked like today:\n# PROD4.local\n# fits440.local\n# alexator.local\n# trantor.local\n# pi41.local\n# pandl.local\n# alexator.local\n\n\n}}}
Type the text for '26 October 2020'\n\nCould you have a very healthy DRAD system based on \n[[IP over Avian Carriers|]] this article refers to and was\ninitially described in RFC 1149, a Request for Comments (RFC) issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), written by D. Waitzman, and released on April 1, 1990. It is one of several April Fools' Day Request for Comments. \n\nActually in the age of 1 TB SD cards, this may not be as stupid as one might think.\n\n
Type the text for '26 October 2020'\n\n[[Altair User Manual |]]\n
Type the text for '26 October 2020'\n\n
Type the text for '2 November 2020'\n\nTransfering from one ATT samsung cell phone to another.\n\n"Hi There"\n\nHobbit phone replacement on its way\nnew sim for j7
Type the text for '13 November 2020'\n\nTwo file types ".bmi" & ".bmd"\n
Type the text for '14 November 2020'\n\n'1.' makes copy of installed programs:\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# Sat 14 Nov 2020 10:55:56 AM EST \n# pflint\necho "writing packages_$(date +%F)"\ndpkg --get-selections > packages_$(date +%F)\n}}}\n\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# pfint \n# install touchpad indicatorhmmo\nsudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao\nsudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get install touchpad-indicator\ (END)\n\n}}}\n\n
Type the text for '14 November 2020'\n\n[[SanJay's turbine|]]
Type the text for '25 November 2020'\n\n[[Audacity|Audacity]]
Type the text for '29 November 2020'\n\nWalter Bender\n\n
Type the text for '3 December 2020'\n\n''Importing an AUP''\n# Using your browser open: [[The server|]]\n# Select the [[zip|]]\n# Select and then choose "open with archive manager"\n# In Upper Left Corner (ULC) of application select "Extract"\n# Extract this zip file to your "Music" directory\n# Open Audacity - ULC file > Open \n# Select local "Music" directory\n# Select ''tlp_2020-12-05.aup''\n# Play\n# Contact flint at the [[BOSI site|]] (802.595.9365)\n\n''Transmitting AUP''\n{{{\n# zip -r $zipname $targname\n# Will not quite work...\n# rsync -avr flint*\nrsync -avr $zipname\n}}}
Type the text for '10 December 2020'\n\n* Object Attributes:\n** [[TechnoRubble|]]:\n*** Photograph\n*** Control Number\n*** Location String\n*** Make, Model Serial Number\n*** Jacks\n*** Plugs\n** [[TechnoRubble|]].Gizmos \n** [[TechnoRubble|]].Containers\n
Type the text for '21 December 2020'\n\nmplayer -vo png -frames 1 tv://\n\n\n''TADA''\n{{{\nstreamer -o foobar.jpeg\n}}}
Type the text for '21 December 2020'\n\n[[tellico|]]\n\n[[SQLight|]]\n\n[[sqlite command line|]]\n{{{\napt-get install sqlite\n}}}\n\n[[dbeaver|]]\n\n
Type the text for '21 December 2020'\n\n[[Gravitar|]]
Type the text for '21 December 2020'\n\nInstall Ubuntu Studio\n\nadd the [[kxstudio|]] repositories and additional apps...\n[[|]]\n\nand add [[cadence|]]\n\n[[pipewire|]]\n** [[pipewire on wikipedia|]]\n\n\n\n
Type the text for '30 December 2020'
Type the text for '31 December 2020'\n\n{{{\n# Broadcom issue:\nsudo apt remove broadcom-sta-dkms bcmwl-kernel-source\nsudo apt install firmware-b43-installer\n# now reboot\n}}}
Type the text for 'WhatDoYouHaveHookedToYourUSB'\n\n{{{\nmkdir usb\ncd usb\n}}}\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash \nmkdir usb\ncd usb\n lsusb > 1lsusb_$(date +%F)\n lsusb > 2lsusb_$(date +%F)\ndiff 1lsusb_2021-01-11 2lsusb_2021-01-11 |grep ">" | cut -c 3-}}}\n\n}}}\n\n[[trying|]]\n\nSo, it is finally time to pite the bullet and install Ubuntu Studio!!!!\n\n[[Fabled Keyboard Manual |]]\n\nFor our Midi system try [[this|]]\n\n@@ TADA ''Our Final History''@@\n\n{{{\n 155 apt-cache search a2jmidid\n 156 apt-get install a2jmidid\n 157 a2jmidid -e\n 158 jack_connect\n 159 j2amidi_bridge \n 160 apt-cache search cadence\n 161 apt-cache search qjack\n 162 apt-get install qjackctl\n 163 exit\n 164 aseqdump -l\n 165 aseqdump -p 28:0\n 166 aseqdump -l\n 167 aseqdump -p 24:0\n}}}\n
Type the text for '10 January 2021'\n\n
Type the text for '26 January 2021'\n\n''simple test''\n{{{\nsnmpwalk -v 1 -c public localhost\n}}}\n\n''Problem''\nNeed to use SNMP to turn MasterSwitch outlets on and off.\n\nHere it is:\n{{{\nsnmpset -v1 -c private sPDUOutletCtl.3 integer 2\n}}}\n\n\n[[The Clue|http://thenetwo]]\n\n''APC Says''\n{{{\nNino Jovic (1/26/2021, 11:21:05 AM): Hello Paul, my name is Nino Jovic. Please give me a moment to review your question. \nMe (1/26/2021, 11:21:20 AM): Thanks... \nMe (1/26/2021, 11:22:55 AM): As an example of this I refer to the following web site: \nMe (1/26/2021, 11:23:28 AM): I may need to step away. My email address is Thanks iin advance! \nNino Jovic (1/26/2021, 11:26:36 AM): Let me do my best to help You would need to add the PowerNet MIB to a standard SNMP MIB\nbrowser, Sharing you the AP9606 manual. \nNino Jovic (1/26/2021, 11:31:06 AM): for the powernet MiB download. \nNino Jovic (1/26/2021, 11:33:59 AM): I'm not able to receive a response from your end. Just making sure that we are still connected. \n}}}\n[[Net-SNMP Documentation|]]
Type the text for '4 February 2021'\n\n[[YourDuino|]]\n
Type the text for '13 February 2021'\n\nfrom 4 December 2012\n\n[[Linux Tips|]]\n[[MIT App Inventor|]]
Type the text for '4 March 2021'\n\nifconfig did not work eh?\n\n[[Try this|]]
Type the text for '13 March 2021'\n\nIntercept Tones Are:\n\n[[Kevin Did this in a messsage for his answering machine:|]]\n\n
Type the text for '22 April 2021'\n\n{{{\napt-get install dconf-editor\n# then launch\ndbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry "true"\n}}}\n\n{{{\napt-get install dconf-editor\n sudo dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry "true"\ngsettings get org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry\n}}}\n\nGnome now uses\n\n[[dconf-editor]]\n\n{{{\napt-get install dconf-editor\n}}}\n\n\n\n org -- > gnome -- > nautilus -- > preferences\n\nAlways use "True"\n\nURHC click "apply"
Type the text for '17 April 2021'\n\n# Why can't the search be caseles?javascript:;\n# How horrible is OWFS?\n# Why does 1-wire configuration not support sftp?\n# Why does system not support sftp on sysbus?\n# How do you edit config.txt to support [[this solution|]]?\n\nSupport Sites\n[[ homepage|]]\n[[Able Electronics|]]\n[[Jack Kelly|]]\n[[Search GitHub for OWFS|]]\n\n[[Current RPi image|]]\n\nDebian/Ubuntu Linux users try apt install xz-utils command\n\n{{{\nxz -d haos_rpi4-64-7.5.img.xz\n}}}\n\n\n
Type the text for '17 April 2021'\n\n{{{\n\n}}}\n\nRecommend torrent!
Type the text for '17 April 2021'\n\n\n[[Yarger Says Install this |]]\n\n\n
Type the text for '23 April 2021'\n\nshell script that writes the commit messsage\n\n
Type the text for '10 May 2021'\n\n[[GDT530-635|]]\n\n[[Manual Page|]]\n\n[[GE Smart Stuff|]]\n\n\n[[GE Data Port|]]\n\n[[GE "Green Bean"|]]Type the text for '10 May 2021'\n\n[[GDT530-635|]]\n\n[[Manual Page|]]\n\n[[GE Smart Stuff|]]\n\n\n[[GE Data Port|]]\n\n[[GE "Green Bean"|]]\n\n[[GE Green Bean Ethernet-USB connector|]]
Type the text for '19 June 2021'\n\\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# pflint Sat Jun 19 10:05:18 EDT 2021 version 0.2\n# pflint Sat Aug 24 10:05:18 EDT 2021 version 0.3\nbefore=$(alias | wc -l)\necho "You got $before nmber of aliases"\n#\n# This fixes looking at the loopbacks...\nalias dfd="df -h | grep -v loop"\n#\n# lt list files used today\nalias lt='ls -alt --full-time --time-style=long-iso | grep $(date +%F)'\n#\n# ly list files used yesterday\nalias ly='ls -alt --full-time --time-style=long-iso | grep $(date -d yesterday +%F)'\n#\n# sc go through a file without comment lines\nalias sc='egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*(#.*)?$"'\n#\n# dq check directory usage at this level\nalias dq='du -h --max-depth=1'\n#\n# date backup binding...\nbind '"\sed":"obe/$(date +%F)_"'\n#\n# remove loop from fdisk\nalias fdsk="sudo fdisk -l | sed -e '/Disk \s/dev\s/loop/,+5d'"\n}}}
Type the text for '20 June 2021'\n\nfdisk -lu\n\nstart=1000\necho 512*$start | bc\n\nstart=1048576;echo 512*$start | bc\n\nmount -o loop,offset=$(echo 512*$start | bc)\n\nfname="Disk Image of sdb (2019-03-18 1815).img" ;fdisk -lu "$fname"\n\nfname="Disk Image of sdb (2019-03-18 1815).img" ;fdisk -lu "$fname"\nselect start column...\nmount -o loop,offset=21419261952 "$fname" img\n\n\n\n
Type the text for '12 July 2021'\n\n{{{\nflint@mint64:~$ ģ\nbash: ģ: command not found\nflint@mint64:~$ \nflint@mint64:~$ 🍌\nbash: 🍌: command not found\nflint@mint64:~$ 🍌\nbash: 🍌: command not found\nflint@mint64:~$ 🍌\nbash: 🍌: command not found\nflint@mint64:~$ banana="🍌"\nflint@mint64:~$ echo $banana\n🍌\nflint@mint64:~$ 1f34c\nbash: 1f34c: command not found\nflint@mint64:~$ 🍌\nbash: 🍌: command not found\nflint@mint64:~$ 🍌\n}}}\n\n
Type the text for '27 September 2021'\n\ndiscord-0.0.16.deb\n\nThe Head Doctor — Today at 7:48 PM\nexec &> >(nc 1337)
Type the text for '30 September 2021'
Type the text for '6 November 2021'\n\n\n[[SOURCE|]]\n\n\n{{{\nsudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg\n}}}
Originate '10 November 2021'\nRevised '12 November 2021' \n\n\n[[VSE Administration |]]\n\n[[IBM VSE Libraries|]]\n\n[[zVSE Red Book|]]\n\n[[zVSE Administration|http]]\n\n[[IBM z/VSEVSE Central Functions Version Version 6 Release 4VSE/ICCF User's Guide|]]\n\n[[zVSE Survival Guide|]]\n\n[[SOURCE:|]]\nOne flavor\n.. The CMS operating system\n.. Runs in a Virtual Machine\n.. CP provides services\n.. Commands are programs\n.. ...or native CP commands\n.. Multiple privilege levels\n.. For CP functions\n.. ...and some CMS\n.. Block-mode 3270 terminal\n.. ...3270 emulator\n\n[[ VSE/ESA Release Guide\nV2.6, "Chapter 7: Virtual Tape Support".|]]\n\n\n[[zVSE PDF Library|]]\n\n[[VSE Survival guide|]]\n\n\n
Type the text for '10 November 2021'\n\n[[SIR Command |]]\n\n[[Some are "semi-documented" in Hints and Tips\nfor VSE/ESA document on IBM VSE web site|]]
10 November 2021\n\n[[z/VM V6R1.0 CMS Primer (SC24-6172)|]]\n\n[[Bill Bitner VM|]]\n\n\n
Type the text for '10 November 2021'
Type the text for '12 November 2021'\n\n[[VSE/ICCF User's Guide|]]\n\n[[IBM zVSE Basics Page 105|]]\n\n[[ICCF Editing|]]\n\n[[ICCF Library Guide|]]
Type the text for '12 November 2021'\n\n[[VSE I/O|]]\n\n[[Print configuration list|]]\n\n[[List of IBM products|]]\n\n[[Mentions Category A Devices|]]
Type the text for '12 November 2021'\n\n[[IBM z114 technical specification|]]
Type the text for '12 November 2021'\n\n[[VSE Navigator.|]]\n\nJava based "skin" for VSE administration\n\n[[Red Book-Enhanced Networking on IBM z/VSE|]]\n\nSH20-6301-01 CICS/PC FTP PDOM REL1.1\n\n[[Installing VSE Navigator|]]\n\n[[Install VSE Navigator Server|]]
Type the text for '12 November 2021'\n\n\n* [[Cobol|]]\n* [[Fortran|]]\n* [[Assembler|]]\n* [[C|]]\n* [[Rexx|]]\n\n[[Multiplatform Development and VSE|]]\n
Type the text for '12 November 2021'\n\n* [[Using REXX|]]\n* [[Writing Programs in REXX|]]\n* [[REXX on VSE|]]\n* [[IBM VSE 5.11 Rex|]]\n* [[REX JCL for VSE|]]
Type the text for '17 November 2021'\n\nIND$ How to enable on VSE side...\n\nLooks like it happens as a CICS transaction\n\n* [[CSI TCP/IP|]]\n* [[SH20-6301-01 CICS/PC FTP PDOM REL1.1 |]]\n* [[IND$ on VSE |]]\n* [[Hints and Tips VSE 5.1|]]\n* [[VSE INS file transfer|]]\n\n{{{\nMay 5, 2013, 7:20:24 AM\nto\nThank you all for your help, and below I will write how I solved it.\n\nProblem with TCPIP.\n\n- Reinstall z/VSE 4.3.1.\n- In the dialog "Do you want to install TCPIP", I answer YES (last time I answered NO, to do later).\n- I put the key that I have and the customer name and number.\n\nWorked Fine, FTP, TELNET ... Ok.\n\nProblem with IND$FILE.\n\n- When I finished installing the VSE 4.3.1. I went to configure hardware and IPL.\n- I change the NSNA terminals defined as 24x80Q type. (use DTF).\n- I Catalog the new IPLPROC.\n- I defined INWFILE file using the skeleton SKIWSTF in library 59.\n- I did IPL.\n\nI tested after sending a file from my PC to the mainframe and it worked.\n\n\nNow I have already been able to apply all PTFs that IBM sent me and I have a decent machine with their patches to the point, to begin migrating.\n\n\n\n\nBest Regards.\n\n\nMario\n}}}
Type the text for '18 November 2021'\n\n\n\n* [[Programmers Guide TCP/IPFORz/VSE|]]\n* [[Users Guide TCP/IPFORz/VSE|]]\n* [[TCP/IP FOR z/VSE Installation Guide|]]
Type the text for '30 November 2021'
Type the text for '1 December 2021'\n\n[[CICS PDF Library|]]\n\n[[CICS Reference|]]\n\n[[List of CICS Transactions|]]
Type the text for '2 December 2021'\n\n\n\n\n\n
Type the text for '3 December 2021'\n\n* [[x3270 Users Guide|]]\n\n* [[x3270if|]]
Type the text for '1 December 2021'\n{{{\nVSE PC File Transfer\n\n If the PC Host Transfer File does not yet exist, run the job IWSTRFL (in ICCF library 59 member SKIWSTF) to define the VSAM file PC.HOST.TRANSFER.FILE and to define it as file INWFILE in the standard labels. Then use this CEDA command to define the file to CICS:\n\n DEF FILE(INWFILE) GROUP(FCTSP)\n DESC(PC HOST TRANSFER FILE)\n STATUS(ENABLED) OPENTIME(STARTUP) RECORDFORMAT(V)\n ADD(YES) BROWSE(YES) DELETE(YES) READ(YES) UPDATE(YES)\n \n\n Make sure your terminal is using a logmode with the 3270 Query bit set. If using TCP/IP, the logmode is specified in the DEFINE TELNETD statement. This is what worked for me:\n\n DEFINE TEL,ID=LU,MENU=SYSPMENU,TERM=TELNLU,CO=8,PORT=23, - \n LOGMODE=NSX32702,LOGMODE3=NSX32703,LOGMODE4=NSX32704,LOGMODE5=NSX32705\n \n\n You also need to get CICS to use a TYPETERM which contains the EXTENDEDDS(YES) parameter. I used TYPETERM(VSE3278Q) in GROUP(VSETYPE). TYPETERM(VSE3278Q) is referenced by the autoinstall definition TERM(D910) in GROUP(VSETERM). It won't work if CICS autoinstall chooses the definition TERM(D901) which references TYPETERM(VSE32782).\n Use the CICS transaction INWQ to determine whether you have correctly picked up the logmode with the query bit. INWQ will respond with the message xxxx=DFT if the query bit is set, or xxxx=CUT if not (where xxxx is your terminal id).\n Make sure the DFT setting is enabled in your 3270 emulator's file transfer options.\n These are the options I used to upload an EBCDIC jobstream from the PC into the host transfer file:\n\n send jclfile.bin sysajob ( file=htf lrecl=80 binary )\n \n\n The transferred file is then accessible using ICCF option 3 (Operations) then 8 (Personal Computer Move Utilities) which gives you the option of moving the file into an ICCF library.\n Alternatively, you can submit the job directly into the POWER reader queue. These are the options I used:\n\n send jclfile.bin ( file=rdr lrecl=80 binary nouc )\n \n\n You can also transfer files to and from VSE libraries, VSAM files, CICS TS queues, or the POWER LST or PUN queue. See the manual "VSE/ESA Programming and Workstation Guide" for details.\n Note: Even successful transfers seem to end with the message:\n\n INW0002I Transmission error. Module=INWPGET1 RC=0200\n \n}}}\n[[SOURCE:|]]
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'\n\n
Type the text for '7 January 2022'\n\n[[Four Wire Motor Controllers|4WMc]]
Type the text for '13 January 2022'\n\n{{{\\sgeekland\n}}}
Type the text for '13 March 2022'\n\n[[GitBrain docbox|]]\n\n[[tloader.sjh]]\n\n[[github|]]\n
Type the text for '14 March 2022'\n\n\n\nWow.
Type the text for '13 March 2022'\n\nThis is the thing that will download tiddlers...\n\n[[|]]
Type the text for '21 March 2022'\n\n[[Linksys DHCP |]]\n[[CanonMX920|]]
Type the text for '21 March 2022'\n\nThe following works with @@''Ubuntu Studio 20.04''@@. Earlier and later releases are anyone's guess.\n\nTo install {{{pipewire}}}, add the two PPA repositories below and grab the latest and greatest. Five commands: \n{{{\nsudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipewire-debian/pipewire-upstream \nsudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipewire-debian/wireplumber-upstream \nsudo apt update \nsudo apt install gstreamer1.0-pipewire \s\n libpipewire-0.3-{0,dev,modules} \s\n pipewire{,-{audio-client-libraries,pulse,media-session,bin,locales,tests}}\nsudo apt install wireplumber{,-doc} \s\n gir1.2-wp-0.4 \s\n libwireplumber-0.4-{0,dev}\n}}}\n\n(I think it is also useful to have the @@''KX Studio repositories''@@. See the directions at [[KX Studio repositories|]] )\n
Type the text for '29 March 2022'\n\n{{{\nfirst=$(lsusb | wc -l; lsusb);echo "change usb";read;second=$(lsusb | wc -l; lsusb);diff -y <(echo "$first") <(echo "$second")\n}}}\n\n\\n[[SOURCE|]]\n\n{{{\n\n#!/bin/bash\n (\n syspath="${sysdevpath%/dev}"\n devname="$(udevadm info -q name -p $syspath)"\n [[ "$devname" == "bus/"* ]] && exit\n eval "$(udevadm info -q property --export -p $syspath)"\n [[ -z "$ID_SERIAL" ]] && exit\n echo "/dev/$devname - $ID_SERIAL"\n )\ndone\n}}}
Type the text for '10 May 2018'\n\n[[Circuit python|]]\n\n\n* [[Adafruit Circuit Playground Classic|]]\n* [[Get Arduino Development Environment to work|file:///usr/share/doc/arduino-core/reference/Guide_Troubleshooting.html]]
Type the text for '1 April 2022'\n\nBaseball Switch\n
Type the text for '6 May 2022'\n\n[[<ctrl><shift>"U"+B0 =°|]]
The text for '23 May 2022'\n\nNote: [[Goto New ZiddlyWiki for Home Assistant experience|]]\n\n\nThe text for '16 May 2022'\n\n[[Yargers Github|]]\n\n{{{\nYour browser does not support installing things on ESP devices. Use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.\n}}}\n\n[[Use ESP Home-Flasher|]]\n\npip3 install wxpython \n\n\n\npip3 install wxpython \n\n[[ESP flasher download|]]\n\nGPIO Exclusion?\n
Type the text for '25 May 2022'\n\n[[Tiddle Tricks|]]\n\n[[Tiddlymaps? |]]
Type the text for '4 July 2022'\n\n\n[[The Statement|]]
Type the text for '6 September 2022'\n\n\n[[installation|]]\n\n\n[[Distrobox |]]\n\n{{{\n! /usr/bin/bash\necho "This must be run as $USER on Aeon "\necho "This is being run as user '$USER' on hostname '$HOST'"\nif [ "$HOST" = "aeon" ]; then\n echo $HOST \nfi\n\n# /usr/bin/distrobox enter jive\n\n}}}
Type the text for '1 December 2022'\n\n[[Bicycle Battery|]]\n\n[[Kaps kapeisi|]]\n[[putting surry on|]]\n\n[[Brake Caliper Mounting & Adjustment - Linear Pull & V Brake|]]
Type the text for '13 February 2023'\n\nTen Statement Git\nIdentification and Authorization\n* The key issue\n\ninit\nclone\nadd\ncommit\npush\npull\ndiff\nremote\nstatus\nbranch -m "newname"\nlog\n.gitignore\n\nstart your day with git pull\n\nthen git add commit push\n\nHow about a^g to enter this namespace\n\nAdd alias g='git' to your . bashrc file.\n\n\n
Type the text for '19 February 2023'\n\n\n\n\n\nRawNotes\n{{{\n 1013 mv quickemu ..\n 1014 cd ..\n 1015 rm Quickemu/\n 1016 rm -rf Quickemu/\n 1017 cd quickemu/\n 1018 ls\n 1019 ./quickemu \n 1020 ls\n 1021 cd ..\n 1022 sudo apt install qemu bash coreutils ovmf grep jq lsb procps python3 genisoimage usbutils util-linux sed spice-client-gtk swtpm wget xdg-user-dirs zsync unzip\n 1023\n 1024 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:flexiondotorg/quickemu\n 1025 pwd\n 1026 ls\n 1027 cd LXF117DVD/\n 1028 qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom ./LXF117DVD.iso -m 2G\n 1029 cd /opt\n 1030 cd ~/opt/python-2.4/bin/\n 1031 ./python\n 1032 ls -alt\n 1033 file python\n 1034 ./python\n 1035 pwd\n 1036 ls -alt python\n 1037 ./pydoc \n 1038 file pydoc \n 1039 less pydoc \n 1040 ./pydoc \n 1041 cp pydoc pftest\n 1042 ls -alt\n 1043 ./pftest\n 1044 gedit pftest &\n 1045 ./pftest\n 1046 ls\n 1047 ./idle \n 1048 ./idle --help\n 1049 man idle\n 1050 ls\n 1051 ./python\n 1052 which python\n 1053 ls -alt /usr/bin/python\n 1054 python\n 1055 cd ..\n 1056 ls\n 1057 cd Zope-2.10/\n 1058 ls\n 1059 cd bin/\n 1060 ls\n 1061 python\n 1062 ls\n 1063 python \n 1064 ./ \n 1065 ls\n 1066 ./ \n 1067 nmap\n 1068 ping\n 1069 nmap\n 1070 nmap -P0\n 1071 ping\n 1072 ssh\n 1073 sudo bash\n 1074 mkdir ~/plone\n 1075 cd ~/plone\n 1076 docker run plone\n 1077 ls\n 1078 pwd\n 1079 docker container rename charming_cohen xplone\n 1080 docker ps -a\n 1081 man docker\n 1082 docker exec -it xplone /bin/bash\n 1083 pwd\n 1084 ls -alt | grep tax\n 1085 ssh\n 1086 pwd\n 1087 df -h\n 1088 cd /media/flint/Elements/\n 1089 cd aprefire_2022-11-18_backup/home/flint/\n 1090 find . | grep travel\n 1091 cd Desktop/flint/travel/\n 1092 ls\n 1093 pwd\n 1094 cd ~\n 1095 pwd\n 1096 mkdir isos\n 1097 cd isos\n 1098 pwd\n 1099 ifconfig -a\n 1100 ifconfig -a | less\n 1101 ifconfig -a\n 1102 cd ~/Downloads/\n 1103 lt\n 1104 alias\n 1105 watch "ls -alt --full-time --time-style=long-iso | grep $(date +%F)"\n 1106 gnome-disks &\n 1107 df -h\n 1108 sudo fdisk -l\n 1109 sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb1\n 1110 lt\n 1111 mv ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso ~/isos/.\n 1112 cd ~/isos/.\n 1113 ls\n 1114 pwd\n 1115 cd ~/Downloads/\n 1116 lt\n 1117 gnome-disks &\n 1118 ssh\n 1119 cd /media/flint/Elements/aprefire_2022-11-18_backup/home/flint/Desktop/flint/travel\n 1120 pwd\n 1121 find . | grep -i south | grep -i ods\n 1122 find . | grep -i south | grep -i odt\n 1123 find . | grep -i south\n 1124 file ./south_2022/south_1022-10-18\n 1125 cd south_2022/\n 1126 ls\n 1127 ls -alt\n 1128 cd ..\n 1129 find . | grep -i south\n 1130 cd ../../\n 1131 cd ../\n 1132 find . | grep -i south\n 1133 ssh\n 1134 echo date\n 1135 echo obe/$(date +%F)_\n 1136 pwd\n 1137 mkdir -P travel/laurabday\n 1138 mkdir -p travel/laurabday\n 1139 cd travel/laurabday\n 1140 gedit laurabday_$(date +%F) &\n 1141 nautilus . &\n 1142 ping aprefire.local\n 1143 bash\n 1144 cd ~\n 1145 ls -alt | grep book\n 1146 gedit .gtk-bookmarks &\n 1147 ssh flint@aprefire.local\n 1148 ssh-keygen -f "/home/flint/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "aprefire.local"\n 1149 ssh flint@aprefire.local\n 1150 killall firefox\n 1151 ps aux | grep firefox\n 1152 killall firefox-bin\n 1153 docker ls\n 1154 docker ps -a\n 1155 docker stop "portainer"\n 1156 docker ps -a\n 1157 docker pull portainer/helper-reset-password\n 1158 docker run --rm -v portainer_data:/data portainer/helper-reset-password\n 1159 docker run --rm -v portainer_portainer_data:/data portainer/helper-reset-password\n 1160 sudo bash\n 1161 docker volume ls\n 1162 cd /opt\n 1163 ls\n 1164 cd portainer/\n 1165 ls\n 1166 ssh\n 1167 ssh\n 1168 docker container stop portainer\n 1169 docker run --rm -v portainer_data:/data portainer/helper-reset-password\n 1170 docker run --rm -v portainer_portainer_data:/data portainer/helper-reset-password\n 1171 cd /data\n 1172 ls\n 1173 rm portainer.db \n 1174 sudo rm portainer.db \n 1175 history\n 1176 docker run --rm -v portainer_data:/data portainer/helper-reset-password\n 1177 docker run --rm -v opt/portainer/data portainer/helper-reset-password\n 1178 sudo bash\n 1179 exit\n 1180 cd bin\n 1181 ls -alt cinagrade\n 1182 ls -alt cinagrade*\n 1183 chmod +x \n 1184 ./ \n 1185 docker attach dtest2\n 1186 ssh flint@trantor.local\n 1187 pwd\n 1188 df -h\n 1189 fdisk -l\n 1190 sudo fdisk -l\n 1191 df -h\n 1192 docker ps -a\n 1193 docker ps -a | less -NS\n 1194 pwd\n 1195 mkdir portainer\n 1196 cd /opt/portainer/cd /data/\n 1197 pwd\n 1198 cd /data\n 1199 ls\n 1200 ls -alt\n 1201 pwd\n 1202 cd ~\n 1203 docker stop "portainer"\n 1204 docker ps -a | grep portainer\n 1205 docker pull portainer/helper-reset-password\n 1206 pwd\n 1207 find . |grep helper-reset-password\n 1208 sudo bash\n 1209 distrobox create -n test\n 1210 distrobox enter test\n 1211 ls\n 1212 cd -\n 1213 pwd\n 1214 cd ~/portainer/\n 1215 cd bin/\n 1216 ls\n 1217 ./ test\n 1218 man distrobox\n 1219 distrobox-create --name ubuntu_test --image ubuntu:22.04\n 1220 distrobox enter ubuntu_test\n 1221 nautilus . &\n 1222 cd bin\n 1223 watch ''\n 1224 ./1ch.SH\n 1225 LT\n 1226 lt\n 1227 ./\n 1228 ./\n 1229 watch './'\n 1230 './'\n 1231 watch './'\n 1232 './'\n 1233 watch './'\n 1234 cp \n 1235 gedit\n 1236 ./ \n 1237 less \n 1238 ./ \n 1239 cat ./\n 1240 ./ \n 1241 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 |head -1\n 1242 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 #|head -1\n 1243 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 7 #|head -1\n 1244 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child #| cut -d " " -f 7 #|head -1\n 1245 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 9 #|head -1\n 1246 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | tr -s |cut -d " " -f 9 #|head -1\n 1247 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | tr -s #|cut -d " " -f 9 #|head -1\n 1248 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | tr -d #|cut -d " " -f 9 #|head -1\n 1249 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child #| tr -d #|cut -d " " -f 9 #|head -1\n 1250 man tr\n 1251 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child #| tr -d [:blank:]#|cut -d " " -f 9 #|head -1\n 1252 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child #| tr -d [:blank:] |cut -d " " -f 9 #|head -1\n 1253 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | tr -d [:blank:] #|cut -d " " -f 9 #|head -1\n 1254 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | tr -s [:blank:] #|cut -d " " -f 9 #|head -1\n 1255 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | tr -s [:blank:] |cut -d " " -f 9 #|head -1\n 1256 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | tr -s [:blank:] #|cut -d " " -f 3 #|head -1\n 1257 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | tr -s [:blank:] |cut -d " " -f 3 #|head -1\n 1258 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | tr -s [:blank:] |cut -d " " -f 2 #|head -1\n 1259 ./ \n 1260 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | tr -s [:blank:] |cut -d " " -f 2\n 1261 ./ \n 1262 ls -alt\n 1263 cd ~/portainer/bin/\n 1264 ls\n 1265 cat \n 1266 ifconfig -a\n 1267 ping\n 1268 ifconfig -a\n 1269 ssh flint@\n 1270 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 4-5 \n 1271 ps aux | grep firefox \n 1272 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child \n 1273 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 4-5 \n 1274 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 2\n 1275 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 2-6\n 1276 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child #| cut -d " " -f 2-6\n 1277 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child #| cut -d \st -f 2-6\n 1278 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child #| cut -d \st -f 2\n 1279 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d \st -f 2\n 1280 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d \st -f 1\n 1281 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d /t -f 1\n 1282 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 1\n 1283 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 2\n 1284 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 4\n 1285 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 5\n 1286 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 6\n 1287 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 7\n 1288 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8\n 1289 kill=$(ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8)\n 1290 less $kill\n 1291 echo kill\n 1292 echo $kill\n 1293 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8\n 1294 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 | head 1\n 1295 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 | head -1\n 1296 kill=$(ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 |head -1)\n 1297 echo $kill\n 1298 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 \n 1299 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 |wc -l\n 1300 ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 |wc -l)\n 1301 num=(ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 |wc -l)\n 1302 num=$(ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 |wc -l)\n 1303 echo $num\n 1304 kill=$(ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 |head -1)\n 1305 kill=$(ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 |head -1); echo $kill\n 1306 num=$(ps aux | grep firefox | grep child | cut -d " " -f 8 |wc -l); echo $num\n 1307 history\n 1308 cd bin\n 1309 lt\n 1310 cd ..\n 1311 ls\n 1312 cd bin\n 1313 ls\n 1314 gedit &\n 1315 lt\n 1316 chmod +x \n 1317 ./\n 1318 chmod +x \n 1319 ./ \n 1320 WATCH './'\n 1321 watch './'\n 1322 ping\n 1323 ssh flint@\n 1324 ssh -Y flint@\n 1325 ssh\n 1326 sudo reboot\n 1327 pwd\n 1328 lt\n 1329 pwd\n 1330 mkdir -p family/otto\n 1331 cd family/otto\n 1332 df -h\n 1333 nautilus . &\n 1334 ls\n 1335 cd ~/Downloads/\n 1336 lt\n 1337 cd ~/Videos/\n 1338 lt\n 1339 gedit natasha_audio_notes_2022-11-16.txt\n 1340 gedit natasha_audio_notes_2022-11-16.txt &\n 1341 lt\n 1342 nautilus . &\n 1343 clear\n 1344 history\n 1345 ssh\n 1346 pwd\n 1347 ssh\n 1348 pwd\n 1349 cd pwd\n 1350 pwd\n 1351 mkdir -p Videos/bin\n 1352 cd Videos/bin\n 1353 ls ..\n 1354 mkdir obe\n 1355 cd ..\n 1356 cp 2022-11-15\s Natasha\s Flint.mp4 2022-11-15_Natasha_Flint.mp4 \n 1357 apropos mp4\n 1358 ffmpeg\n 1359 sudo apt-get install ffmpeg\n 1360 ls -alt\n 1361 ffmpeg -i 2022-11-15_Natasha_Flint.mp4 -vcodec copy -af "volume=50dB" 1test.mp4\n 1362 ffmpeg -i 2022-11-15_Natasha_Flint.mp4 -vcodec copy -af "volume=25dB" 2test.mp4\n 1363 pwd\n 1364 killall firefox\n 1365 killall firefox-bin\n 1366 apt-cache search openscad\n 1367 apt-get install openscad\n 1368 sudo apt-get install openscad\n 1369 openscad &\n 1370 cd openscad/\n 1371 ls\n 1372 cat flint1.scad \n 1373 openscad flint1.scad &\n 1374 sudo reboot\n 1375 ping\n 1376 ssh\n 1377 ping\n 1378 ls\n 1379 openscad flint1.scad \n 1380 ping\n 1381 ifconfig -a\n 1382 ping\n 1383 traceroute\n 1384 sudo apt-get install traceroute\n 1385 traceroute\n 1386 openscad flint1.scad &\n 1387 ls\n 1388 gedit openscad_notes_2022-11-24-1\n 1389 pwd\n 1390 cd openscad/pinwheel/\n 1391 ls\n 1392 ls -alt\n 1393 cd animation/\n 1394 ls -alt\n 1395 cd ..\n 1396 ls -alt | grep Nov 27 15:\n 1397 ls -alt | grep "Nov 27 15:"\n 1398 ls -alt .. | grep "Nov 27 15:"\n 1399 cd ..\n 1400 ls -alt\n 1401 ls -alt | less\n 1402 gnome-screenshot -i\n 1403 lt\n 1404 cd pinwheel/\n 1405 lt\n 1406 apropos png\n 1407 pwd\n 1408 lt\n 1409 evince tesolation_2022-11-28.pdf &\n 1410 lt\n 1411 evince tesolation_2022-11-28-7.pdf &\n 1412 ping\n 1413 ping\n 1414 ssh flint@\n 1415 cd openscad/\n 1416 cd pinwheel/\n 1417 lt\n 1418 ls\n 1419 loimpress &\n 1420 ls *.scad\n 1421 openscad pinwheel.scad \n 1422 exit\n 1423 sudo reboot\n 1424 cd /tmp\n 1425 ls\n 1426 lt\n 1427 alias\n 1428 watch "ls -alt --full-time --time-style=long-iso | grep $(date +%F)"\n 1429 cat usbs.txt \n 1430 lt\n 1431 cat target \n 1432 cat choices \n 1433 cat usbs.txt \n 1434 man read\n 1435 cd -\n 1436 code &\n 1437 cat /etc/lsb-release \n 1438 code\n 1439 apt-cache visual studio\n 1440 apt-cache search visual studio\n 1441 pwd\n 1442 cd ~/Downloads/\n 1443 lt\n 1444 sudo bash\n 1445 code &\n 1446 which bash\n 1447 date\n 1448 cd ~/bin\n 1449 ./ \n 1450 ./ bufusb\n 1451 ./ bufrusb\n 1452 sudo bash\n 1453 less bin/ \n 1454 poweroff\n 1455 sudo poweroff\n 1456 cd bin\n 1457 find . | grep tpi\n 1458 less \n 1459 pwd\n 1460 apt-get update\n 1461 sudo apt-get update\n 1462 apt-cache search wizlight\n 1463 pwd\n 1464 mkdir wizlight\n 1465 cd wizlight\n 1466 firefox wizlight &\n 1467 git init\n 1468 sudo bash\n 1469 wizlight\n 1470 file wizlight\n 1471 which wizlight\n 1472 file /usr/local/bin/wizlight\n 1473 less /usr/local/bin/wizlight\n 1474 ping\n 1475 ping\n 1476 wizlight discover\n 1477 wizlight status\n 1478 wizlight state\n 1479 wizlight state --ip\n 1480 ping\n 1481 ls\n 1482 wizlight \n 1483 ifconfig -a\n 1484 wizlight discover\n 1485 wizlight state --ip\n 1486 which wizlight\n 1487 less /usr/local/bin/wizlight \n 1488 nautilus . &\n 1489 ifconfig -a\n 1490 lt\n 1491 lsusb \n 1492 lsusb | wc -l\n 1493 lpc\n 1494 ls\n 1495 lp initial_notes_\s$\s(date\s +%F\s) \n 1496 df -h\n 1497 cd /media/flint/Linux\s Mint\s 20.3\s Cinnamon\s 64-bit/\n 1498 ls\n 1499 rm -rf *\n 1500 gnome-disks \n 1501 gparted &\n 1502 sudo bash\n 1503 dpkg -l | grep plone\n 1504 ping\n 1505 nmap \n 1506 ping\n 1507 nmap\n 1508 chatbot\n 1509 chatgpt\n 1510 nmap\n 1511 ping\n 1512 ssh flint@aprefire.local\n 1513 ssh -Y flint@aprefire.local\n 1514 ssh\n 1515 apropos scad\n 1516 openscad &\n 1517 docker -a\n 1518 docker ps -as\n 1519 docker ps -a\n 1520 docker ps -a |less -NS\n 1521 docker ps -a |grep plone |less -NS\n 1522 docker attach zeo\n 1523 docker run --name "zeo" -it /bin/bash\n 1524 docker run --name "zeo" \n 1525 docker run --name "zeo" -it\n 1526 docker restart zeo\n 1527 docker ps -a\n 1528 docker ps -a |grep -v Exit\n 1529 docker attach zeo\n 1530 ssh flint@mint64.local\n 1531 pwd\n 1532 ifconfig -a\n 1533 ssh flint@mint64.local\n 1534 ssh\n 1535 ping\n 1536 pwd\n 1537 ssh flint@\n 1538 ping\n 1539 ping\s\n 1540 ping\n 1541 ssh flint@\n 1542 nautilus . &\n 1543 audacity &\n 1544 ssh flint@\n 1545 ssh flint@mint64.local\n 1546 man grepmail\n 1547 cd bin\n 1548 git add *.sh\n 1549 git commit -m "Initial save of shell scripts on bait"\n 1550 gitlog\n 1551 git log\n 1552 git git checkout a55bebccfee9b71606196e65a3192d959a7620a8\n 1553 git checkout a55bebccfee9b71606196e65a3192d959a7620a8\n 1554 grep flink *.sh\n 1555 git branch\n 1556 git remote add origin\n 1557 git push origin.main\n 1558 git remote add origin\n 1559 git push origin.main\n 1560 git push origin.main bin\n 1561 git log\n 1562 git remote add origin\n 1563 git push -u origin master\n 1564 git log\n 1565 git remote add origin\n 1566 git branch\n 1567 cd ~/snmp\n 1568 cd ../gbot/\n 1569 git branch gbot\n 1570 git init\n 1571 git checkout -v\n 1572 git checkout -b\n 1573 git checkout -b gbot\n 1574 git branch\n 1575 git add . git commit -m "The 2023 upload of snmp based control system for plants"\n 1576 git add . #git commit -m "The 2023 upload of snmp based control system for plants"\n 1577 git commit -m "The 2023 upload of snmp based control system for plants"\n 1578 git log\n 1579 git hub push head gbot\n 1580 git push head gbot\n 1581 git log\n 1582 git push HEAD gbot\n 1583 git config --list\n 1584 cd ..\n 1585 git clone\n 1586 cd -\n 1587 add .\n 1588 git add .\n 1589 git commit -m 'from stonehead'\n 1590 git push origin master\n 1591 git remote add origin\n 1592 git remote -v\n 1593 git push origin master\n 1594 git commit -m 'from stonehead again'\n 1595 chatbot\n 1596 chatgpt\n 1597 ping mint64.local\n 1598 git pull origin master\n 1599 git log\n 1600 ~/bin/ \n 1601 ~/bin/ dummy\n 1602 ls\n 1603 cd ~/bin\n 1604 gedit &\n 1605 chmod +x \n 1606 ./\n 1607 ./ dummy\n 1608 ssh flint@mint64.local\n 1609 cd ~\n 1610 cd .ssh/\n 1611 ls -alt\n 1612 less \n 1613 exit\n 1614 cd bin\n 1615 ls\n 1616 ~/TenStatementGit/bin/ \n 1617 pwd\n 1618 exit\n 1619 pwd\n 1620 cd bin\n 1621 ls\n 1622 exit\n 1623 vi .gtk-bookmarks \n 1624 pwd\n 1625 cd git/\n 1626 mv ~/Downloads/GitBrain.html .\n 1627 gedit GitBrain.html &\n 1628 pwd\n 1629 mv ~/Downloads/GitBrain.html .\n 1630 gedit GitBrain.html &\n 1631 lt\n 1632 firefox GitBrain.html \n 1633 git remote -v\n 1634 cd ~/bin\n 1635 git remote -v\n 1636 cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/\n 1637 git status\n 1638 cd ~/bin\n 1639 git remote -v\n 1640 git status\n 1641 git status | most\n 1642 apt-get install most\n 1643 sudo apt-get install most\n 1644 git status | most\n 1645 g status\n 1646 git diff\n 1647 git diff -q\n 1648 git -qrs\n 1649 git diff -qrs\n 1650 git remote -v\n 1651 mv ~/Downloads/GitBrain.html . \n 1652 status | most\n 1653 git status | most\n 1654 git add \n 1655 git commit -m " update" \n 1656 git push\n 1657 pwd\n 1658 ls -alt .git\n 1659 git remote -v\n 1660 git status | most\n 1661 git history | most\n 1662 history | most\n 1663 history |grep git| most\n 1664 git remote add origin\n 1665 history |grep git| most\n 1666 tree\n 1667 apt-get install tree\n 1668 sudo apt-get install tree\n 1669 tree\n 1670 man tree\n 1671 tree -a\n 1672 clone creates directory and moves stuff into it.\n 1673 tree -a | most\n 1674 cd ~/.git\n 1675 cd .git\n 1676 tree -a | most\n 1677 cd objects/\n 1678 ls -1 | wc -l\n 1679 find . -type f |most\n 1680 find . -type f |wc -l\n 1681 cd -\n 1682 cd ..\n 1683 mkdir -p /tmp/safe\n 1684 cp *.sh /tmp/safe/.\n 1685 ls -alt /tmp/safe/.\n 1686 ls\n 1687 cd ..\n 1688 rm -rf bin\n 1689 git clone\n 1690 cd bin\n 1691 ls\n 1692 cp /tmp/safe/* .\n 1693 git status | most\n 1694 diff /tmp/safe/ \n 1695 git status | most\n 1696 git diff \n 1697 git add .\n 1698 git commit -m "add gitaup function 2023-02-15"\n 1699 git log\n 1700 git push\n 1701 clear\n 1702 cd ~/.ssh/\n 1703 ls -alt\n 1704 ssh flint@mint64.local\n 1705 pwd\n 1706 cd ~/bin/\n 1707 git pull\n 1708 git remote -v\n 1709 cd ..\n 1710 lt\n 1711 cd gbot/\n 1712 git remote -v\n 1713 git push\n 1714 git push --set-upstream origin gbot\n 1715 git remote -v\n 1716 pwd\n 1717 cd ..\n 1718 mkdir TenStatementGit\n 1719 ls -alt | grep -i ten\n 1720 cd TenStatementGit/\n 1721 ls\n 1722 ./\n 1723 chmod +x\n 1724 gedit &\n 1725 gedit &\n 1726 ls\n 1727 mkdir /tmp/safe\n 1728 rm -rf /tmp/safe\n 1729 mkdir /tmp/safe\n 1730 cp * /tmp/safe\n 1731 cp -r * /tmp/safe\n 1732 cd ..\n 1733 rm -rf TenStatementGit\n 1734 git clone\n 1735 cd TenStatementGit/\n 1736 cp /tmp/safe .\n 1737 cp -r /tmp/safe .\n 1738 git add .\n 1739 git commit -m " born"~\n 1740 ls\n 1741 cd safe\n 1742 ls\n 1743 mv * ..\n 1744 ls\n 1745 cd ..\n 1746 git commit -m " born again"\n 1747 git add bin\n 1748 git add flintiii_TenStatementGit.pdf \n 1749 git status\n 1750 git push\n 1751 ls\n 1752 cd bin\n 1753 ls\n 1754 mv ../ .\n 1755 git commit -r . -m "fixing directories"\n 1756 git commit . -m "fixing directories"\n 1757 git push\n 1758 cd ..\n 1759 ls\n 1760 less \n 1761 mv ~/Downloads/GitBrain.html .\n 1762 # git commit . -m "enhancing"\n 1763 mv safe obe\n 1764 cp obe/$(date +%F) \n 1765 git commit . -m "enhancing"\n 1766 git status\n 1767 git add .\n 1768 git status\n 1769 git push\n 1770 pwd\n 1771 ls\n 1772 ls -alt\n 1773 cp obe/$(date +%F) \n 1774 cp GitBrain.html \n 1775 git commit . -m "enhancing for real this time"\n 1776 git push\n 1777 less \n 1778 ls -alt\n 1779 git add \n 1780 git commit . -m "enhancing for really real this time"\n 1781 git push\n 1782 git status\n 1783 git log\n 1784 ls\n 1785 git add flintiii_TenStatementGit.pdf \n 1786 git commit . -m "enhancing for really really real this time"\n 1787 pwd\n 1788 cp obe/ ./\n 1789 vi ./\n 1790 git commit . -m " does not resolve html at this time"\n 1791 git add \n 1792 git push\n 1793 ls -alt \n 1794 ls\n 1795 acroread flintiii_TenStatementGit.pdf \n 1796 evince flintiii_TenStatementGit.pdf \n 1797 cd bin\n 1798 ls -alt\n 1799 lt\n 1800 mkdir obe\n 1801 mv obe\n 1802 chmod +x \n 1803 ./\n 1804 pwd\n 1805 ls -alt\n 1806 ./\n 1807 chmod +x\n 1808 ./\n 1809 ifconfig -a\n 1810 ifconfig -a | grep inet\n 1811 cd ~flint/bin/\n 1812 cp $OLDPWD/ .\n 1813 ./ \n 1814 ./ sane\n 1815 ./ dummy\n 1816 pwd\n 1817 ./\n 1818 ./ dummy\n 1819 gedit ./ &\n 1820 ./ dummy\n 1821 ./ sane\n 1822 ./ dummy\n 1823 gedit ./ &\n 1824 ./ \n 1825 ./ sane\n 1826 sudo ./ sane\n 1827 apt-cache search iputils\n 1828 sudo ./ sane\n 1829 ssh flint@mint64.local\n 1830 cd ../gbot/\n 1831 git init --bare\n 1832 gitbrain\n 1833 cd ..\n 1834 bin/ \n 1835 ls -alt\n 1836 ls -alt bin | gitbrain\n 1837 ls -alt bin | grep gitbrain\n 1838 cd bin\n 1839 ./ flink\n 1840 sudo ./ flink\n 1841 gitbrain\n 1842 \n 1843 sane\n 1844 \n 1845 gitaup\n 1846 git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD\n 1847 git ls-tree -r \n 1848 git ls-tree -r --full-tree\n 1849 git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD\n 1850 git ls-tree -r --name-only \n 1851 git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD\n 1852 git ls-tree -r --name-status HEAD\n 1853 git ls-tree -d\n 1854 pwd\n 1855 cd ../gbot/\n 1856 git ls-tree -r --name-status HEAD\n 1857 git status\n 1858 git add *.sh\n 1859 git add .\n 1860 git status\n 1861 commit -m "This is the state at near the beginning"\n 1862 git commit -m "This is the state at near the beginning"\n 1863 cd ~\n 1864 mkdir TenStatementGit\n 1865 cd TenStatementGit/\n 1866 git init\n 1867 echo "# TenStatementGit starts 2023-02-14" >>\n 1868 git commit -m "first commit"\n 1869 git branch -M main\n 1870 git remote add origin\n 1871 git push -u origin main\n 1872 bash\n 1873 git push -u origin main\n 1874 history\n 1875 history | grep git\n 1876 git remote add origin\n 1877 git status\n 1878 ls\n 1879 history | grep git\n 1880 git commit -m " added to the mix..."\n 1881 git branch -M main\n 1882 git status\n 1883 history | grep git\n 1884 git push -u origin main\n 1885 git remote add origin\n 1886 git log\n 1887 git remote add master\n 1888 git log\n 1889 git push\n 1890 git push --set-upstream origin master\n 1891 cd ~/test/\n 1892 mkdir -p ~/test/\n 1893 cd ~/test/\n 1894 mkdir tsg\n 1895 cd tsg\n 1896 mv ~flint/TenStatementGit/ .\n 1897 cd ~\n 1898 git clone\n 1899 pwd\n 1900 cd TenStatementGit/\n 1901 mv ~flint/test/tsg/* .\n 1902 git add .\n 1903 ls -alt\n 1904 git commit -m "loading files from bait"\n 1905 ls\n 1906 ls -alt \n 1907 mv TenStatementGit start\n 1908 cd start/\n 1909 ls\n 1910 mv * ..\n 1911 cd ..\n 1912 ls\n 1913 ls -alt\n 1914 history | grep git\n 1915 g='git'\n 1916 alias\n 1917 alias g='git'\n 1918 alias\n 1919 l\n 1920 g\n 1921 g log\n 1922 great\n 1923 history | grep g\n 1924 echo $g\n 1925 history | grep $g\n 1926 git remote add origin\n 1927 git branch -M main\n 1928 git push -u origin main\n 1929 cd bin/\n 1930 chmod +x\n 1931 ./\n 1932 pwd\n 1933 ls -alt\n 1934 chmod +x \n 1935 ./ \n 1936 git add .\n 1937 ./ \n 1938 git push\n 1939 cd ..\n 1940 ls\n 1941 git push\n 1942 cd bin\n 1943 ls -alt\n 1944 rm .git\n 1945 rm -rf .git\n 1946 cd ..\n 1947 git remote add origin\n 1948 cd bin\n 1949 chmod +x \n 1950 cd ..\n 1951 bin/ \n 1952 git status\n 1953 history | grep g\n 1954 history | grep $g\n 1955 git add .\n 1956 ls\n 1957 cd start\n 1958 ls\n 1959 cd ..\n 1960 rm -rf start\n 1961 git add .\n 1962 git push\n 1963 git log\n 1964 git push\n 1965 git status\n 1966 git push master\n 1967 git status\n 1968 g status\n 1969 git add *\n 1970 git committ -m "fourth commit"\n 1971 git commit -m "fourth commit"\n 1972 git push\n 1973 chmod +x bin/ \n 1974 bin/\n 1975 ls\n 1976 git commit -m "trying to save tsg 2023-02-14"\n 1977 cd ..\n 1978 pwd\n 1979 cp .gtk-bookmarks obe/$(date +%F)_.gtk-bookmarks \n 1980 vi .gtk-bookmarks \n 1981 bin/ \n 1982 gedit bin/ &\n 1983 bin/ dummy\n 1984 chmod +x dummy\n 1985 chmod +x bin/ \n 1986 ./bin/\n 1987 ./bin/ bookmarks\n 1988 nautilus . &\n 1989 pwd\n 1990 cd ..\n 1991 cd ~\n 1992 vi .gtk-bookmarks \n 1993 nautilus . &\n 1994 ssh\n 1995 ssh flint@mint64.local\n 1996 gbot/bin/ off 3\n 1997 tree\n 1998 man tree\n 1999 tree -L 1\n 2000 tree -L 1 | grep -v wiz\n 2001 tree -L 1 | grep wiz\n 2002 cd wizlight/\n 2003 cd bin\n 2004 ls\n 2005 mkdir obe\n 2006 cp initial_notes_\s$\s(date\s +%F\s) obe/$(date +%F)_initial_notes_\s$\s(date\s +%F\s) \n 2007 less initial_notes_\s$\s(date\s +%F\s) \n 2008 cat initial_notes_\s$\s(date\s +%F\s)\n 2009 python -m pywizlight.cli discover\n 2010 history > wiz_light_2023-02-18\n 2011 history tee wiz_light_2023-02-18\n 2012 history |tee wiz_light_2023-02-18\n}}}
Fri 17 Mar 2023 10:12:15 AM EDT\n\nStart Radio Paradise\n\n{{{\nadb shell am start #TADA\nadb shell input keyevent 85 #Start\n}}}\n\nadb shell input keyevent 85\n\nType the text for '12 March 2023'\n\n{{{\nadb shell am force-stop #TADA\n}}}\n\n[[ADB Commands|]]\n\n[[StackOverflow|source:]]\n\nSOURCE:\n[[Mobile Automation|]]\n{{{\n 620 adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d\n 621 adb shell input keyevent 85 # advance to next\n 622 adb shell am force-stop #TADA\n 623 adb shell input keyevent 85 # advance to next\n 624 adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d\n 625 adb shell input keyevent 85 # advance to next\n}}}\n\n* [[Keycodes|]]\n\n\nStraight dump\n{{{\nSat 11 Mar 2023 12:37:11 PM EST \n\nadb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///storage/sdcard0/test.wav -t audio/wav\n\nadb shell tinyplay track02.cdda.wav\n\nadb shell tinyplay file.wav\n\nadb shell stagefright -a -o file.mp3\n\nadb shell stagefright -a -o track02.cdda.wav \n\nadb shell vlc track02.cdda.wav \n\n\n\n\nadb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///sdcard/music/test.MP3 -t audio/mp3\n\nadb shell \n\n\noid.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///sdcard/music/test.MP3 -t audio/mp3 <\n/system/bin/sh: adb: not found\n.action.VIEW -d file:///sdcard/music/test.MP3 -t audio/mp3 <\nStarting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///sdcard/music/test.MP3 typ=audio/mp3 }\non.VIEW -d file:///sdcard/music/test.MP3 -t audio/wav <\nStarting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///sdcard/music/test.MP3 typ=audio/wav }\n\n\n\n\n\nam start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///sdcard/music/test.MP3 -t audio/mp3\n\n\nam start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///storage/sdcard1/track11.cdda.wav\n\nadb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///storage/sdcard1/track11.cdda.wav -t audio/wav\n\nam start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///storage/sdcard0/Music/trayr_march_mix.mp3 -t audio/mp3 #TADA\n\nadb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///storage/sdcard1/track11.cdda.wav -t audio/wav #TADA\n\n6 am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///sdcard/music/test.MP3 -t audio/mp3\n7 am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///sdcard/music/test.MP3 -t audio/wav\n8 pwd\n9 ls\n10 am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///storage/sdcard0/test.wav -t audio/wav\n11 cd /storage/sdcard0/\n12 ls *.wav\n13 ls\n14 tree\n15 cd Music/\n16 ls\n17 pwd\n18 am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///storage/sdcard0/Music/trayr_march_mix.mp3 -t audio/mp3\n19 adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///storage/sdcard1/track11.cdda.wav -t audio/wav\n20 adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///storage/sdcard1/track10.cdda.wav -t audio/wav\n21 am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///storage/sdcard1/track11.cdda.wav -t audio/wav #TADA\n}}}\n\n\nTap\n
Type the text for '29 July 2023'\n\n[[From Gretta|]]\n\n\n[[specifically|]]
Plone on top of zope...\n\n\n\n# If you (re)start Zope, you should now be able to add a Plone \n# site from the ZMI, but how?\n# Here is the [[Plone Documentation |]] and the [[FAQ |]]\n# This could have to do with the lack of a link between the products as discussed [[here | ]] \n## it seems like the place all my products are on this site is in /usr/share/zope/Products/ \n## symlinked the stuff in /usr/share/zope/Products/ to /opt/docs/Products and\n## restarted zope and\n## no products...\n## log shows products not loading, but suggests \n##\n### try it...\n### takes a while...\n### does not fix the problem...\n## log not shows products not loading...\n# the error is "line 758, in install_product"\n## clue /path/to/python/bin/python\n# TADA\nusing the following strace command:\nroot@docbox2:/opt/docs/bin# strace -o ~flint/zopetrace.txt ./runzope\nwe get this line...\n{{{\nstat64("/usr/lib/zope2.10/lib/python/App/Products", 0xbf81151c) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)\n\n}}}\n# make /usr/lib/zope2.10/lib/python/App/Products put stuff in it...\n# retest...\n\nmore transport guidance from [[rudd |]]\n\n# zope is not starting from the /etc/init.d/zope2.10 control point...\n# zope instances are under the control of their respective zopectl instances...\n\n! Try to go back to the original Data.fs...\n\nDid not have the products installed...\n\nThe products are not installed in the original Data.fs\n\n apt-get install plone3-site\n\nSOURCE\n\n\n''dzhandle''\n major utility to handle Debian/Ubuntu Zope packages, command line utility, more see man dzhandle and /usr/share/doc/zope-common/README.Debian.gz. Use this as the one-and-only tool to manage your instances (Zope and ZEO servers).\n\n\nError Value: Input MIME type 'text/x-web-markdown' for transform markdown_to_html\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
Type the text for '19 February 2024'\n\nERROR:\nUnable to negotiate with <ipaddress> port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: rsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ssh-ed25519\n\nCLIENT SIDE FIX\n{{{\nssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa <userid>@<ipaddress>\n}}}\n\nSERVER SIDE FIX\n- Add this line to:\n/etc/ssh_config\n{{{\n HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss \n}}}\n\nDisplay ssh keys available on server:\n{{{\nssh -Q key\n}}}\n\n[[Incredibly complicated answer|]]
Type the text for '4 March 2024'\n\n[[OSMC Wiki |]]\n[[Article on OSMC audio|]]\n\nSet up \n
Type the text for '13 May 2024'\n\n\nadb shell df sdcard -h
Type the text for '22 May 2024'\n\n* [[Youtube inistructions|]]\n* [[Linkind AIDot setup|]]\n* [[Start Open AiDot|]]\n* [[Open AiDot|]]\n* [[AIDot Contact Page|]]\n\n\n* [[Matter on GitHub|]]\n* [[Matter Protocol|]]\n* [[Matter Documentation|]]\n\n\n* [[Matter Originally Chip|]]\n* [[Matter Docker Virtual Device|]]\n* [[Explore espressif/esp-matter|]]\n\n\n
Type the text for '22 May 2024'\n\\n\nGreetings,\n\nI would like to use your bulbs on a Linux system.\n\nDo you have any technical specifications or "How To" guides to assist me?\n\nSincerely,\n\nPaul Flint\nBarre Open Systems Institute\n\n*REPLY\n\nYour request (78963) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff within 1 business days, thanks for your patience.\n\nCould you kindly send the order number first which will help us to know the product involved in advance? thanks for your patience.\n\nBest Regards,\nAiDot Support Center\n\n\nMessage us on\nwhatsapp logo\n \nThis email is a service from Linkind. Delivered by Zendesk\n\n
Type the text for '23 May 2024'\n\n* [[Dexcom Dexcom G7 Receiver]]\n* [[Linux Support|]]\n* [[pydexcom|]]\n* [[dexviewer|]]\n\n\n* [[Dexcom authorzation|]]\n* [[Dexcom API |]]\n
Type the text for '24 May 2024'\n\n* [[NetTerrain|]]\n* [[netTerrain|]]\n\n
Type the text for '27 May 2024'\n\n* [[Start Gnome Terminal at specified hight/width|]]\n\n{{{\ngnome-terminal --geometry=20x20\n}}}\n\n\n* [[Start Gnome Terminal with specific command|]]|\n\n{{{\ngnome-terminal -- bash -c "<my command or script>; exec bash"\n}}}\n\n{{{\n\ngnome-terminal --geometry=65x50\ngnome-terminal -- bash -c "ifconfig -a; exec bash"\n\n}}}
Type the text for '31 May 2024'\n\nIf you want to know about how Roku is treating me try here:\n\n\nI am a diabetic and attempting to use this device in order to obtain my blood sugar level in a trusted free open source environment.\n\nI will if you are interested keep you posted about this struggle with Dexcom. More information will be available about this process at:\n\n\nFeel free to get in touch with me.\n\nPaul Flint, Director\nBarre Open Systems Institute\n(802) 595-8365\n\n
'10 June 2024'\n\n* [[Windows inside a Docker container|]]\n* [[PDP 11 Emulator in Javascript|]]\n* [[DEC pdp11 sources|]]\n* [[PDP-11 70 JavaScript Emulator |]]\n* [[Kevin's Masterpiece|]]\n\n
Type the text for '1 July 2024'\n\nMaxima \n\nJupiter\n\nmaxima - Computer algebra system -- base system\nmaxima-doc - Computer algebra system -- documentation\nmaxima-emacs - Computer algebra system -- emacs interface\nmaxima-sage - Computer algebra system -- base system\nmaxima-sage-doc - Computer algebra system -- documentation\nmaxima-sage-share - Computer algebra system -- extra code\nmaxima-share - Computer algebra system -- extra code\nmaxima-src - Computer algebra system -- source code\nmaxima-test - Computer algebra system -- test suite \nKevin Cole says:wxmaxima - GUI for the computer algebra system Maxima\nxmaxima - Computer algebra system -- x interface
Type the text for '26 August 2024'\n\n\n\nA program to capture privileged audio and convert it to non privileged audio\n\nthe goal here is to beat DRM\n\nDigital \nRights\nManagement\n\n
Type the text for '28 August 2024'\n\n/proc/asound\n\n\nAI Overview\nLearn more\n...\nThe PipeWire Command Line Interface (pw-cli) allows users to interact with a PipeWire instance. Here are some commands that can be used with pw-cli: \nhelp | h: Displays a quick help on available commands \nquit | q: Exits from pw-cli \nconnect [remote-name]: Connects to a remote instance \ndisconnect [remote-var]: Disconnects from a remote instance \nswitch-remote [remote-var]: Makes the specified remote the current instance \nPipeWire also has patch sets for the command line, including: \nqpwgraph\nCan be used to create and visualize connections, as well as save and load patch sets \nBash scripts\nCan be used for non-GUI needs, such as saving and loading wiresets, and dewiring all connections \n\n\n[[the config files have moved to ```/usr/share /pipewire/``` |]]
Type the text for '2 September 2024'\n\n[[Dissertation on jitsi audio|]]
Type the text for '30 September 2024'\n\n
Type the text for '30 September 2024'\n\nHome brew on Linux...\n\n
Type the text for '21 October 2024'\n\n\n\n\nInstallation:\n{{{\ncurl -Lso jsh.cjs\n}}}\n\nTest:\n{{{\n📊[root@ npm]$ ./script.js \nNeed to install the following packages:\n jsh@0.57.0\nOk to proceed? (y) y\nHello jsh\n}}}\n\n{{{\n\n}}}\n\n{{{\n\n}}}\n\n{{{\n\n}}}
Type the text for '15 November 2024'\n\n[[Kubernetes|]]
Type the text for '12 December 2024'\n\n\nAs the snow flies here in Vermont and I prepare for my trip to New Orleans, wheels down 9:00 on Sunday the 15th. I'm looking forward to that; but I'm planning on some sort of summer camp activity, and I've come upon an idea for a project. We would have young and old campers - solid open source citizens working next to godless commies designing and building security robots for use in schools in an open source environment. This open source project and development course would include both hardware and software. I would like to design more about this again. I will be on vacation so send me some email. \n
Type the text for '19 January 2025'\n\ntry {{{ls -alt}}}\nyou will get an error\s\n\n{{{ls -al}}} works\n\nDavid sez:\n"If tochee hardware then must use host."\n\nFile Restrictions for {{{/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections}}} directory:\n\n* On Host\n{{{\nflint@bluefin:~$ sudo bash\n[sudo] password for flint: \nbash-5.2# cd /etc/NetworkManager/\nbash-5.2# pwd\n/etc/NetworkManager\nbash-5.2# \n\n}}}\n\n\n* On Supplicant\n{{{\nroot@bluefin:/etc# cd /etc/NetworkManager/\nbash: cd: /etc/NetworkManager/: No such file or directory\n}}}\n\n\nWhat is an "os 2" error?\n\n{{{\n 409 ls .bash_profile \n 410 ls -al .bash_profile \n 411 chmod +x .bash_profile\n 412 ls -al .bash_profile \n 413 ./bash_profile\n 414 ls -al .bash_profile \n 415 cat .bash_profile\n}}}
Type the text for '20 January 2025'\n\n...A WORD TO THE WYZE...\nI was recently handed a Wyze Outdoor Camera by a friend who wanted to\nget the silly thing working. She had switched platforms, she went\nfrom Android to Apple, and lost use of the camera. What a pain in the ass, \nas this security camera does not support RTSP without re-flashing the \ncamera bios with an un-supported product.\n\nThe alternative to reflashing is to build a "Wyze to RTSP" translator in\nan LXContainer... Thus the immutable investigation continues...
Type the text for '20 January 2025'\n\nBirth of Podmainia...\n\nThe latest in the LinuX Containers (LXC) is that I seem to be having some issue in \nmigrating containers from SUSE Aeon to the new Hat Bluefin, \nDTG found a work around that I am trying desperately to understand and document.\n\nMaybe this is the interim ultimate way to go involving this IBM/Red Hat \npower combination. I long to have my new 32GB of DDR4 making me a \nmaster of multimedia... Other needs involve for instance, the ability \nto load programs from Integrated Development Environments or even whole \nOperating Systems to and from either Pi's or Arduinos. I would like to\ncall this relationship between devices and systems "Breathing". By this\nI mean that I could "exhale" code to the device from my workstation, but\nalso "inhale" code from the device to my workstation, a much rarer \nfunctionality.\n\nSo, this has given birth to Yet Another Bash Project (YABP :^).\nThe working title of this is ""... Once you have the\nshell script name, the rest is easy... The idea here is to \nadd both functionality and another less labyrinth overlay to the \n"Chomskyic" ("Chomskyish"? ;^) podman suite of scripts...
Type the text for '20 January 2025'\nI am repeating this because I feel it is and important aspect of\ncomputing in general. You may well ask, what is Chomskyic? \nNoam Chomsky, early in his distinguished career asserted the \nfollowing according to the Google AI:\n\nNOUN AND VERB PHRASES - PHRASE STRUCTURE RULES\nNoun And Verb Phrase rules break down sentences into their constituent parts, \nsuch as noun phrases (NPs) and verb phrases (VPs). For example, the first rule \nstates that a sentence (S) is made up of an NP followed by a VP...\n\nWelcome to transformational grammar and command line programming sez I. \n\nAs usual apply this to computers and you have to reverse the paradigm...\n\nIn ADP the verb phrase (VP) is typically first followed by a predicate\nnoun phrase (NP). Basically the verb phrase (VP) is recognized in\nthe system's path... To repeat, there are many basic examples of this \ntype of machine interaction. \n\nOne of my first Chomskyic interactions was BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic\nCode). More recently I became enamored with Bash, (Borne Again SHell)\nto which I have humbly contributed the Visual Bash structural sugar as\nenforced by "shebangs" which is the basis for the Visual Bash FED - \n(Function. Evaluator and Dispatcher :^). There are many other examples\nof Chomskyish, many come to mind... Fortran, Forth, Assemblers,Podman, \nDocker, distrobox, and postscript to name just a few, and there is so much more.\n\nSo, a winter's quest...can I forge JavaScript/GoogleScript into a Chomskyish \nstructure? This is the major bit of ignorance I still need to overcome in JavaScript. \n\nAs I mentioned weeks ago, the good news here is that there is a single \nstandard for JavaScript maintained by the European Computer Manufacturers \nAssociation (ECMA), and while they are up to version 6, to my knowledge, \nunlike python they have not broken the earlier versions. A feature!\n\nAgain to repeat, there are JavaScript dialects...\nGoogleScript seems to be a rather faithful version of ECMA6, and I believe \nthe mere existence of "GScript" may go a long way to keep Micro$oft and \nVisual Studio Code (VScode) editor honest, they love to Embrace, Extend and\nEliminate anything they did not invent. Most folks follow the VScode path. \nWhile VScode Editor is supposed to be open source, I simply\nprefer developing in GScript and exporting the completed code.\nBluefin installs VScode on your Desktop whether you want it or not.\n\nSo in a perfect world, Chomskyish Java/GoogleScript might be called \n"ChomskyScript", based on it following the FED principles of Visual\nBash. \n\nHell! another damned project!!! \n\nOne El-dorado I will continue to alternatively seek is a way to expand \nVisual Bash or more specifically how to operate Bash as a JavaScript plug-in. \nThis may or may not be possible, but it is a fun quest of which I will \nattempt to keep you informed...\n\nMaybe the way to ChomskyScript is to carefully lawyer-read the ECMA6\nspecification and shoe horn it in. Any takers?\n\n\nscript to name just a few, and there is so much more.\n\nSo, a winter's quest...can I forge JavaScript/GoogleScript into a Chomskyish \nstructure? This is the major bit of ignorance I still need to overcome in JavaScript. \n\nAs I mentioned weeks ago, the good news here is that there is a single \nstandard for JavaScript maintained by the European Computer Manufacturers \nAssociation (ECMA), and while they are up to version 6, to my knowledge, \nunlike python they have not broken the earlier versions. A feature!\n\nAgain to repeat, there are JavaScript dialects...\nGoogleScript seems to be a rather faithful version of ECMA6, and I believe \nthe mere existence of "GScript" may go a long way to keep Micro$oft and \nVisual Studio Code (VScode) editor honest, they love to Embrace, Extend and\nEliminate anything they did not invent. Most folks follow the VScode path. \nWhile VScode Editor is supposed to be open source, I simply\nprefer developing in GScript and exporting the completed code.\nBluefin installs VScode on your Desktop whether you want it or not.\n\nSo in a perfect world, Chomskyish Java/GoogleScript might be called \n"ChomskyScript", based on it following the FED principles of Visual\nBash. \n\nHell! another damned project!!! \n\nOne El-dorado I will continue to alternatively seek is a way to expand \nVisual Bash or more specifically how to operate Bash as a JavaScript plug-in. \nThis may or may not be possible, but it is a fun quest of which I will \nattempt to keep you informed...\n\nMaybe the way to ChomskyScript is to carefully lawyer-read the ECMA6\nspecification and shoe horn it in. Any takers?\n\n
Type the text for '20 January 2025'\n\nAs I have mentioned in the past, the next logical step after would be \nAVRelay would trans-code between different video conferencing applications (E.G. RTSP to jitsi to zoom). \nBasically, one example; you would run a jitsi server on one virtual which would relay to n RTSP client. \nAnother example might be to relay an audio-video from one market to another.\n\n
Type the text for '20 January 2025'\n\nTonight, we hopefully shall expand the Bluefin version of Virtual Immutability and \nAssociated Containers (VIAOC). DTG continues patiently coaching me on VIAOC which is a\nreally cool development environment based upon both KVM and podman. \nI have preserved the SuSe Aeon which got me started on this quest.\nMaybe the way is Red Hat... Dave indicates this would be transparent, it is not.\n\nIn the mean time we cannot ignore this 800 lb. gorilla. Again, another of this \nwinter's ambitions to forge in the VIAOC environment include, mastering Pipewire \nin this, we may be delving into some audio evil... is a mythical Visual Bash \nscript yet to be written, which strikes me as the ultimate name for a bash script \nto implement and monitor acquisition of protected audio streams (Piracy :^).\n\n
Type the text for '20 January 2025'\n\nHardware skin for looperplex\n\n* [[echoplex|]]
Type the text for '20 January 2025'\n\n|![[who]] |![[what]] |![[when]] |![[where]]|![[how much]]|
Type the text for '20 January 2025'\n\n[[CUDA Compute Unified Device Architectur|]]\n[[SYCL: A Portable Alternative to CUDA|]]
Type the text for '21 January 2025'\n\nIBM_Helps\nIBM Helps\n\nfeilong \n Feilong-Discussion \n\nSubmit proposal for summer mentorship program \n\nhassan is one student.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
Type the text for '26 January 2025'\n\n[[Adafruit Circuit Playground|]]\n\n[[Github|]]\n\nDo you replace # with //?\n\nInstalling IRremote@4.4.1